Changing of the Guard With Lloyd Pierson's departure, Marie Wheat has been named acting Chief of Staff and Chief of Operations responsible for the day-to-day management of the Peace Corps. Although Wheat is not an RPCV and has limited overseas experience, in her two years at the agency she has come to be respected as someone with good political skills who listens and delegates authority and we wish her the best in her new position. |
By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 11:30 am: Edit Post |
Marie Wheat appointed Peace Corps Director of Congressional Relations
By Dr. G.L.D.Burnett ( - on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 2:27 pm: Edit Post |
Please help me as to how to guide a young college graduate who wants to become associated with congressional relations. Is ther a proper place avilable in the Peacre Corp. Is this a feasible place to start or should he apply for an internship? Respectfully, Dr. G.L.D.Burnett
By RPCV ( - on Saturday, March 20, 2004 - 1:33 pm: Edit Post |
He should contact his congressional representative's office and inquire about internships in that rep's office or on the house or senate staff. He'll need the recommendation from you and his senator and/or representative.
By bti-info ( on Thursday, February 04, 2010 - 5:22 am: Edit Post |
Please, I want to join Kathy Rulon, Bob Fimmen, Kim Craig, Maria Kostick, Christine Hollis, Desrosiers, old volunteers of Peace Corps whom I met 34 years ago. Please help me;
My nameula Mouho Denis
e-mail :
phone : (225)06211131
Thanks to you
By Oula Mouho Denis ( on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 - 10:02 pm: Edit Post |
Je voudrais avoir par téléphone ou par e-mail les dernières nouvelles de Bob Fimmen, Kim Craig (Mrs Gamerdinger), Maria Kostick (Mrs Moser), Claire Desrosiers, Christine Hollis tous anciennement volontaires du Corps de la paix en Côte d'Ivoire en 1974. J'étais élève, ils m'ont enseigné, aidé, je n'arrive pas à les oublier et je voudrais les saluer, permettez-moi d'entrer en contact avec une des cinq personne au moins. J'ai aujourd'hui 57 ans et suis au n° tél.(225)06211131 à Abidjan en Côte d'Ivoire.
aidez-moi s'il vous plait. mon e-mail
By Oula Mouho Denis ( on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 - 10:07 pm: Edit Post |
tél (225)06211131 e-mail
à Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire