By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 5:17 pm: Edit Post |
1968: Joanne (Martindale) Allen served in Afghanistan in Mazar-i-Sharif beginning in 1968
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Joanne (Martindale) Allen can be contacted at jsamailaswbelldnet
Country of Service: Afghanistan
Training Group: 14
Cities you served in: Mazar-i-Sharif
Arrival Year: 1968
Departure Year: 1971
Work Description: Teacher--English and art
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Group 14 members: Please visit
and take part there. If you want to be added to the site, please write me
Originally posted: January 9, 2002
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By Joanne Allen ( - on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 6:54 pm: Edit Post |
Group XIV and Friends will be hosting a Peace Corps Afghanistan reunion at Asilomar in Pacific Grove, CA, November 9-11, 2007. Anyone interested in receiving info on the reunion should contact Joanne Allen at And check the reunion Web site at