April 18, 2003 - Personal Web Page: Three years in the Peace Corps (Zaire, Africa) taught William H. Daniels to appreciate the diversity of cultures and imbedded in me a desire to serve others, particularly as an aquaculture specialist

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Congo - Kinshasa (Zaire): Peace Corps Congo Kinshasa : The Peace Corps in Congo - Kinshasa: April 18, 2003 - Personal Web Page: Three years in the Peace Corps (Zaire, Africa) taught William H. Daniels to appreciate the diversity of cultures and imbedded in me a desire to serve others, particularly as an aquaculture specialist

By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, April 18, 2003 - 12:48 pm: Edit Post

Three years in the Peace Corps (Zaire, Africa) taught William H. Daniels to appreciate the diversity of cultures and imbedded in me a desire to serve others, particularly as an aquaculture specialist

Three years in the Peace Corps (Zaire, Africa) taught William H. Daniels to appreciate the diversity of cultures and imbedded in me a desire to serve others, particularly as an aquaculture specialist


Department of Agriculture & Natural Resources

1200 N. DuPont Highway

Delaware State University

Dover, DE 19901-2277

Telephone: (302) 734-9405

Work: (302) 857-6436

Fax: (302) 857-6430

Email: wdaniels@dsc.edu


Ph.D. Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences (Aquaculture/Physiology) 1993 Mississippi State University

M.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences (Aquaculture/Nutrition) 1984 Texas A&M University

B.S. Biology/Chemistry 1978 University of South Alabama

A.S. Biology/Chemistry 1976 Gulf Coast Junior College


Marine & freshwater aquaculture: channel catfish, tilapia, carp, freshwater prawns, crayfish, and red drum. Physiology and nutrition of crustaceans and fish and reproductive biology of crayfish and freshwater prawns. Pond production and hatchery management. Closed, recirculating systems.


While my training is in aquatic animal physiology and nutrition, my interests lie in aquaculture development both in the U.S. and abroad. Three years in the Peace Corps (Zaire, Africa) taught me to appreciate the diversity of cultures and imbedded in me a desire to serve others, particularly as an aquaculture specialist. Professionally, I am active in the U.S. Aquaculture Society (USAS), a chapter of the World Aquaculture Society, and currently serve as President-Elect. Worldwide, I have done several consultancies through Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance (VOCA) and Winrock International. I believe strongly in the development of students as future leaders and, therefore, am active in promoting student involvement in USAS and other professional societies.


French: Fair reading, speaking, & understanding.

Kikongo (regional language of Zaïre): Excellent reading, speaking, and understanding.

Spanish: Limited reading, speaking, & understanding.


Delaware State University, Research Associate Professor/Extension Specialist, Aquaculture, July 1998-Present. Tenured, August 2000.

Responsible for all aquaculture research and extension programming.

Agricultural and Cooperative Development International (ACDI)/ Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance (VOCA), Farmer-to-Farmer Program, Uganda, Africa, October 31-November 21, 1999.

Provided consultation to five local farmers to improve current production and marketing of tilapia in association with other farm practices.

Delaware State University, Research Assistant Professor/Extension Specialist, Aquaculture, July 1994 to June 1998.

VOCA, Farmer-to-Farmer Program, Gabon, Africa, November 1995.

Provided consultation for Peace Corps volunteers and local farmers on integrated aquaculture.

Mississippi State University, Senior Research Assistant, July 1992 to July 1994.

VOCA, Farmer-to-Farmer Program, Papua New Guinea, August 1993.

Conducted evaluation of small-scale aquaculture production of common carp in the Eastern Highlands Province.

VOCA, Farmer-to-Farmer Program, Uruguay, March to April 1993.

Conducted evaluation of commercial culture of black catfish Rhamdia sapo in Uruguay.

Mississippi State University, Aquaculture Research Assistant II, Sept. 1986-July 1992.

Assisted in designing, setting up and maintaining experiments dealing with nutritional, physiological and environmental requirements of the freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii).

