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steve spencer (
Posted on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - 2:53 pm:   

I was a former PCV and got sick while finishing my service.
Instead of taking a medical termination I decided to stay the few months I had remaining and seek treatment for my condition in America. I was told by the medical officer that my bills would be covered and that since I started having problems while I was serving in country the Peace Corps would cover my bills. This simply did not happen. They denied me all medical coverage and I was forced to pay the bills following a lengthy (1.5 year) hearing process. Their reason was since they could not find a diagnosis for my pain they would not cover any procedures.
If this only happened to me I wouldn't even write but about 50% of the volunteers who served with me in Tonga had similar problems and stories. Most simply had to pay for medical bills out of pocket.
Peace Corps doesn't care any more about your medical so if you are thinking of going keep your own coverage. I still have problems with my health almost 2 years later.
Scott Stadum ( -
Posted on Monday, October 22, 2007 - 10:36 pm:   

I'm sorry to hear this. Have you thought about contacting Sen. Christopher Dodd, RPCV Dominican Republic? These things need to be aired.

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