1964: Steven G. Allen served in Iran in Lahijan beginning in 1964

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Iran: Directory of Iran RPCVs: 1964: Steven G. Allen served in Iran in Lahijan beginning in 1964

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-43-253.balt.east.verizon.net - on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 8:46 pm: Edit Post

1964: Steven G. Allen served in Iran in Lahijan beginning in 1964

1964: Steven G. Allen served in Iran in Lahijan beginning in 1964

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Steven G. Allen can be contacted at stegenallalynksdcom

Country of Service: Iran

Training Group: ELI U of Mich.

Cities you served in: Lahijan

Arrival Year: 1964

Departure Year: 1966

Work Description: ESL Teacher and trainer

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

Masters work at U of Tex, then back to Iran for 7 years as ESL Teacher & back to
US in 1975. Worked for Santa Clara County Transit and taught AdultEd ESL
classes for 6 years. Retired in 1995 and moved to AR where I started teaching
ESL again.

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

Joining the Peace Corps was even more important than joining the Marine Corps.
It gave me the opportunity to learn one of the two things I wanted to do when I
was a kid in school. And, I have returned to it after 15 years working for the
government in CA.

Originally posted: February 18, 2002

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