Aquaculture Research Assistant I, Aug. 1985 to Aug. 1986.

Acted as assistant manager for a 44-pond research center with accompanying facilities and equipment.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Brownsville, Technician I, June-August, 1985.

Assisted in collection of data for coastal fisheries research through gill netting, trotlining, seining, and trawling.

Texas Southmost College, Brownsville, Aquaculture Research Specialist, April, 1984 to May, 1985.

Managed a 21-pond research and teaching facility.)

Texas A&M University, College Station, Graduate Assistant-Research, Sept., 1982 to April, 1984.

Conducted nutrition studies on red drum, crayfish, Tilapia aurea and channel catfish.

Peace Corps, Zaïre, Africa, Fish Culture Extension Agent, Sept., 1978 to Feb., 1982.

Supervised more than 45 farmers in the construction and management of ponds for culture of tilapia. Also worked with farmers on small-scale gardening and rabbit husbandry.

Oxfam, Zaïre, Africa, Fish Culture Extension Agent, July 1981

Aided Oxfam by conducting 2 feasibility studies on fish culture and helped the local development groups get started.


McCullough, A., C.M. Gempesaw II, W.H. Daniels & J.R. Bacon. 2001. Simulating the economic viability of crawfish production: a two-stage modeling approach. Aquaculture Economics and Management 5(1/2):69-79.

Daniels, W.H., R.C. Cavalli, & R.S. Smullen. 2000. Chapter 4: Broodstock Management. In M.B. New and W.C. Valenti, editors, Freshwater Prawn Culture: The farming of Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Blackwell Science, Oxford, pp. 41-51.

Valenti, W.C. & W.H. Daniels. 2000. Chapter 6: Recirculation Hatchery Systems and Management. In M.B. New and W.C. Valenti, editors, Freshwater Prawn Culture: The farming of Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Blackwell Science, Oxford, pp. 69-90.

D’Abramo, L.R., W.H. Daniels, P. Gerard, W.H. Jun and C.G. Summerlin. 2000. Influence of water volume, surface area, and water replacement rate on weight gain of juvenile freshwater prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture 182:161-171.

Hasegawa, A.C., C.M. Gempesaw II, W.H. Daniels, B.R. Petrosky. 1999. Simulating the Economic Viability of Crawfish Production: A Two-Stage Approach. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, December 5-8, 1999. pp. 1675-1680.

Tidwell, J. H., C. D. Webster, S. D. Coyle, W. H. Daniels and L. R. D'Abramo. 1998. Fatty acid and amino acid composition of eggs, muscle, and midgut glands of the freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii raised in fertilized ponds, unfertilized ponds, or fed prepared diets. Aquaculture Research 29:37-45.


W.H. Daniels & J.W. Ewart. Can freshwater crawfish be marketed as a saltwater bait? World Aquaculture Society’s Book of Abstracts Aquaculture 2001, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 21-25, 2001, p. 159.

G.S. Blank & W.H. Daniels. On-demand production of crayfish hatchlings. World Aquaculture Society’s Book of Abstracts Aquaculture 2001, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 21-25, 2001, p. 64.

W.H. Daniels, G.S. Blank & D. Wujtewicz. Evaluation of a staggered pond production cycle of juvenile eastern white river crayfish Procambarus acutus acutus for bait. World Aquaculture Society’s Book of Abstracts Aquaculture 2001, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 21-25, 2001, p. 160.

W.H. Daniels & G.S. Blank. A review of the current technology for culturing Eastern white river crayfish, Procambarus acutus acutus. Abstract Proceedings of the thirteenth biennial symposium of the International Association of Astacology (IAA 13), Perth, Australia, August 6-12. p. 19.

W.H. Daniels & W.C. Valenti. Recirculating hatchery management for freshwater prawns. Book of Abstracts, AQUA 2000, Nice, France, May 2-6, 2000. p. 168.

R.A. Bonnell, W.H. Daniels & G.S. Blank. Effect of water temperature and stocking size on growth and survival of hatchling and juvenile eastern white river crayfish Procambarus acutus acutus. Book of Abstracts, Aquaculture America’2000, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2-5, 2000. p. 30.

