Looking for recently returned volunteers

Peace Corps Online: State: California: California - San Diego Peace Corps Association: Looking for recently returned volunteers

By Maren Wolfe on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 1:27 pm: Edit Post

I am an RPCV (Tonga-94-97)conducting my dissertation on cultural re-adjustment (also known as repatriate distress, reverse culture shock or re-entry shock) among RPCVs who have returned to the U.S. within the past year.

If you have returned within the past year, please consider helping me to document and better understand this under-researched but common experience. Participation involves completing an anonymous 15-minute questionnaire. I can be reached through email or phone, at mmwolfe@education.ucsb.edu, or (805)708-6355.

Thank you!

Maren Wolfe
Doctoral Candidate
Combined Psychology Program
Department of Education
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
(805) 708-6355

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