By Admin1 (admin) ( on Saturday, July 11, 2009 - 6:13 pm: Edit Post |
Dear Mr. Shieffer: Will you please ask the Senator what he means about shutting down the Peace Corps when he appears on "Face the Nation" tomorrow morning?
Senator Leahy allegedly said recently that "if the Peace Corps doesn't shape up, Chris Dodd and I are going to shut it down!" As a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer I find the Senator's words disturbing.
Dear Mr. Shieffer: Will you please ask the Senator what he means about shutting down the Peace Corps when he appears on "Face the Nation" tomorrow morning?
Dear Mr. Schieffer,
Senator Leahy allegedly said recently that "if the Peace Corps doesn't shape up, Chris Dodd and I are going to shut it down!"
The story is on the Huffington Post at:
As a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer I find the Senator's words disturbing.
Will you please ask the Senator what he means about shutting down the Peace Corps when he appears on your program tomorrow morning?
Best regards,
Hugh Pickens
Peace Corps Volunteer
Peru, 1970 - 73
Links to Related Topics (Tags):
Headlines: July, 2009; Congress; Budget; Appropriations; Expansion; Vermont
When this story was posted in July 2009, this was on the front page of PCOL:
Peace Corps Online The Independent News Forum serving Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
Join Us Mr. President!
"We will double the size of the Peace Corps by its 50th anniversary in 2011. And we'll reach out to other nations to engage their young people in similar programs, so that we work side by side to take on the common challenges that confront all humanity," said Barack Obama during his campaign.
Read how RPCV's rallied and and marched to the White House to support a bold new Peace Corps for a new age.
PCOL's Candidate for Peace Corps Director
Honduras RPCV Jon Carson, 33, presided over thousands of workers as national field director for the Obama campaign and said the biggest challenge -- and surprise -- was the volume of volunteer help, including more than 15,000 "super volunteers," who were a big part of what made Obama's campaign so successful. PCOL endorses Jon Carson as the man who can revitalize the Peace Corps, bring it into the internet age, and meet Obama's goal of doubling the size of the Peace Corps by 2011.
Director Ron Tschetter: The PCOL Interview
Peace Corps Director Ron Tschetter sat down for an in-depth interview to discuss the evacuation from Bolivia, political appointees at Peace Corps headquarters, the five year rule, the Peace Corps Foundation, the internet and the Peace Corps, how the transition is going, and what the prospects are for doubling the size of the Peace Corps by 2011. Read the interview and you are sure to learn something new about the Peace Corps. PCOL previously did an interview with Director Gaddi Vasquez.
Read the stories and leave your comments.