K. Washinski, W.H. Daniels, G.S. Blank & S.A. Watts. Effect of diet on growth and survival of juvenile eastern white river crayfish Procambarus acutus acutus. Book of Abstracts, Aquaculture America’2000, New Orleans, LA, February 2-5, 2000. p. 348.

Daniels, W. & L. D’Abramo. Effects of tactile, chemical and visual stimuli and relative prawn size on growth and metamorphosis of orange claw male freshwater prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man). Proceedings of The Crustacean Society Summer Meeting, Lafayette, Louisiana, May 26-30, 1999. p. 28.

Blank, G., W. Daniels and B. McAbee. Effects of photoperiod and water temperature on spawning success of the Eastern white river crayfish Procambarus acutus acutus (Gerard). Proceedings of The Crustacean Society Summer Meeting, Lafayette, Louisiana, May 26-30, 1999. p. 23.

Hasegawa, A.C., C.M. Gempesaw II, W.H. Daniels, B.R. Petrosky. White River Crawfish Farming: An Economic Feasibility Study For the Mid-Atlantic Region. 1999 Northeast Agricultural Resource and Economics Association’s Symposium.

Stewart, W.P., D. Petrosky, B. Petrosky, W. Daniels, and D. Wujtewicz. Differences in water quality and mummichog Fundulus heteroclitus production in freshwater ponds receiving different nitrogen sources. NOAA Expanding Opportunities in Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Conference, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore, March 29-31, 1999.

McAbee B.J., W.H. Daniels, D.L. Petrosky and G.S. Blank. Reproduction and juvenile production of the Eastern white river crayfish Procambarus acutus acutus as influenced by temperature and photoperiod. NOAA Expanding Opportunities in Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Conference, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore, March 29-31, 1999.

McAbee B.J., W.H. Daniels, D.L. Petrosky and G.S. Blank. Production of juvenile white river crayfish Procambarus acutus as influenced by temperature and photoperiod. Book of Abstracts, Aquaculture America’99, Tampa, Florida, January 27-30. P. 116.

Hyde, N., W.H. Daniels, and G.S. Blank. Effect of water temperature and stocking size on growth and survival of juvenile eastern White River Crayfish Procambarus acutus. Book of Abstracts, Aquaculture America’99, Tampa, Florida, January 27-30. P. 72.

Stewart, W.P., B.R. Petrosky, W.H. Daniels, D. Wujtewicz, and D. Petrosky. Effect of feeding and fertilization on water quality and production of mummichogs Fundulus heteroclitus in ponds. Book of Abstracts, Aquaculture America’99, Tampa, Florida, January 27-30. P. 181.

Daniels, W., B. McAbee, and G. Blank. The effects of different photoperiod/temperature regimes on somatic and reproductive growth of the Eastern white river crayfish, Procambarus acutus. Presented at the International Association of Astacology’s XII Symposium, Ausburg, Germany, August 3-9, 1998. P. 31.


NOAA, 2001-2004. New Cooperative Science Centers Consortium Grant, $7.5 million (DSU: $970,650). Project: "Establishment of a Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center LMRCSC". Co-PI (consortium of six universities lead by UMES).

Reiter, M. A., Daniels, W.H., "Development of a Centralized Laboratory for the Curriculum in Natural Resources", USDA/CSREES/HEP/Teaching, 10/01-09/04, $178,730.

Webster, C., Daniels, W.H., et al., "Nutrition, Immunity, Economics, and Field Demonstrations of Sunshine Bass", USDA/IFAFS. $49,058.

Daniels, W.H. & J. W. Ewart. "Evaluation of Freshwater Prawn Production in Delaware: Effects of Size Grading", Delaware Sea Grant, 05/01/01-04/30/02. $15,000. Funded (administered through UD).

Daniels, W. H. & Joe Soares, "Enhancement of Juvenile Production of Eastern White River Crayfish through Determination of Protein and Energy Requirements", Northeast Regional Aquaculture Center, 12/01/00-11/30/02, $56,123. Pending.

