Looking for African-Americans who were in the Peace Corps.

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Peace Corps Library: Special Reports: Sargent Shriver calls for a new Peace Corps (11/15/01): May 28, 2002 - PCOL Op-Ed: Why the Peace Corps needs a Fourth Goal : PC 4th Goal Ad nauseum: Looking for African-Americans who were in the Peace Corps.

By Siamaat on Thursday, March 06, 2003 - 2:29 pm: Edit Post

I am a doctoral student working on my dissertation at the University of Southern California. My dissertation looks at the presence (or lack of)and effectiveness of African-Americans in the Peace Corps in predominantly Black countries. I am in need of 20 African-American RPCVs to interview about their experince and ideas on this topic. I really need help in locating African-American RPCVs. If you are interested and or can help me please email me at Siamaat@msn.com. Thank you!

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