Michigan - Southeastern Michigan Returned Volunteers

Peace Corps Online: State: Michigan: Michigan - Southeastern Michigan Returned Volunteers

By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, July 13, 2001 - 6:03 pm: Edit Post

Michigan - Southeastern Michigan Returned Volunteers

By Maren Wolfe on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 1:52 pm: Edit Post

Dear Recently Returned Peace Corps Volunteers,

I am an RPCV (Tonga-94-97)conducting my dissertation on cultural re-adjustment (also known as repatriate distress, reverse culture shock or re-entry shock) among RPCVs who have returned to the U.S. within the past year.

If you have returned within the past year, please consider helping me to document and better understand this under-researched but common experience. Participation involves completing an anonymous 15-minute questionnaire. I can be reached through email or phone, at mmwolfe@education.ucsb.edu, or (805)708-6355.

Thank you!

Maren Wolfe
Doctoral Candidate
Combined Psychology Program
Department of Education
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
(805) 708-6355

By Linda Mills on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 1:39 pm: Edit Post

Part-time Employment Opportunity
Community Representative

Dear Peace Corps Friends,

AYUSA International is a non-profit high school foreign exchange student organization. We welcome teenagers from over 60 countries worldwide and provide host family placement and ongoing supervision for 5 and 10 month academic programs. We are a community of citizens who believe it is our privilege and our greatest responsibility to help create a worldwide family who will embrace our children with an accepting, open heart wherever they choose to live.

As Peace Corps alumni, we know you share this vision and we invite you to apply for the position of Community Representative. The ideal candidate should enjoy teenagers, have a strong desire to communicate cross-culturally and feel comfortable networking in the community. Basic responsibilities include recruiting and interviewing host families, providing ongoing support to families and students and maintaining professional relationships with local high schools.

This position pays a stipend per student, as well as travel incentives, leadership enhancement opportunities, and most of all, a chance to promote a more peaceful world for our youth to inherit.

Full training and ongoing support is provided through a branch office located in Michigan. Please apply to staff@ayusa.org or phone toll-free 1-888-552-9872.

By Robin Christopher Fritz (66-208-232-250.ubr01b.pthurn01.mi.hfc.comcastbusiness.net - on Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 7:57 am: Edit Post


I am a 60 yr old woman, and an RN, and i have just received my invitaiton to serve in Health Education in Guyana, leaving in Feb 05. Is there a RPCV out there with experience in Guyana who would like to share some informatin with me?
Thank you.

Robin Fritz, Port Huron MI

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