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Danielle (cee-zzuo.cee.uiuc.edu -
Posted on Thursday, December 04, 2003 - 12:10 pm:   

Hi, I have a friend who has been nominated for a position in Africa. He has diabetes (and Peace Corps knows this) but he wanted to talk with someone who has been in the Peace Corps with diabetes. No one I know from my Peace Corps group had diabetes so I couldn't give him anyone to talk to. Please e-mail me at wain@uiuc.edu if you have diabetes or know someone who did who would be willing to talk with my friend about being a PCV with diabetes.

Virginia J. Pulver (user137.net1177.nc.sprint-hsd.net -
Posted on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 4:41 pm:   

Did your friend contact any current or former volunteers with diabetes? My husband and I submitted out applications in April, were nominated in May and now we are going through the medical hoops. The doctor discovered that my husband has diabetes type II. I know this does not mean an automatic disqualification, but I am sure he will have to demonstrate his ability to manage it. The literature says that the PC restricts assignments for those with diabetes. Sooooo I think our March 2005 assignment to Central Asia will probably be deferred and maybe changed all together... I wonder what your friend may have found out about these issues....Please drop me a note at vjpulver@earthlink.net

Well, thanks for sharing - I look forward to hearing from you!

In Sunny SC
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