By Admin1 (admin) on Monday, September 29, 2003 - 12:28 pm: Edit Post |
Winning the Hearts and Minds?
"On Feb. 14 and March 21, 2003, more than 1,850 RPCVs signed two New York Times ads urging a peaceful resolution of the crisis in Iraq and condemning unilateral U.S. action. We did so mindful of the reasons that inspired more than 165,000 Americans who have served abroad in 136 countries, i.e. to promote better understanding of other peoples in the world. In particular, we reaffirm the spirit articulated in the Third Goal of the Peace Corps Act - to help Americans understand the people and cultures of other countries -thereby making our country better informed and more engaged in world affairs."John C. Rude perhaps said it best. In his article, "Why The Peace Corps Needs a Fourth Goal," Rude (RPCV Eritrea 1962-64), states: "The Fourth Goal states explicitly that peace is part of the agency's mission. Whatever else is "real" about global politics, we must address the fact that our capacity for killing is vastly greater than our capacity for healing. Read the op-ed at:
![]() Peace Corps Online ...window on the world for RPCVs
![]() Keeping Kennedy's Promise ![]() RPCVs remember ...the Peace Corps Fallen
By Terry Adcock Colombia 1961-63 on Thursday, October 02, 2003 - 11:50 pm: Edit Post |
When I served in the Peace Corps, it was an extension of American Foreign Policy, but American Foreign Policy included the search for Peace in the midst of hostility.
Today, post 9/11, I look in vain for any part of American Foreign Policy that includes the search for Peace. All I see is militaristic jingoism and a contempt for the world community that defies comprehension.
That is why I was so grateful to Collin Tong for initiating the New York Times advertisement that harkened back to the original Peace Corps ideals, while the whole country, including four of the ten current candidates for the Democratic Party's nomination for President, rushed toward the invasion of Iraq on trumped-up grounds.
I signed that statement in the New York Times. There wouldn't have been anything to sign without Collin's wonderful organizational activities.
Collin, you are clearly living out the Peace Corps ideals as an RPCV. I admire your hard work. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.