By Admin1 (Admin) on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 6:02 pm: Edit Post |
Linda Latt Broselow who served in Turkey
from 62 to 64 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at Mamoollbaaoldcom
Betty Leonard who served in Turkey
from 63 to 65 and worked in education
can be e-mailed at ehleonardaaoldcom
Lawrence R. Eicher who served in Turkey
from 64 to 66 and worked in TEFL
can be e-mailed at karadenizaworldnetdattdnet
Ruth Shelby who served in Turkey
from 64 to 66 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at rshelbyaccsfdccdcadus
Sally Copeland who served in Turkey
from 64 to 66 and worked in ESL Teaching
can be e-mailed at scopelandaredshiftdcom
Killeen, sean who served in Turkey
from 64 to 66 and worked in TOEFL
can be e-mailed at sk86acornelldedu
Bonnie Landes Pura who served in Turkey
from 64 to 67 and worked in Rural Community Development
can be e-mailed at bpuraahotmaildcom
Linda Lorenzo who served in Turkey
from 65 to 66 and worked in Health
can be e-mailed at lindaloaidsdnet
Ronald E. McCutcheon who served in Turkey
from 65 to 67 and worked in Urban Community Development
can be e-mailed at 72527d2160acompuservedcom
Ronald McCutcheon who served in Turkey
from 65 to 67 and worked in Urban Community Development
can be e-mailed at 72527d2160acompuservedcom
Jacqueline McKee Day who served in Turkey
from 65 to 67 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at Azjdayaaoldcom
Mary Ann Stevens who served in Turkey
from 65 to 67 and worked in education
can be e-mailed at Barrysteveaaoldcom
Guy Gattis who served in Turkey
from 65 to 67 and worked in Rural Community Development
can be e-mailed at ggattisaumichdedu
Paul Kirwan who served in Turkey
from 65 to 67 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at kirwanplaaramcodcomdsa
JOHN R. THOMPSON who served in Turkey
from 65 to 69 and worked in TEACHING ENGLISH
can be e-mailed at MAPLEGLENaAOLdCOM
John and Julie Auer who served in Turkey
from 66 to 67 and worked in English as a Second Language
can be e-mailed at jauersapacbelldnet
Roseanne Allexenberg who served in Turkey
from 66 to 68 and worked in Child Development
can be e-mailed at geminiaagdnet
Vincent Tinto who served in Turkey
from 66 to 68 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at vtintoamailboxdsyrdedu
Randy Francisco who served in Turkey
from 68 to 69 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at rlfahalcyondcom
Randy Francisco who served in Turkey
from 68 to 69 and worked in ED
can be e-mailed at rlfahalcyondcom
Judith Gornto lgen who served in Turkey
from 68 to 70 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at jlgenaibmdnet
Judith Gornto lgen who served in Turkey
from 68 to 70 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at jlulgenahotmaildcom
Judith lgen who served in Turkey
from 68 to 70 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at jlulgenahotmaildcom
Michael J. Metrinko who served in Turkey
from 68 to 70 and worked in Education (TEFL)
can be e-mailed at mmetrinkabellatlanticdnet
estes lockhart who served in Turkey
from 69 to 70 and worked in education
can be e-mailed at estesafreddnet
Moses Silverman who served in Turkey
from 69 to 70 and worked in TEFL
can be e-mailed at msilvermanapaulweissdcom
Bill Reese who served in Turkey and Iran
from 65 to 67 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at wwreeseaaoldcom
Roseanne S. Allexenberg who served in Turkey and US Staff
from 66 to 68 and worked in Education/Community Development/Women
can be e-mailed at geminiaccnndnet
By Admin1 (admin) on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 4:56 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer John R. Thompson can be contacted at mapleglenaaoldcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: 8
Cities you served in: Adana
Arrival Year: 1965
Departure Year: 1967
Work Description: Toefel Teacher
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer James R. Shugerts can be contacted at jimshugertsahotmaildcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: IV
Cities you served in: Yayladag
Arrival Year: 1964
Departure Year: 1966
Work Description: TEFL
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer James A. McHenry, Jr., Ph.D. can be contacted at jmchenryjraaoldcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: Turkey TEFL 13
Cities you served in: Erzurum
Arrival Year: 1966
Departure Year: 1968
Work Description: University Instructor; Coordinator of Courses, Dept. of English,
Ataturk University
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Kansas Commissioner of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services; Executive Director
of the Kansas Child Abuse Prevention Council; Director of Development,
Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library, Fulbright Scholar to Turkey,
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Peace Corps Service remains one of my favorite life experiences. I would not
trade it for anything.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
I would love to hear from Michael Haynes, a British volunteer who served
with me at Ataturk University.
