Secondary Education: Self Efficacy and Cultural Awareness: A Study of Returned Peace Corps Teachers 18 April 1996 Secondary Education: Matthew Burke Dwyer - US Peace Corps, Philippines 1996 Technical Trainer 28 June 2001 Secondary Education: Edward Sheblak joined US Peace Corps – Philippines to be a teacher trainer and work on Department of Education and Culture curriculum projects 28 June 2001 Secondary Education: Peace Corps Teaching in Liberia 1 July 2001 Secondary Education: Congressman James Walsh, a returned Peace Corps volunteer who served as an agriculture extension agent in Nepal from 1970-1972, has routinely shared his experiences with Miller’s 9th grade history classes 9 May 2002 Secondary Education: Senegal RPCV works to bring two worlds together 1 July 2002 Secondary Education: RPCV Gerald Schumann honored for work teaching electronics in Cameroon 4 December 2002 Secondary Education: "Peace Corps" stops teasing, taunting and bullying in school 31 January 2003 Secondary Education: Korea RPCV Mike Erickson worked in Tuberculosis Control 10 February 2003 Secondary Education: Colombia RPCV Virginia Rue celebrates her retirement from a 35-year career in education 18 February 2003 Secondary Education: Morocco RPCV Melissa Bartlett up for national recognition as Educator 21 April 2003 Secondary Education: Malawi RPCV Jack Friedman's team builds "Peace Corps" robot 21 April 2003 Secondary Education: Burundi RPCV Educator Sparky Rosenberger exudes enthusiasm, energy in the classroom 3 May 2003 Secondary Education: Korea RPCV Beth Schiavno-Narvaez appointed principal in Pittsfield Pennsylvania 15 May 2003 Secondary Education: Tonga RPCV Mary Beth Barloga retires in San Leandro after 32 years serving students 3 June 2003 Secondary Education: Nigeria RPCV Anson Chong named High School Principal 13 June 2003 Secondary Education: The Gambia RPCV Claudia M. Dery shares music from Guinea with students 13 July 2003 Secondary Education: RPCV says New school testing takes the U.S. closer to 'Old Europe' 19 August 2003 Secondary Education: Sierra Leone RPCV Marnie Hunter says today's students have little time to discuss world news 20 August 2003 Secondary Education: RPCV Emily Rudge served in Madagascar 30 August 2003 Secondary Education - Mathematics: India RPCV Peter Clark retiring after 34 years in Classroom 10 June 2003 Secondary School Administration: Libya RPCV Roy Douthitt named Blue Ridge principal 6 June 2003 Secondary School Education: Peace Corps invited Sarah Presley to serve as an English teacher in a school for blind students in Morocco. 20 July 2003 Secondary School Teaching: John Anderson - A teacher with a global view whose teaching career has taken him from Botswana to Brooklyn 27 June 2001 Secondary Teaching: Ecuador RPCV Beverly Hansen's world of experience enriches Mt. Diablo High School 25 November 2002 Secondary Teaching: India RPCV Manfred Cripe concludes distinguised teaching career 1 May 2003 Secondary Teaching: National Teacher of the Year Michele Forman began her teaching career in the Peace Corps in Nepal from 1967–1969 16 August 2003