Directory of Mauritania RPCVs

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Mauritania: Directory of Mauritania RPCVs
Peace Corps Mauritania Returned Volunteers

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By Admin1 (Admin) on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 2:55 pm: Edit Post

Jeff White who served in Mauritania
77 to 79 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at jgw4acornelldedu

Jeff White who served in Mauritania
77 to 79 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at jgwhitearadmsstatededu

Virginia Paine (formally Bellows) who served in Mauritania
77 to 80 and worked in health
can be e-mailed at documationaearthlinkdcom

Virginia Paine (formally Bellows) who served in Mauritania
77 to 80 and worked in health
can be e-mailed at documationaearthlinkdnet

Lawrence Arturo who served in Mauritania
80 to 82 and worked in Agriculture and Community Development
can be e-mailed at larturoabicdorg

Michael Lambert who served in Mauritania
81 to 83 and worked in Agriculture
can be e-mailed at mlambertaemailduncdedu

Kas Healy who served in Mauritania
82 to 84 and worked in APCD Health
can be e-mailed at crrnkasamsndcom

Joe Hindman who served in Mauritania
82 to 84 and worked in Staff
can be e-mailed at josephaEUnetdyu

Mark Tapper who served in Mauritania
82 to 84 and worked in Agriculture
can be e-mailed at markasoverdnet

Mark Ewing who served in Mauritania
84 to 86 and worked in Agriculture
can be e-mailed at markdewingagsadgov

William A. Romary who served in Mauritania
84 to 86 and worked in agriculture
can be e-mailed at romaryapostdharvarddedu

Alice Murray who served in Mauritania
85 to 87 and worked in Agriculture
can be e-mailed at amurrayausisdsk

Alice Murray who served in Mauritania
85 to 87 and worked in agriculture
can be e-mailed at eslaxmagsudedu

Barthell Joseph who served in Mauritania
85 to 87 and worked in ag
can be e-mailed at jbj3areedjosephdcom

Bruce Ehalt who served in Mauritania
86 to 88 and worked in Agriculture
can be e-mailed at bruceehaltahotmaildcom

John Hartman who served in Mauritania
86 to 88 and worked in Agriculture
can be e-mailed at jbhartmanaucdavisdedu

Miriam Kaplan who served in Mauritania
86 to 88 and worked in Agriculture/SONADER
can be e-mailed at mkaplanaucdavisdedu

Virginia Murray who served in Mauritania
86 to 88 and worked in Health
can be e-mailed at murrayveastatedgov

Jim Westwood who served in Mauritania
86 to 88 and worked in Agriculture Extension
can be e-mailed at westwoodavtdedu

Ken McElynn who served in Mauritania
86 to 89 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at mcelynn1ajeflindtjudedu

Maura McCormick who served in Mauritania
87 to 89 and worked in Health
can be e-mailed at mem103aaoldcom

Sheila Young who served in Mauritania
87 to 89 and worked in Agriculture Extension
can be e-mailed at saydoeapeakdorg

Kevin Bohrer who served in Mauritania
89 to 91 and worked in Agriculture
can be e-mailed at kevindbohreramcionedcom

Lisa Cox who served in Mauritania
89 to 91 and worked in Cooperatives
can be e-mailed at MCALLISaollamhducddie

Patrick McAllister who served in Mauritania
89 to 91 and worked in Cooperatives
can be e-mailed at MCALLISaollamhducddie

Scott H. Rule (previously Schroko) who served in Mauritania
89 to 91 and worked in Education (TEFL)
can be e-mailed at rulearaexdcom

Theresa (Guimond) Noonan who served in Mauritania
89 to 91 and worked in Agricultural Educ
can be e-mailed at tnoonananasdedu

Christine Padberg who served in Mauritania
90 to 90 and worked in EFL
can be e-mailed at cpadbergaartscidwustldedu

Winthrop Brent Hepburn who served in Mauritania
90 to 91 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at bhepburnaworldnetdattdnet

Angela C. Martin who served in Mauritania
91 to 93 and worked in Water & Sanitation, Agriculture
can be e-mailed at amartinausaiddgov

Deanna Drzewiecki who served in Mauritania
91 to 94 and worked in Agriculture
can be e-mailed at ddrzewieassw01dumabdabdedu

Bill Martin who served in Mauritania
92 to 93 and worked in Audio-Visual Specialist through the Volunteer Partner Program
can be e-mailed at bmartinagatecomdcom

Katherine Zdan who served in Mauritania
92 to 93 and worked in Agricultural Extension
can be e-mailed at ktzdanabellsouthdnet

By Admin1 (Admin) on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 2:55 pm: Edit Post

Sharon Achilles who served in Mauritania
92 to 94 and worked in Forestry/Dune stabilization
can be e-mailed at slaapittdedu

David Laws who served in Mauritania
92 to 94 and worked in Agroforestry
can be e-mailed at doudaawebtvdnet

Stan Stockdale who served in Mauritania
92 to 94 and worked in Health and Sanitation/watersand
can be e-mailed at gofestaijdnet

Elizabeth Ogren who served in Mauritania
92 to 94 and worked in Agriculture
can be e-mailed at ogrenaprodigydnetdmx

Renie Bouvion who served in Mauritania
92 to 94 and worked in Agriculture Extension
can be e-mailed at rbouvionapeacecorpsdgov

Malu Harrison Wilkinson who served in Mauritania
92 to 95 and worked in Community Agriculture
can be e-mailed at wilkinsonmametroddstdordus

Sean Hines who served in Mauritania
93 to 95 and worked in Agroforestry
can be e-mailed at shines2agldumbcdedu

Ben Spong who served in Mauritania
94 to 95 and worked in Agroforestry
can be e-mailed at bendddspongastatedordus

Kaylen Jorgensen who served in Mauritania
94 to 95 and worked in agro-forestry
can be e-mailed at Kaylen26aaoldcom

Adam Betzwieser who served in Mauritania
94 to 96 and worked in Small Business Development
can be e-mailed at adamawiscdnet

Dawn Sealey who served in Mauritania
94 to 96 and worked in Health/Water Sanitation
can be e-mailed at dysachickmaildcom

Kaylen Jorgensen who served in Mauritania
94 to 96 and worked in agro-forestry
can be e-mailed at Kaylen26aaoldcom

Trey Carr who served in Mauritania
94 to 96 and worked in Health/Water San
can be e-mailed at wburnsanettallydcom

Gigi Jackson who served in Mauritania
96 to 97 and worked in health and Water San
can be e-mailed at jjackso2auiucdedu

James Berscheit who served in Mauritania
98 to 99 and worked in Ag/Fo
can be e-mailed at pcvjamesayahoodcom

Jason Fink who served in Mauritania and Central African Rep
93 to 96 and worked in Water Sanitation/Education
can be e-mailed at wolfpaxiiayahoodcom

Scott AL Beck who served in Mauritania (RIM)
89 to 91 and worked in Agriculture (Frogmore)
can be e-mailed at sbeckagadoedgacdpeachnetdedu

By Admin1 (admin) on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 4:35 pm: Edit Post


Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Jason Fink can be contacted at wolfpaxiiayahoodcom

Host Country: Mauritania

Training Group Name: WaterSan

City (or cities) you served in: LHraj

Year you began your peace corps service: 93

Year you completed your peace corps service: 95

Peace Corps Work Description (in one line): Health, Water, Sanitation

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer paul s dever can be contacted at pcpaulahotmaildcom
Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group Name: ?? RIM '87 Summer Intake

City (or cities) you served in: Atar, Nouakchott

Year you began your peace corps service: 1987

Year you completed your peace corps service: 1991

Peace Corps Work Description:

TEFL teacher in Atar as well as Nouakchott, Mauritania.

Also a staff member in Burundi, Rwand, Malawi and Mali

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

Worked as PC Admin Officer in:

Malawi 1994-7
Mali 1997-00

Currently with AmeriCorps*NCCC in Washington, DC, commonly refered to as
"the domestic Peace Corps"

Anything else you would like people to know about your peace corps service:

Was the best time of my life, a major chapter...

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

Would love to relive it...and possibly do things differently.

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:

All RPCVs from my groups (any RPCVs fo Mauritania can join

Any additions or changes you would like to see in Peace Corps Online?:

Just got here...

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Helen T O'Leary can be contacted at terry1120aearthlinkdnet
Country of Service: Mauritania

Cities you served in: Chinguetti

Years of Service: 86-89

Work Description: Community Health Education

Country of Service #2,: Niger

Cities: Tabla

Years: 91-93

Work Description: Nutritionist

By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 10:53 am: Edit Post


Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Bridget Fox can be contacted at bridgetfox318ayahoodcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Education '92

Cities you served in: Nouakchott

Arrival Year: 1992

Departure Year: 1994

Work Description: English teacher

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

Shriver Peaceworker Fellow at University of Maryland, Baltimore County getting
a masters in education

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Kevin Baladad can be contacted at pcvbaladadayahoodcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: SED

Cities you served in: Boghe

Arrival Year: 96

Departure Year: 98

Work Description: Business Dev

By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 7:45 pm: Edit Post


Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Sharon Achilles can be contacted at sla3apittdedu

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Kiffa 1992

Cities you served in: Kamour

Arrival Year: 1992

Departure Year: 1994

Work Description: Forestry/Dune Stabilization

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

After the Peace Corps I earned a PhD in Biology at Johns Hopkins University
(1994-2000). My research interests are in the field of women's health,
specifically working on developing micobicides for safely and effectively
preventing sexually transmitted disease and unwanted pregnancy.
Upon completion of my PhD, I entered medical school at University of
Pittsburgh to add clinical skill to my interest in women's health. I will finish
medical school in 2004 and I plan on doing my residency training in OB/Gyn.

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

During my service years in the Peace Corps I began to understand the heath
conditions that the majority of women in the world face every day. It was
during this time that I knew I wanted to devote my life to improving the
health status of women. It is my intention to return to the developing world
after my medical training and deliver health care to underserved women.

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:

I would love to hear from anyone in my training group or any RPCV in the
Pittsburgh area!

By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 7:45 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Eric Nicholas Studer can be contacted at estuder1ayahoodcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Water, Sanitation, and Public Health Education

Cities you served in: Sincaane N'diakere, Gorgol

Arrival Year: 1997

Departure Year: 1999

Work Description: Small community development

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

Geotechnical Engineer 3/00 to 12/01
Energy Conservation Engineer 1/01 to present

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

I have yet to feel as alive as I was there.

Any message for returned volunteers?:

If any RPCVs are in the Boston area, contact me to get on the list for the
Boston Area Returned Peace Corps Association's TGIF gatherings, or
check out their website at

By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, January 03, 2002 - 5:35 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Sheila A. Young can be contacted at syoungapeakdorg

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Agriculture Extension

Cities you served in: La Harage

Arrival Year: 1987-1989

Departure Year: 1989

Work Description: Ag. Extension in 5 surrounding villages, ag. cooperative
development, vegetable marketing, health

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my entire career.

By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 - 1:56 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Judy Cullen can be contacted at ms_jcullenayahoodcom

Country of Service: Mauritania and Gabon

Cities you served in: Tijikja, RIM and Bitam, Gabon

Arrival Year: 1990

Departure Year: 1993

Work Description: TEFL

By Admin1 (admin) on Monday, February 04, 2002 - 9:04 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Evelyn Morris can be contacted at emorrisarollinscorpdcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: FTO - Dakar, Senegal

Cities you served in: Nouakchott

Arrival Year: 1974

Departure Year: 1976

Work Description: TEFL

By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, February 17, 2002 - 9:17 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer diane hilary cummings can be contacted at djenebaaaoldcom

Country of Service: mauritania

Training Group: water sanitation/community health

Cities you served in: baediam, in the guidimaxa

Arrival Year: 1994

Departure Year: 1997

Work Description: community devel projects: health clinic, midwifery training, tree
planting, latrines

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

back to school for nursing (RN) and now am becoming a nurse-midwife, possibly
nurse practitioner as well. am living in Albuquerque, New Mexico and would like
to work on the rez or for a pueblo before returning to work in Africa.

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

still homesick for West Africa and my village in Mauritania.

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:

continue to be in close touch w/ everyone i was in Mauritania with.

By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, March 03, 2002 - 12:31 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Robin Arsenault can be contacted at conakry93acomcastdnet

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Water and Sanitation

Cities you served in: Bousta, Nema

Arrival Year: 1990

Departure Year: 1991

Work Description: building wells and latrines, health education

Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work

Guinea, Health, Kolabunyi, Kamsar, Boke, 1991, 1993, health education
and worked with CRD for public health oriented initiatives

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

attended graduate school studying Microbiology, taught private school for
5 years, currently doing pharmaceutical validation

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

Africa is so much more complex than the media realizes or at least

By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, April 09, 2002 - 11:57 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Brad Favor can be contacted at bnfavoramtdsdcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: 1979 Commuity Agriculture

