2009.05.21: Swaziland RPCV Dr. Christopher Hoffman is coming from South Africa and Swaziland to show slides and talk about his professional work as a physician and more importantly his work with community groups to financially support assistance to AIDS orphans to have enough money to go to school
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2009.05.21: Swaziland RPCV Dr. Christopher Hoffman is coming from South Africa and Swaziland to show slides and talk about his professional work as a physician and more importantly his work with community groups to financially support assistance to AIDS orphans to have enough money to go to school
Swaziland RPCV Dr. Christopher Hoffman is coming from South Africa and Swaziland to show slides and talk about his professional work as a physician and more importantly his work with community groups to financially support assistance to AIDS orphans to have enough money to go to school
Dr. Christopher Hoffman is coming from South Africa and Swaziland to show slides and talk about his professional work as a physician and more importantly his work with community groups to financially support assistance to AIDS orphans to have enough money to go to school, to support women's groups by making micro loans that assist them to develop sewing, chicken raising and soap making as a means of financial support for these women and their families. He, along with community groups are building wells so that children do not have to walk daily 1 to 3 miles to secure clean water for their families. Dr. Hoffman is the son of Silke and Bill Hoffman, who are and have been for several years, residents of Center Sandwich.
Swaziland RPCV Dr. Christopher Hoffman is coming from South Africa and Swaziland to show slides and talk about his professional work as a physician and more importantly his work with community groups to financially support assistance to AIDS orphans to have enough money to go to school
Slide Talk on Swaziland and South Africa
Dr. Christopher Hoffman is coming from South Africa and Swaziland to show slides and talk about his professional work as a physician and more importantly his work with community groups to financially support assistance to AIDS orphans to have enough money to go to school, to support women's groups by making micro loans that assist them to develop sewing, chicken raising and soap making as a means of financial support for these women and their families. He, along with community groups are building wells so that children do not have to walk daily 1 to 3 miles to secure clean water for their families. Dr. Hoffman is the son of Silke and Bill Hoffman, who are and have been for several years, residents of Center Sandwich.
The evening will start at 5 p.m. in the Benz Center with the Hoffman presentation, followed by a 6 p.m. light supper of a variety of salads, breads and dessert donated by women in the Federated Church. A donation of $6.00 is requested for each adult supper and $4.00 for each child. The monies received will be divided to support the work of Dr. Hoffman and to support the Church budget.
Christopher Hoffman served in Swaziland as a Peace Corps volunteer from 1992-1994. Since then he has gone to medical school, internal medicine residency and infectious diseases fellowship. He is now at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and is doing operational and clinical research on HIV in South Africa.
His work in Swaziland is separate from his job as he has remained friends with community leaders since his stay as a member of the Peace Corps. They have started the African Education Fund in the US that partners with a Swaziland organization. Both partners are specially concerned about children being able to go to school, not overburdened with family responsibilities or too poor to afford school fees and uniforms and orphaned often because of AIDS, and often unable to have access to a medical clinic.
If you have questions, call Marion at 284-6619.
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Headlines: May, 2009; Peace Corps Swaziland; Directory of Swaziland RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Swaziland RPCVs; Medicine; Service; AIDS; HIV; Fund Raising; Orphans
When this story was posted in May 2010, this was on the front page of PCOL:
Peace Corps Online The Independent News Forum serving Returned Peace Corps Volunteers 

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Story Source: Laconia Citizen
This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; COS - Swaziland; Medicine; Service; AIDS; HIV; Fund Raising; Microloans; Orphans; NGOs