October 6, 2004: Headlines: COS - Afghanistan: City Government: Argus Online: At 25, Dave Millican discovered a love of mountains and the outdoors during a 10-month stint in Afghanistan, where he worked as a Peace Corps volunteer
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October 6, 2004: Headlines: COS - Afghanistan: City Government: Argus Online: At 25, Dave Millican discovered a love of mountains and the outdoors during a 10-month stint in Afghanistan, where he worked as a Peace Corps volunteer
At 25, Dave Millican discovered a love of mountains and the outdoors during a 10-month stint in Afghanistan, where he worked as a Peace Corps volunteer
At 25, Dave Millican discovered a love of mountains and the outdoors during a 10-month stint in Afghanistan, where he worked as a Peace Corps volunteer
Millican retires after 18 years
Fremont interim city manager out;
Diaz to start Monday
FREMONT -- Less than a week before Fred Diaz takes over as city manager, the man who has been filling in on the job for two months says he is retiring.
After 18 years with the city, Interim City Manager Dave Millican said he will retire at the end of the year.
"The timing of the announcement is part of my effort to make sure no one thought there was any connection (with Diaz's arrival)," Millican said Tuesday. "It was the logical time to do it ... and I concluded this was probably the best time."
Diaz, who stepped down last week as Tracy's city manager, begins in Fremont on Monday.
Millican, 56, said his retirement had been imminent for many months -- part of the reason why he didn't apply for the full-time city manager position when Jan Perkins announced her resignation in March.
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"I didn't think I would be able to give the city the commitment it needs from a new city manager," Millican said. "And it's always good for the city to get new leadership and new ideas, and this is a good time for that to happen."
His last day with the city will be Dec. 31.
Shy but sensible, Millican has worn numerous hats while working for the city. He served as finance director, assistant city manager, deputy city manager/chief executive officer and, since July, has filled in as interim city manager. During his tenure with Fremont, Millican negotiated development approvals for Pacific Commons through its metamorphosis from an office park to a shopping center.
He also secured $260 million in funding for the Redevelopment Agency for use on transportation projects and the city's historic areas. And he implemented a system for financing infrastructure related to new development that produced $200 million for the city.
Councilmember Steve Cho said Millican has a profound knowledge of city government and finance.
"I think it's going to be a loss for the city," Cho said, "but the people who have been put in place under his direction will more than adequately fill the role."
Millican received his start working with local governments as an audit supervisor for KPMG, an international public accounting firm.
At 25, he discovered a love of mountains and the outdoors during a 10-month stint in Afghanistan, where he worked as a Peace Corps volunteer.
"I didn't do much work there, but I gained a great humility about capability and complexity of other cultures and other countries," he said.
He began his public-sector career when he was hired as Burlingame finance director in 1976. Two years later, he was recruited by and moved to South Lake Tahoe. He started in Fremont in 1986.
In retirement, Millican plans to travel the country, look at more mountains and other natural wonders and spend more time with friends and family, he said. His wife, Ann, is the development director for the Fremont Symphony.
The couple, who moved to Oakland last year after living 10 years in Fremont, have two children: a daughter, 27, and son, 22.
Staff writer Scott Wong covers the city of Fremont for The Argus. He can be reached at (510) 353-7002 or swong@angnewspapers.com .
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Story Source: Argus Online
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