Cities you served in: Mbagne, Nouakchott

Arrival Year: 1979

Departure Year: 1982

Work Description: Vegetable production through promotion of and support to women's

By Admin1 (admin) on Monday, April 15, 2002 - 6:13 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Holly Munroe can be contacted at munroe_hamsndcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Agriculture

Cities you served in: Kaedi

Arrival Year: 1986

Departure Year: 1989

Work Description: Agriculture Research

By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 - 10:53 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Sharon Achilles can be contacted at sla3apittdedu

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Kiffa

Cities you served in: Kamour

Arrival Year: 1992

Departure Year: 1994

Work Description: Forestry/Dune Stabilization

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

After returning to the US in 1994, I entered graduate school at Johns
Hopkins. In 2000, I graduated with a PhD in Biology having spent those six
years researching the transmission of sexually transmitted disease and
working on new biological methods of prevention. After graduation, I began
school again (perpetual student). I began medical school at University of
Pittsburgh and I have recently completed (May 2002) my second year as a
medical student. This will be my last degree...only two more years to go! My
intent is to become a practicing OB/Gyn as well as continuing research on
prevention of STDs and unwanted pregnancies.

By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, May 22, 2002 - 6:42 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer jaime koll can be contacted at jaimek25aMsndcom

Country of Service: mauritania

Arrival Year: 2002

Departure Year: 2004

Work Description: SED

By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 1:53 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Rebecca Bridgeman can be contacted at RRBridgemanaaltavistadnet

Country of Service: Mauritania

Cities you served in: MBout

Arrival Year: 1979

Departure Year: 1981 (AERAN after till 1983)

Work Description: Established recuperation center for malnourished infants

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:


By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 11:28 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Tracy Hart can be contacted at thartaworldbankdorg

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Frogmore

Cities you served in: Gani, Juude Daande Maayo

Arrival Year: 1987

Departure Year: 1989

Work Description: Community Agriculture

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

PhD from Berkeley in 1997, now working at the World Bank on water
supply in West and Central Africa

By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, August 16, 2002 - 9:56 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Lisa Mirande-Lind can be contacted at llindamadpeacecorpsdgov

Country of Service: Mauritania

Cities you served in: Nouakchott

Arrival Year: 1987

Departure Year: 1989

Work Description: University teacher

Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work Description:
Ecuador, 1981-82

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Working with international NGOs. Presently APCD Education Morocco

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Best expereince of my life.

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
RIM PCVs from my group

Any message for returned volunteers?:
OUr PC work is never finished.

By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, October 04, 2002 - 10:46 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Warfield can be contacted at Dagvegaaoldcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: 1996-1998

Cities you served in: Dagveg

Arrival Year: 1996

Departure Year: 1998

Work Description: Agro-Forestry

By Admin1 (admin) on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 3:19 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer linda davis clowers can be contacted at csunfarmsaaoldcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: West Africa Health/Education/Putney VT

Cities you served in: Mbout

Arrival Year: 1977

Departure Year: 1979

Work Description: Maternal/Child Health

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Received MBA in 1981, worked 15 years as a commercial banker, now a farmer and homemaker with 2 children.

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Best education on self sufficiency and cultural diversity in the world. I loved my experience, although it was difficult at times.

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
My local language teachers, Josef and Kadio.

Any message for returned volunteers?:
Aren't we lucky!

By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, December 12, 2002 - 12:13 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Emmanuela Jeune can be contacted at emmajeuneayahoodcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Health and Water Sanitation

Cities you served in: Sani(village) and Atar

Arrival Year: 2000

Departure Year: 2002

Work Description: Health and Water Sanitation volunteer. I organized AIDS campaigns in Sani and in Atar. Also, I participated in polio vaccinations.

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Currently I have a teaching position as a Multicultural Student Advocate/Parent Liaison with Orange County Public Schools (Orlando, Florida). I provide academic and social support to ESOL students who are failing. I travel to 13 schools in the county to mentor/tutor Middle and High School students. Will be taking classes in January 2003 toward certification in Psychology. Have future plans to return to Africa.

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
I am truly blessed with all the experiences that I acquired during my time in Mauritania. I am so glad now that I did not give up after one year. I have learned that I have to accept what I cannot change. I thank God for the PC staff, volunteers and Mauritanians for putting up with me.

