By Admin1 (Admin) on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 3:01 pm: Edit Post |
Ray Snowden who served in Montserrat
from 73 to 75 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at rainmanafullnetdcom
Bob Bell who served in Montserrat
from 84 to 85 and worked in Archaeology
can be e-mailed at bobbellamidamerdnet
David W. Clarke who served in Montserrat
from 85 to 87 and worked in Architecture
can be e-mailed at clarkedalonestardutsadedu
Jonathan Pearce who served in Montserrat
from 90 to 90 and worked in Disaster Relief Carpentry
can be e-mailed at jcaribayahoodcom
Andrew Fontanez who served in Montserrat, WI
from 90 to 90 and worked in Hurricane Disaster Reconstruction
can be e-mailed at afontanezahcfadgov
By Rose Arnold on Sunday, April 21, 2002 - 12:56 pm: Edit Post |
Rose Arnold ; Crisis Corps; Montserrat 1998
e mail address is:
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 1:33 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Jonathan Pearce can be contacted at jcaribayahoodcom
Country of Service: Montserrat and Antigua/Barbuda
Training Group: EC56
Cities you served in: Plymouth, Montserrat and Codrington, Barbuda
Arrival Year: 1990
Departure Year: 1992
Work Description: Disaster Relief Carpenter (Montserrat) and Classroom Teacher (Barbuda)
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Peace Corps Fellows Program at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and Special Ed certification has brought me back home to teach in Connecticut
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
It was the greatest growing experience of my life. I still incorporate the perspective I gained and the memories I have into my daily life.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Anyone from the Eastern Caribbean in the early 90's.
Any message for returned volunteers?:
I'm alive and well and hope you are too.
By Admin1 (admin) on Saturday, January 18, 2003 - 10:37 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Bob Bell can be contacted at bob62901amsndcom
Country of Service: Montserrat
Training Group: Antigua
Cities you served in: Plymouth
Arrival Year: 1984
Departure Year: 1985
Work Description: Archaeologist
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Archaeologist, Carbondale, IL.
By Hank Harms ( on Wednesday, April 08, 2015 - 10:46 pm: Edit Post |
We visited Robert (Bob) Giles on Montserrat in the early 1980's to help with some aquatic projects...We stayed with bob and his lovely wife in a house that was down the street from Arrows...Hot Hot Hot was just hitting the charts....
We want to come back and tour the island again...and help!
I am still manufacturing Water Filtration Equipment....are there any water projects being worked on? (