Pesek, Bacon, Daniels & Newman, "Determining the Demand for Locally Produced Baitfish in the Northeast", Northeast Regional Aquaculture Center, 12/01/00-11/30/02, $67,910. Pending.

Daniels, W. H., "Enhancing Seafood Safety and Quality", USDA-ARS 59-1935-9-041, 09/29/99-06/28/01, $48,750.

Daniels, "Coolwater crayfish and baitfish culture"; 10/00-9/03; USDA/CSREES/Evans-Allen.

Daniels, "Enhancing seafood safety and quality"; 9/29/99-9/28/00; USDA/ARS/North Atlantic Area; $48,750.

Daniels, "Enhancing seafood safety and quality in Delaware"; 9/01/99-8/31/00; USDA/CSREES Plan of Work Project; $30,000.


Gamma Sigma Delta (Honor Society of Agriculture), Texas A&M University

World Aquaculture Society & U.S. Chapter

International Association of Astacology

The Crustacean Society



Northeast Regional Aquaculture Center’s Board of Directors, Member 00.


National Council for Agricultural Education,Biotechnology Task Force, December 1994-96


Northeast Regional Aquaculture Center's Extension Working Group 1994-Present


Planning Committee for "East Coast Live: Marketing Live Aquatic Products 2000", Annapolis, MD, Nov. 2000, Sept. 99 to Nov. 00: Trade Show Coordinator


2nd National Aquaculture Extension Conference-96/97


World Aquaculture Society (U.S. Chapter)

ü President-Elect, 01-Present

ü Member of Board of Directors, 98-00

ü Student Activities Committee, Chair, 99-00; Member 00-Present

ü Long Range Planning, Member, 99-Present

ü Journal of World Aquaculture Society, Associate editor, 97-present


NASULGC Section on Fish & Wildlife Resources 95-00


Southern Regional Aquaculture Center (SRAC), Reviewer of Extension Publications, 97-Present


Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Delaware

ü Secretary/Newsletter Editor 1997-Present


Delaware State University

ü Dept. of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Graduate Planning Committee for Natural Resources Master’s Degree 1998-Present

ü Mid-Atlantic Consortium Kellogg Committee (DSU), 97-Present

ü DSU Faculty Senator 98-Present

ü DSU Faculty Professional Development, 96-98

ü DSU Graduate Council, 96-Present

o Curriculum Committee, 98-Present

o Student Appeals Committee, 99-01

ü DSU Excellence Awards Committee, 98,01


Delaware Aquaculture Council, 1998-Present


Delaware Aquaculture Association, Board of Directors, Member, 1997-Present


Dover High School (DHS) Agriscience Advisory Committee, Member, 97-Present

Some postings on Peace Corps Online are provided to the individual members of this group without permission of the copyright owner for the non-profit purposes of criticism, comment, education, scholarship, and research under the "Fair Use" provisions of U.S. Government copyright laws and they may not be distributed further without permission of the copyright owner. Peace Corps Online does not vouch for the accuracy of the content of the postings, which is the sole responsibility of the copyright holder.

Story Source: Personal Web Page

This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; COS - Congo - Kinshasa; Aquaculture



By Jean-Yves Jamet (cache-prs-aa02.proxy.aol.com - on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 3:06 am: Edit Post

I began to study a project of aquaculture in
bas-Congo between Mbanza-Ngungu and Matadi.
I am very interested by your experience.
I am 56 years old, worked for IBM for 15 years,
had been married with a Chilean lady for 20 years.
I am french, speak spanish and english and tried
to do business with RD Congo in 1995 but had to give up.
Thks in advance for reply

By remi odebode (62-173-37-26.reverse.ipnxtelecoms.com - on Friday, July 07, 2006 - 1:17 pm: Edit Post

i will be in euston- texas from 15th july 2006 for 3weeks of which i want to have trainig on culturing freshwater prawn. kindly send me address of training there and other modalities.
Waiting to hearing from you

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