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Bonnie Landes Pura can be contacted at bpuraahotmaildcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: Turkey 5 , Brattleborough, Vermont
Cities you served in: Bereketli(Village, Balikesir
Arrival Year: 1964
Departure Year: 1967
Work Description: Rural Community Development
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work
Extended a year to serve at PC Headquarters/Turkey in Ankara. Developed
and taught support materials for women volunteers in the field.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
The experience definitely changed my perspective on the major issues in
life,hapiness,livelihood,work, goals
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer donna chmara can be contacted at danutacaoptonlinednet
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: T13
Cities you served in: Eskisehir
Arrival Year: 1966
Departure Year: 1968
Work Description: teacher of english as a foreign language
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer HARLAN GREEN can be contacted at harlangreenanetzerodnet
Country of Service: TURKEY
Training Group: TURKEY V
Cities you served in: ISMET PASHA KOYU
Arrival Year: 1964
Departure Year: 1966
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 10:31 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Ann Ringland can be contacted at aringlandajunodcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: Turkey 8 and 9
Cities you served in: Gaziantep
Arrival Year: 1964
Departure Year: 1967
Work Description: English teacher, community development in summer
By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 10:55 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Leslie Peirce can be contacted at peirceasocratesdberkeleydedu
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: Turkey 4-b
Cities you served in: Gaziantep
Arrival Year: 1964
Departure Year: 1966
Work Description: taught English in jr/sr high school
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Judith Ann Howe White can be contacted at jwhiteamvadcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: T8
Cities you served in: Duzce
Arrival Year: 1965
Departure Year: 1967
Work Description: TEFL
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 7:48 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer katherine olvera can be contacted at kjolveraaaoldcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: Turkey VIII
Cities you served in: Konya
Arrival Year: 1965
Departure Year: 1967
Work Description: TEFL
By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 - 11:00 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Bryan DeLeo can be contacted at lionamaxinterdnet
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: T-15
Cities you served in: Istanbul
Arrival Year: 1967
Departure Year: 1969
Work Description: English Teacher
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, December 05, 2001 - 10:10 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Edward Block can be contacted at eblockadmvdcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: VIII
Cities you served in: Unye
Arrival Year: 1965
Departure Year: 1967
Work Description: TEFL
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work
Baltic States, 1994-96, Country Dir.
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, January 24, 2002 - 10:49 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer colleen doherty can be contacted at cdohertyapacbelldnet
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: Turkey 4
Cities you served in: Zonguldak
Arrival Year: 1964
Departure Year: 1966
Work Description: TEFL - Teaching English
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
After several years working in non-profit voluntary agency field, I
went to law school and for the last 20 years have practiced law in
the San Francisco Bay Area.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
This had a strong influence on my life - living in and learning to
appreciate another culture, trying to do something "good",
becoming more self reliant - all very posoitive influences for me.
And for the Turks? I think the opportunity for peoples of other
cultures to know one another on a daily life basis is important.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Joan Baxter - my roommate in Zonguldak. Same training group.
By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, February 05, 2002 - 6:03 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer James Warren Pritchard can be contacted at wpritchardaaoldcom
Country of Service: turkey
Training Group: 1st
Cities you served in: Corum, Kastamonu, Ankara
Arrival Year: 1962
Departure Year: 1966
Work Description: TEFL, Associate Director
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, February 13, 2002 - 4:00 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer sean killeen can be contacted at sk86acornelldedu
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: T-4
Cities you served in: Ankara
Arrival Year: 1964
Departure Year: 1966
Work Description: TOEFL Teacher
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, March 28, 2002 - 11:49 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Ken Hill can be contacted at kendhillaerolsdcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: T-9
Cities you served in: Ortakoy, Tokat
Arrival Year: 1965
Departure Year: 1967
Work Description: Rural Community Development
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work
Russia, Country Director, 94-96
Bulgaria, Country Director 96-69
Macedonia, Country Director 96-97
USA, Washington, Chief of Staff, 2001
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, April 17, 2002 - 6:14 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Sean Killeen can be contacted at sk86acornelldedu
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: T-4A
Cities you served in: Ankara, Turkey
Arrival Year: 1964
Departure Year: 1966
Work Description: Toefl Teacher
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work
Only Turkey
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, May 01, 2002 - 8:08 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer John R. Thompson can be contacted at mapleglenaaoldcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: 8
Cities you served in: Adana
Arrival Year: 1965
Departure Year: 1967
Work Description: TEFL
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, May 02, 2002 - 11:12 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer John F Taylor can be contacted at tayjohnadododcomdau
Country of Service: Turkey
Cities you served in: Ankara, Mersin
Arrival Year: 1968
Departure Year: 1970
Work Description: teacher
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
I have lived and taught in USA, Iran, New Zealand and Australia.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
It was a time of exploration and discovery.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
anyone who remembers me from Turkey