Any message for returned volunteers?:
I really would encourage Peace Corps Mauritania volunteers to write a book about their experiences.

By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, December 13, 2002 - 10:30 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Tanya Quinn can be contacted at tquinnluvayahoodcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Returnee

Cities you served in: Koleyla, Rosso

Arrival Year: September 2000

Departure Year: November 2001

Work Description: Agroforestry, Health & Water Sanitation, Education

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Working as the Discover Long Beach Parks program coordinator & as a naturalist for the El Dorado Nature Center

Any message for returned volunteers?:
Mauritanian volunteers living in LA / Long Beach CA

By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, March 05, 2003 - 6:52 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Bryant Collins can be contacted at beccfiayahoodcom

Country of Service: Mauritania (Islamic Republic of Mauritania)

Training Group: PST Cycle I, 2000

Cities you served in: Kaedi, Maghma, Boghe, Nouakchott

Arrival Year: 2000

Departure Year: 2002

Work Description: WaterSan Engineer, Admin Coordinator

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Looking for overseas employment, however for the time being I have returned to flying

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Good times

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Anybody that has served was in Mauritania from 2000-2002.

Any message for returned volunteers?:
Anybody up to knocking out another 2 years with me?

By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, March 05, 2003 - 6:53 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer jaime koll can be contacted at jaimek25amsndcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Arrival Year: 2002

Departure Year: 2002

Work Description: SED

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Wish I could have stayed longer.....

By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 11:10 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer beth bodnar can be contacted at bethbodnarahotmaildcom

Country of Service: mauritania

Training Group: education

Cities you served in: kiffa, nouakchott

Arrival Year: 1988

Departure Year: 1990

Work Description: teacher

By Admin1 (admin) on Saturday, May 10, 2003 - 6:26 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer JEFFREY BLAHA can be contacted at popokinuiacsdcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Cities you served in: Djajinbini

Arrival Year: 1984

Departure Year: 1986

Work Description: Community Agricultural Extension Agent

By Admin1 (admin) on Monday, June 23, 2003 - 2:14 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Robert Dorion can be contacted at r_dorionayahoodcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Water Sanitation/Community Health

Cities you served in: M'Bekera Bilal

Arrival Year: 1996

Departure Year: 1998

Work Description:

Assisted with health and agricultural projects, including vaccinations, fencing, health talks, and cooperative formation.

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

After Peace Corps I moved to Seattle where I've been spending most of my time working in the biotech field.

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

One of the best experiences of my life, although nostalgia makes things a bit rosy. I had an intense, wonderful, frustrating, exciting, hungry, fulfilling experience!

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:

Anyone heading to Mauritania, and of course, my fellow PC buddies! Hi guys!

By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 12:09 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Robin Arsenault Emrick can be contacted at conakry93acomcastdnet

Country of Service: Republique Islamique de la Mauritanie

Training Group: Philadelphia

Cities you served in: Bousta

Arrival Year: 1990

Departure Year: 1991

Work Description:

Water and Sanitation Program

Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work Description:

Republique de la Guinee, joined the 1991 group from Dakar after evacuating Mauritania, left in 1993, served as a Health Teacher and vaccination organizer

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

Grad school, teaching, now big pharma

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

I wish that I could have finished my service with my stage group in Mauritania rather than in Guinea. Mauritania needs us so much more.

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:

Trudy Jo Matthews who ET'd from Mauritania

Leave a message here if there was an incorrect or duplicate e-mail address for you in the "Directory of Volunteers":

My new mailing address and married name:
Robin (Arsenault) Emrick
155 Thunder Circle
Bensalem, PA 19020

By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, July 20, 2003 - 12:26 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Scott Hickman can be contacted at scotthickman1ayahoodcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: 93-95

Cities you served in: Hassi Chaggar

Arrival Year: 93

Departure Year: 95

Work Description:

Water Sanitation/Disease Control

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

Just graduated from medical school at the Univ. of Hawaii.

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

Why did we drink the bush wine?

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:

Mike Oliva owes me 20 bucks.

Any message for returned volunteers?:

I still believe J. Stevens stole the magazine in Selibaby.

By Admin1 (admin) on Saturday, September 20, 2003 - 9:36 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Stan Stockdale can be contacted at gofestatampabaydrrdcom

Country of Service: Maurtania

Cities you served in: Saboucire

Arrival Year: 1992

Departure Year: 1994

Work Description:

Water and Sanitation

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

Now married with 2 children

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

Would trade the experience for anything.

