By Denise Wales (deniska) on Thursday, April 18, 2002 - 2:43 pm: Edit Post |
Mili Fellow Slovakia RCPVs!
You may or may not remember me but I served in Bardejov from ‘94 to ‘97 as an English teacher and was the Environmental Training Assistant for the ’97 training group.
Since leaving Slovakia, I have worked in the international development field focusing on democracy and governance issues and elections in particular. I had the opportunity to spend a year in Kosovo working on the first democratic elections as well as do some short-term assignments in Bosnia, Slovakia and Kyrgyzstan.
I have just started pursuing a Master’s of Public Administration, specializing in International Security and Economic Policy at the University of Maryland.
Why am I telling you all of this, you wonder?
As an international development professional, I firmly believe that in the post-September 11th world, RPCVs need to actively call for the increased, effective use of foreign aid in general and the expansion of Peace Corps’ mandate in particular. We should not only share our experiences with our neighbors, families and friends, but with our representatives in Congress educating them on the importance of public diplomacy and peaceful methods of engaging other countries. I also strongly believe that we should support up and coming candidates who have an in depth understanding of international issues.
I have recently had the opportunity to become involved in the campaign of one such candidate and would like to share what I’ve learned about her.
Lori Handrahan is a former United Nations Volunteer and International Development Specialist. She is running for Maine’s second district’s seat in the House of Representatives. Lori has over a decade of practical, professional development experience, in and around Washington, DC, specializing in advocacy of human rights, women's rights, and reform of US foreign assistance. She has held positions with the United Nations, the French Parliament, The Asia Foundation, The Soros Foundation, and The Congressional Human Rights Foundation. Lori has lived and worked in Central Asia, Africa, and Europe. Currently, she is an adjunct faculty member at American University's School of International Service in Washington, DC. Lori holds a Master’s degree from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University and a PhD from the London School of Economics.
I invite you to learn more about Lori Handrahan by visiting her web site at If you agree with me that Lori’s experience and ideas will benefit not only Mainers, but all Americans, please get involved in her campaign. Let others know about Lori, volunteer your time, or give a small donation. She especially needs volunteers between now and the June 11th primary.
Additionally, Lori will be walking across half the 2nd District, leaving Cadillac Mountain in Bar Harbor on May 1, and conclude her 160-mile walk at the top of Mount Katahdin on Memorial Day weekend. Lori invites RPCVs and their families to join her as she climbs Mount Katahdin. Over 30 campsites have been reserved. If you are interested in this hike, please contact her office directly at 207-664-0006 to sign up.
Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions about Lori, the international development field, Washington DC or hocičo!
S srydečym postravom,
Denise Wales
By henry siegel on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 - 7:42 am: Edit Post |
Dobre Den, Denise: Glad to see you are being active. I will be speaking about Slovkaia at the Unitarian Fellowship here in Solana Beach CA and also talking about the importance of being active and taking volunteer positions in this post 9/11 world. Keep up your activities and good luck to your candidate.
Henry Siegel
RPCV Slovakia 93-96