Message Center for Cambodia RPCVs

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Cambodia: Message Center for Cambodia RPCVs
Peace Corps Cambodia

 Peace Corps Cambodia

By Richard MacIntyre ( - on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 - 8:53 pm: Edit Post

In early January, 1969, on a 30-day break from my two years as a Peace Corps volunteer in South Korea, I had the good fortune to travel into Cambodia. Of all six Asian nations I visited at that time, I was the most enthralled and captivated with Cambodia and its people.
The country had not yet fallen into disarray, tho it seemed to keep a fragile peace as Prince Norodom Sihounouk walked a tightrope between East and West.
In addition to visiting sites such as Angkor Wat, I viewed a movie in the National Theater produced by and starring Prince Sihounouk. I remember the plot well even though it was spoken in Cambodian with French subtitiles, neither of which I can understood.
The countryside was calm, serene, and wonderful. The children and others I met were inspiring.
I cringed and my heard sank in dismay at the sad atrocities those people faced in the time since I was there. It is such a sad loss to a country and people that had been so wonderful.
I'm so pleased that now, almost 40 years later, Peace Corps is going to Cambodia. Time and sorrow have past, I hope, and I hope volunteers can help heal the wounds. It was a fine country that was lost in the turmoil, and I hope it will be so again.
Next February--one year from now--I hope to finally visit Cambodia once again. After I kiss the ground, I would love to have an opportunity to visit any Peace Corps volunteers who are there.
Please let me know. Thank you!

By Where There be Dragons ( on Monday, March 19, 2007 - 1:45 pm: Edit Post

Where There Be Dragons

Call for Summer 2007 Instructors

Where There Be Dragons offers experiential education programs in developing countries to highly motivated group participants. Our trips utilize special in-country contacts and structured program elements to create dynamic learning adventures. We specialize in programs to remote corners of developing Asia, West Africa and Latin America including China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Tibet, Mount Kailas, Sikkim, Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, Senegal and Morocco.

Dragons is now hiring qualified instructors for this summer’s programs. Duties: work with co-instructors to guide small groups of high school students; set up home-stays and service projects; teach language, history, culture and development assessment techniques; facilitate in-country logistics and safety. Trips often include camping, wilderness travel and trekking. Instructors have control over the itinerary and bring their vision and goals to the program. Travel is rugged, on-the-ground, and off the beaten path. Dragons’ instructors have extensive experience traveling and/or living in the region, strong language ability, enthusiasm and experience for working with young people in a challenging environment. WFA, WFR, WEMT certification is a plus.

Interested? If you would like to know more about the organization, you can check out our web site at: If you have any questions or to receive a instructor application please contact:

Liz Connor
Staffing Coordinator, Where There Be Dragons
Fax: 1 (303) 413-0857
Phone: (800) 982-9203 x14

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