1966: Dan Rusthoi served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Iran in Rezaiyeh beginning in 1966

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Iran: Directory of Iran RPCVs: 1966: Dan Rusthoi served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Iran in Rezaiyeh beginning in 1966

By Admin1 (admin) ( on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 - 2:55 pm: Edit Post

1966: Dan Rusthoi served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Iran in Rezaiyeh beginning in 1966

1966: 	Dan Rusthoi served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Iran in Rezaiyeh beginning in 1966

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Dan Rusthoi can be contacted at rusthoiaearthlinkdnet

Country of Service: Iran

Training Group: Iran X

Cities you served in: Rezaiyeh

Arrival Year: 1966

Departure Year: 1967

Work Description:

English Teacher

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

After Peace Corps Iran and graduate school in Chicago, I became the Director of Training for a large engineering firm for several years before working as a scientist for 30 years at the Los Alamos Nat'l Laboratory in New Mexico. Recently retired and living in Santa Fe, NM. Just hosted a party for 25 RPCV living in Santa Fe on March 1st, 2011, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps.

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

It is very pleasant to reflect on Peace Corps days. Iran was a wonderful country to serve in, learning a bunch about a totally different culture. My thoughts are that the Peace Corps is one of the greatest ways to foster and enhance foreign relations. Wish the US would promote Peace Corps service far more than it does. The benefits far outweigh any expenditures.

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:

Yes, I would love to hear from other Iran X volunteers, and any Volunteer who was stationed in Rezaiyeh or in the Northwest of Iran. There is going to be a reunion of former Iranian volunteers in Portland, Oregon, August 5-7, 2011. Here is the invitation: Hello Who: Everybody who served in Iran in the Peace Corps, and family and friends Why: Celebrate the Peace Corps�s 50th Anniversary by reminiscing, renewing old friendships, learning more about present-day Iran. And Persian food! What: Reunion!! When: August 5-7, 2011 Where: Portland, Oregon. This very special event will be held in conjunction with Portland�s annual outdoor Iranian Festival, featuring Persian music, dancing, food, and informational booths. Save the date and pass this information on to all your Iran Peace Corps friends and acquaintances! More information will follow soon. For questions, email Jackie Spurlock at mailto:spurlock6@comcast.net or Doug Schermer at dschermer@farmtel.net. PLEASE HELP US GET THE WORD OUT. First, email those you know who served in Iran. Then let Jackie or Doug know whom you have contacted so we can follow-up. Thank you. Jackie Spurlock and Doug Schermer ****************** Douglas Schermer 1040 Dakota Ave Wayland, IA 52654 319-256-6002 319-750-4154 Cell ********************

Originally posted: 3/29/2011

Related Links:

Peace Corps Annual Report: 1966; Peace Corps Iran; Directory of Iran RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Iran RPCVs

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