By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, September 06, 2001 - 7:16 pm: Edit Post |
Sao Tome and Principe
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Laura McHale can be contacted at lm366acolumbiadedu
Country of Service: Sao Tome and Principe
Training Group: Cape Verde 1992
Cities you served in: Ponta Figo
Arrival Year: 1992
Departure Year: 1994
Work Description: Community Development / WID
By Admin1 (admin) on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 6:58 pm: Edit Post |
Sao Tome and Principe
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer adam harris serchuk can be contacted at aserchukaaoldcom
Country of Service: sao tome e principe
Training Group: guinea bissau
Cities you served in: riboque santana
Arrival Year: 1990
Departure Year: 1992
Work Description: public health
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work
trainer in cape verde, 1991
By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 7:14 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Mona Mastin Nyandoro can be contacted at kamdaraahotmaildcom
Country of Service: Sao Tome and Principe
Training Group: Cape Verde 1994
Cities you served in: Monte Cafe
Arrival Year: 1994
Departure Year: 1996
Work Description: Tropical Forestry / Community Dev.
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Served as a Manager of a homeless shelter kitchen and Director of an
environmental program at a YMCA summer camp (early '97). Served as
an AmeriCorps NCCC teamleader ('97-'98)in Washington, DC and an
Operation Crossroads Africa Group Leader to Tanzania and Brazil (two
separate summers; '99 and '01). Currently, I am a Recruiter for Peace
Corps based in the San Francisco, CA office.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
I would love to visit Sao Tome again. I still write my family there after 5
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Keep up with your language and community service skills. They are
essential for further understanding our world community.
By Perry Taylor ( - on Tuesday, October 14, 2003 - 3:47 pm: Edit Post |
Dear Sao Tome friends,
I want to send Free English lessons to anyone
in Sao Tome who would like to improve their English. Please help me with names & postal addresses or e mail addresses.
Perry Taylor, Florence, AL USA
By Godspower ( - on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 1:58 pm: Edit Post |
Dear Sao Tome friends,
I want who will assist me in geting job in Sao Tome right now i'm in Nigeria but want to come to settel down in Soa Tome i have work in hospitality Industry like Hilton as IT Manager, work with yougotek representing Business Securtiy Sweden in Nigeria we are into Hardware Solution.
Godspower Ogbuji
Computer Engineer
By Alang Chu John ( - on Saturday, August 05, 2006 - 3:11 pm: Edit Post |
I will like to visit soa tome and make friends with the people of that part of the globe.
I am a Mechanical Engineering Technician working with a Corrugated Box and Plastic Industry in Cameroon.
I rearly want Friends from that country.
My E-mail address is
and telephone no. 00237 958 72 86
By Anonymous ( on Saturday, February 03, 2007 - 9:11 pm: Edit Post |
Dear Friend,
We want to send someone to Sao Tome. How much are the cheapest
accomodations? Also how much does the average high school teacher receive as income in American dollars?
If you could help me with this, I would appreciate it.
Also I have free English lessons & free Bible lessons for anyone interested.
I can even get Portuguese Bible lessons if you are interested.
Thank you,
Perry Taylor at: