Message Center for Peru RPCVs

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Peru: Message Center for Peru RPCVs
Messages, Announcements or Questions
for Peru RPCVs

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By mark tierney ( - on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 9:01 pm: Edit Post

Hi my name is Mark Tierney, I'm an RPCV from Korea in the 70s I have been asked to assist a group out of Minneapolis that is conducting a medical mission in Lima (mostly surgery work) to find out what I can about a shantytown in Lima called Flored de Villes (sp). We have supplies and doctors/dentists who will be available for a week in February to assist residence. ... Does anyone out there know anything about this place.

By Anonymous ( on Monday, January 15, 2007 - 7:22 pm: Edit Post

I would like to travel from cuzco to puno. Is train the best way? Does anyone know the cost?

can I just buy a ticket when I get there? Please email me at Thanks, Mic

By Where There Be Dragons ( on Thursday, February 08, 2007 - 12:13 pm: Edit Post

Where There Be Dragons

Call for Summer 2007 Instructors

Where There Be Dragons offers experiential education programs in developing countries to highly motivated group participants. Our trips utilize special in-country contacts and structured program elements to create dynamic learning adventures. We specialize in programs to remote corners of developing Asia, West Africa and Latin America including China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Tibet, Mount Kailas, Sikkim, Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, Senegal and Morocco.

Dragons is now hiring qualified instructors for this summer’s programs. Duties: work with co-instructors to guide small groups of high school students; set up home-stays and service projects; teach language, history, culture and development assessment techniques; facilitate in-country logistics and safety. Trips often include camping, wilderness travel and trekking. Instructors have control over the itinerary and bring their vision and goals to the program. Travel is rugged, on-the-ground, and off the beaten path. Dragons’ instructors have extensive experience traveling and/or living in the region, strong language ability, enthusiasm and experience for working with young people in a challenging environment. WFA, WFR, WEMT certification is a plus.

Interested? If you would like to know more about the organization, you can check out our web site at: If you have any questions or to receive a instructor application please contact:

Liz Connor
Staffing Coordinator, Where There Be Dragons
Fax: 1 (303) 413-0857
Phone: (800) 982-9203 x14

By Dennis Magnuson ( - on Saturday, March 05, 2005 - 10:40 pm: Edit Post

Cajamarca letter from Dennis Magnuson, December 1964

Dear Gang in Lima,

We received your package two days ago just as we were ready to leave Cajamarca. We were happy to get our long-awaited mail from home as well as all the Peace Corps memos.

We hope to be back in Lima in time for Christmas. We are really looking forward to the strawberry sundaes, indoor toilets, and running water. Needless to say we will be able to tell you about many humorous experiences including a six hour mule ride.

We have traveled to the four corners of the province and have acquainted ourselves with the dozen or so credit unions in this area. Not only have we audited and revised books in these coops, but we have given speeches, received requests for materials, and extended help from the Peruvian National Federation.

We have feasted on such Sierra specialties as rice and beans, beans and rice, peas and rice, peas and beans, sometimes the latter with rice. On rare occasions we have had the opportunity to sample such delicacies as fried guinea pig, breaded tongue, and the famed fried monkey.

With our three candle power light source rapidly expending itself, we must close for now, hoping that you are still enjoying the Lima party circuit. Hasta Christmas. Dennis

By Tamara Wallen ( - on Thursday, February 14, 2008 - 10:43 am: Edit Post

Hello - I am a RPCV who served in Ukraine - and am looking for someone (ideally a RPCV) who may be able to provide some linguistic assistance next week as the US Coast Guard meets with the Peruvian Coast Guard for a training activity focused on international law. If you know anyone in country that may be able to translate as needed February 19-21 it would be most appreciated. Thank you.

Please shoot me an email to discuss - Tamara Wallen

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