By Julian Martin ( - on Wednesday, March 02, 2005 - 4:50 pm: Edit Post |
I am looking for a way to contact Abbott Boys Secondary School in Ihiala(formerly Eastern Region) I taught there 61-63 as part of Nigeria. Anyone out there who taught there after I did and has information about the school and what happened to it before and after the war. I am looking to find a good friend John Nwosu.
By Christine Hogg ( - on Wednesday, February 01, 2006 - 8:17 am: Edit Post |
Hello - this message is for RPCVs who served in Nigeria during 1966/67. Some of us returned VSOs from the UK are planning a 40th reunion later this year. If any Peace Corps friends would like to join us then please make contact with me and I will make sure you are included in news of the enterprise. How about Lagos colleagues who joined us to watch the 1966 soccer world cup final film?
Chris Hogg
By mary wangmo ( - on Monday, January 08, 2007 - 8:05 pm: Edit Post |
im looking for humanitarian aid workers based in
igbo area am opening soon a clinic and small hospital in march or so
our npohas already dug a freshnwater well please contact mary if interested
very nice people on project
need volunteer public health educaters
also need to buy local medicines malaria tb sida
thanks much mary
By Quintin Gee ( - on Friday, February 23, 2007 - 5:10 am: Edit Post |
I am looking for PETER SCHNEIDER, my predecessor in 1966 in Iju-Odo (Ondo Province), nearest town OKITIPUPA. I was a VSO from the UK and still have his belt!
By Michelle Ellefson on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 12:19 pm: Edit Post |
Michelle Ellefson who served in Nigeria
from 93 to 95 and worked on the Guinea Worm Eradicatino project can be e-mailed at
By Michelle Ellefson on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 12:20 pm: Edit Post |
Michelle Ellefson who served in Nigeria
from 93 to 95 and worked on the Guinea Worm Eradication project can be e-mailed at,
By James Mbata on Thursday, July 31, 2003 - 3:44 pm: Edit Post |
Please, I am trying to locate Ms. Alice Brody. She was a peace corp member in Eastern Nigeria (1966-67) and served at Enyiogugu Secondary School.
I can be reached at the following e-mail address:
Thank you.
James Mbata
By Sumner R. Berg ( - on Tuesday, April 12, 2005 - 2:00 am: Edit Post |
Looking to hook up with any volunteers who went to Nigeria August 1966. I spent one year there teaching science/biology in Nnewi and later as all others had to relocated because of civil unrest. I went to Lindi Tanzania for the remaining time. Regards Sumner
By Abdullahi Nashe ( on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 3:35 pm: Edit Post |
Since our teachers (Peace Corps)left our school sometimes in 1969-1970 we could not trace them. I tried everything possible but in vein. Thanks to Internet may be some one could help me. They are;
Kerry kelly Compton and her husband as we knew him Mr. William Compton. Both of them served at a secondary school called Governement Secondary school Maiduguri. Maiduguri is a city in the northern part of Nigeria. The year was 1969-70. Please help me locate these guys who ment alot to us. They change the lives of all students of form one then at the school. They tougt us English Langauge and Maths without which I could not be an Engineer, the profession i am practicing now. PLEASE LET SOME ONE help me locate these treasure.
By Jeremy Caddy ( - on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 5:08 pm: Edit Post |
I was a VSO volunteer [English]who worked in Nigeria in 1966 to 1967. I worked with two PCVs called Barbara Dwyer and Edna Joyce. I would love to make contact witth them again
By brianb ( - on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 4:22 pm: Edit Post |
please correct my email address
old/no longer in use
new/ now in use
By TerriLeizear ( on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 5:09 pm: Edit Post |
Can anyone in Lagos Nigeria tell me if there is a hospital called Wartfort. Thank you so much.
Please e-mail me back at