Multinational Peace Corps

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Russia: Peace Corps Russia : The Peace Corps in Russia: November 17, 2004: Headlines: COS - Russia: Exchange: The Moscow Times: U.S.-Russian Group Fills Gap Left by Peace Corps : Multinational Peace Corps

By Ken Rustad Bolivia 62-64 ( - on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 2:51 pm: Edit Post

The US Peace Corps should reconsider internationalizing some Peace Corps projects on an experimental basis. This was first considered by Sargent Shriver but dropped for reasons unknown to me. Many countries have many citizens who would make good Peace Corps volunteers. Wouldn't it be nice to go to a reunion with former volunteers from other countries. This might also be a good way to involve such countries as Brazil and India which once hosted the US Peace Corps but decided they were too advanced for that. There just aren't enough meaningful jobs in many, perhaps most countries. Perhaps such groups could go to third countries which lack mid-level technical and generalist human resources.

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