By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Wednesday, October 08, 2003 - 12:02 pm: Edit Post |
Maria Shriver becomes First Lady of California
"He's honest, he's sensitive, he's sincere," she told reporters after the speech. "And he is gracious with every bone in his body. I have met thousands and thousands of women who have come up to me and said they have worked with him, they have worked for him, alongside him and he has been an extraordinary gentleman."Clearly, the world has changed since JFK's extramarital affairs with Marilyn Monroe and other women were hushed up from the American people. Something else that's different - while matriarch Rose and Jackie Kennedy stood by their philandering husbands, they did so in silence. Read the story at:
October Issue of PCOL Magazine Peace Corps and the Environment Read what a former Peace Corps Deputy Director says about global warming and what RPCVs are doing about the environment. Winning the Hearts and Minds? Six months ago Collin Tong led the RPCV effort to place two anti-war ads in the New York Times. Now read his op-ed about the situation in Iraq today. Schneider: "Unilateralism inspires distrust" Former Peace Corps Director Mark Schneider says Bush's unilateral approach to foreign policy has inspired distrust in the world. Read why. Peace Corps starts new Ad Campaign Read about Peace Corps' new campaign to increase recruitment and take a look at their Web Site makeover. Bush creates "Volunteers for Prosperity" President Bush has signed an executive order creating a new "Volunteers for Prosperity" program. Why can't he fully fund the Peace Corps? USAID plagued by Staffing Problems RPCV Congressman Chris Shays found critical shortfalls at USAID. What were they? Glimpses of Afghanistan Read this memoir of a Country Director in Afghanistan in the 1960's then read about an RPCV working in Afghanistan today. A Remembrance of Paul Conklin Paul Conklin was the first official Peace Corps Photographer. Read a remembrance by Brent Ashabranner and see an exhibition of his work. |