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Peace Corps Online » Discussion » Open Discussion » GAYS CONTINUE TO ATTACK CATHOLIC CHURCH - U.S. DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS MORALLY CORRUPT « Previous Next »

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Vincent Bemowski ( -
Posted on Monday, May 22, 2006 - 9:46 am:   

There are two basic degrees or types of homosexuality. Individuals in the first group may not know how to deal with their mental disorder, and therefore not all will seek professional counseling. This group struggles with their unnatural feelings and prefers to keep them private, and they deserve our compassion.

Some women who have a domineering father will only be attracted to those of their own sex because they have learned not to respect men. The same is true of some men who have a domineering mother. Others, should one of their parents/guardians not truly love them, from a very early age may unconsciously imitate certain masculine or feminine characteristics of the parent/guardian that they most admired. However, not all become homosexuals - as with every human being, our moral state determines our ability to resist the temptations we experience.

The other more severe type is made up of individuals who are “avowed,” practicing homosexuals. Through their own free will, they choose to live an immoral lifestyle. These individuals do not seek to change or confess their sinfulness - they have no shame, and most have many partners. They desire acceptance of the scandal they create, and are openly proud of their unnatural behavior. These type homosexuals and lesbians seek the “right” to publicly practice their unnatural behavior, and accuse anyone who admonishes them of being “prejudiced,” or of “discrimination.”

They also frequently attack the Catholic Church because members of the Church often quote Romans, Chapter One, which reveals why Almighty God condemns homosexuality as a great evil: “For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error" (Verses 26-27).

These so-called “gay” individuals and others who live immoral lives, as well as those who give their approval or “consent” to any type of morally sick lifestyle, are included in the warnings and condemnations recorded throughout Sacred Scripture.

In the USA these “warnings” especially may be directed at those in the entertainment field, the media, and the vast majority of politicians in the morally corrupt Democratic Party, who not only approve of all forms of homosexuality, but also support "the right to kill" through abortion and euthanasia. In addition, like many atheists, many Democrats approve of experimenting with aborted fetal tissue, as well as fetal stem cell research, rather than the morally acceptable, and more promising adult stem cell research.

All of Romans, Chapter One deals with grave sins, but the final verse gives us a powerful example of one of these warnings: “They who do such things, are worthy of death (Hell), and not only they who do them, but they also that CONSENT to them that do them” (Verse 32).

Vincent Bemowski - Writer & Webmaster
Catholic Messages USA
kamitwi ( -
Posted on Friday, May 26, 2006 - 7:34 pm:   

Why are you spamming this message board? Shouldn't you be going somewhere where this "article" would at least be relevant? And on another note, why do you care, anyway?

The arguments presented in this "article" are outdated by at least thirty years. The DSM (which is the standard by which mental disorders are diagnosed) no longer lists homosexuality as a mental disorder.

I can see that you have religious objections to homosexuality. Okay, yay for you. Don't be gay. Is it really necessary to rabidly seek out potential forums of liberality and try to infect us with your beliefs? Honestly, you don't see me seeking out Catholic websites and pushing my personal dislike of religion in general, do you? You need to deal with your hatred, if you need help with that, feel free to contact me =)
Anonymous ( -
Posted on Wednesday, September 06, 2006 - 12:56 pm:   

Brilliant article!!! This needs to be taught in every school!
njp (
Posted on Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - 10:00 am:   

"...they have no shame, and most have many partners."
Where do you get off saying this? As a lesbian, I would like to say that most homosexuals I know are in long-term, monogomous relationships, and I also know plenty of heterosexuals who are promiscuous. I myself have had only one sexual partner, and I don't plan on ever being with anyone else but her. And as for homosexuals disliking the Catholic Church, most of us don't have a problem with any form of Christianity, rather we have a problem with people using it to justify humiliating, persecuting, and sometimes even torturing and murdering us. Before you're tempted to say this doesn't happen, go talk to the families of Matthew Shepherd and Brandon Tina.
Also, get your facts straight about stem cell research. The vast majority of stem cells are not taken from aborted fetuses. They are taken from discarded zygotes and embryos created in fertility clinics. These zygotes and embryos will be disposed of anyway, so what's wrong with using them to help the sick?
As for this being taught in public schools, what makes you think that teaching children to believe that everyone who doesn't think exactly like them, be it theologically or politically, is morally corrupt, is the least bit patriotic? If you want to brainwash your kids, homeschool them, but don't do it with my tax dollars.

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