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 - 12:31 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Russell Alexander can be contacted at maxwell9_59003ayahoodcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: Turkey 17
Cities you served in: Antalya, Istanbul
Arrival Year: 1969
Departure Year: 1970
Work Description: English Teacher
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, July 31, 2002 - 10:47 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Eve Bowers MacMaster can be contacted at evemacmaaoldcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: Turkey II
Cities you served in: Adapazari, Ankara
Arrival Year: 1963
Departure Year: 1965
Work Description: TSOL
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Married, 3 children, 1 grandchild, author of 11 books, pastor of
Emmanuel Mennonite Church, Gainesville, Florida
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, July 31, 2002 - 1:14 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Thomas Jackson can be contacted at Thosjaxsonaaoldcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: Turkey 5
Cities you served in: Zonguldak Pro v
Arrival Year: '64
Departure Year: '66
Work Description: Rural community Development
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work
Micronesia 4 '66 '68
Community Development
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Retired in '97 from U.S. EPA
Since retiring active long distance hiker
By Admin1 (admin) on Monday, February 10, 2003 - 6:52 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Stephan Poppick can be contacted at swpopapipelinedcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: 10
Cities you served in: Antalya
Arrival Year: 1966
Departure Year: 1968
Work Description: Community Development - Adult Education, Agriculture
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Working 30+ years in New York City's Adult Education Program
By Admin1 (admin) on Monday, February 10, 2003 - 6:53 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Malcolm R. Pfunder can be contacted at mpfunderagibsondunndcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: Portland, Oregon; METU, Ankara, Turkey
Cities you served in: Cayirici Koyu, Tonya, Trabzon
Arrival Year: 1965
Departure Year: 1967
Work Description: Rural Community Development
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 7:09 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Diane Root Herson can be contacted at Dhaspeakacsdcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: 13-Los Angeles
Cities you served in: Eskisehir & Ankara
Arrival Year: 1966
Departure Year: 1968
Work Description: TEFL & PC Secretary
By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, May 02, 2003 - 12:35 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Carol Kocan can be contacted at ckocanasbcglobaldnet
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: 8
Cities you served in: Eregli/Konya
Arrival Year: 1965
Departure Year: 1967
Work Description: TEFL at the junior/senior high school
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, August 06, 2003 - 1:08 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer HARLAN GREEN can be contacted at harlandgreenaverizondnet
Country of Service: TURKEY
Training Group: FIVE
Cities you served in: VILLAGE OF ISMET PASHA
Arrival Year: 1964
Departure Year: 1966
Work Description:
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 11:03 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Ruth Shelby can be contacted at rshelbyaccsfdedu
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: Putney, VT
Cities you served in: Samsun
Arrival Year: 1964
Departure Year: 1966
Work Description:
Taught English in two different middle schools
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Married, no kids
Teach ESL and computers at City College of San Francisco, CA
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Monday, January 19, 2004 - 6:11 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Barbara Konkle Kelly can be contacted at bbkllyahotmaildcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: 17
Cities you served in: Istanbul
Arrival Year: 1969
Departure Year: 1970
Work Description:
child care -- at the University of Istanbul Medical School, Cocuk Psikiologie Clinigi
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Graduated from law school. Have established two businesses -- Konkle Legal Research Services, focusing on probate, conservatorships, trust and elder abuse, and Elder Care Associates, serving as a fiduciary
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
The years spent in the Peace Corps were some of the best of my life. I made lifelong friends both in-country and within the organization.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Tuesday, June 01, 2004 - 11:39 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Barbara Roos can be contacted at BarbRoosaaoldcom
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: 15
Cities you served in: Ankara
Arrival Year: 1967
Departure Year: 1968
Work Description:
By Admin1 (admin) ( on Saturday, October 02, 2004 - 5:14 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Jordan M. Scepanski can be contacted at jordan_scepanskiauncdedu
Country of Service: Turkey
Training Group: IV-B
Cities you served in: Elazig and Pamukova
Arrival Year: 1964
Departure Year: 1966
Work Description:
English teacher in middle and secondary schools
By America's Unofficial Ambassadors ( on Wednesday, October 05, 2011 - 4:13 pm: Edit Post |
Any RPCVs interested in a short-term volunteer opportunity in Jordan? The America's Unofficial Ambassadors (AUA) program at Creative Learning is dedicated to expanding and supporting private American citizens' service in the Muslim World. From January 6-15 2012, AUA will lead a group of volunteers to Jordan to support local community development initiatives, learn about Jordanian culture, and meet face-to-face with Jordanian families and university students. Volunteers will spend 4 days working with Habitat for Humanity to build homes for poor families in the north of the country. They will also engage in discussion with civil society groups in Amman and Irbid to learn more about Jordanian culture, share insight into American culture, and discuss challenges common to both societies. The Building Peace by Building Homes trip to Jordan will end with visits to Petra (one of the modern 7 Wonders of the World) and the Dead Sea.
The trip is the first in a series of three Building Peace by Building Homes trips that CL will lead in 2012 [Additional trips to Tajikistan (May) and Indonesia (July) are still being planned]. For more information visit: ding-peace-by-building-homes/, or contact AUA trip leader, Andrew Stinson, at
By Zambak Tukan ( on Sunday, August 14, 2022 - 2:05 pm: Edit Post |
This is Zambak Tukan. I am looking for Michael Stuart Thompson who served in Turkey in 1966 - 1968 in Bandirma Sehit Mehmet Gonenc HighSchool as an English Teacher. Please contact with me if you know him.
Thank you!
Best Regards,