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Monday, October 27, 2003 - 12:41 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Jay Davidson can be contacted at teacherajaydavidsondcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Education

Cities you served in: Nouakchott

Arrival Year: 2003

Work Description:

Curriculum Development Specialist

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Monday, October 27, 2003 - 12:41 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Scott H. Rule can be contacted at sruleahotmaildcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Summer, '89

Cities you served in: Selebaby

Arrival Year: 1989

Departure Year: 1992

Work Description:


By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, December 14, 2003 - 11:54 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer mary denham can be contacted at rhdiiiaattdnet

Country of Service: mauritania

Training Group: 88

Cities you served in: nouakchott

Arrival Year: 88

Departure Year: 90

Work Description:

health extension, community development

Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work Description:

chad 90-91
mali 92-94
ethiopia 95-96

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Thursday, March 04, 2004 - 7:50 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Judith Waterman Kamara can be contacted at jwkamaraahotmaildcom

Country of Service: mauritania

Training Group: Aug 1991

Cities you served in: Dafort

Arrival Year: 1991

Departure Year: 1993

Work Description:

health educator and disease prevention specialist

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, April 11, 2004 - 1:21 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Liz Kenton can be contacted at lizkentonayahoodcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: 682-00-02, I believe

Cities you served in: Aioun el Atrous

Arrival Year: 2000

Departure Year: 2004

Work Description:

girls' education, biogas research, vulgarisation of Moringa oleifera (the "miracle tree"), forgetting the English for "vulgarisation"

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

DEP cubicle drone, which is interesting in a checklist kind of way.

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

Too soon to be able to verbalize it effectively, plus my mouth is full of bacon cheeseburger.

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:

Freida, Shona, John Fino from C. America, Kerry & Andy

Any message for returned volunteers?:

Good to hear from you.

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 12:29 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer JD Williams can be contacted at jdwilliamsalandye-bennettdcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Arrival Year: 1987

Departure Year: 1988

Work Description:

Agricultural extension volunteer

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

Tribal attorney in Oregon

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, August 15, 2004 - 1:31 pm: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Terry O'Leary can be contacted at terry86aseanetdcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Community Health

Cities you served in: Chinguetti

Arrival Year: 1986

Departure Year: 1989

Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work Description:

Niger, Nutrition, Tabla, 1991, 1993

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, September 05, 2004 - 1:09 am: Edit Post

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Brad Clinehens can be contacted at bccpsuayahoodcom

Country of Service: Mauritania

Training Group: Community Agro-forestry

Cities you served in: Bouboudiana (Brakna region)

Arrival Year: 1999

Departure Year: 2001

Work Description:

I worked with a women's gardening cooperative along the Senegal River. My village was black Moor.

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

I currently work for UC Cooperative Extension in the Eastern Sierra region of CA. Just found out six weeks ago the university is eliminating my position after Sept. I hate job hunting!!! (I'm still single as can be.)

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

Oh do I miss chebujen!!! I also miss hanging out with my pcv friends on a regular basis. However I don't miss the poor village diet or being sick all the time.

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:

Chad Adams (aka Chase Valentino, porn star) where art thou???? Are you in Algeria, Sudan, Chad, or Libya right now?? You are a mystery wrapped in a riddle.

Any message for returned volunteers?:

Was our two year service on the movie set of the , "The Truman Show?" It was truly a surreal experience to say the least. If I just would have videotaped pcv's from my group I would have won an Oscar for best film documentary.

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Friday, March 02, 2007 - 10:39 am: Edit Post

Peace Corps Mauritania

 Peace Corps Mauritania

By America's Unofficial Ambassadors ( on Wednesday, October 05, 2011 - 4:02 pm: Edit Post

Any RPCVs interested in a short-term volunteer opportunity in Jordan? The America's Unofficial Ambassadors (AUA) program at Creative Learning is dedicated to expanding and supporting private American citizens' service in the Muslim World. From January 6-15 2012, AUA will lead a group of volunteers to Jordan to support local community development initiatives, learn about Jordanian culture, and meet face-to-face with Jordanian families and university students. Volunteers will spend 4 days working with Habitat for Humanity to build homes for poor families in the north of the country. They will also engage in discussion with civil society groups in Amman and Irbid to learn more about Jordanian culture, share insight into American culture, and discuss challenges common to both societies. The Building Peace by Building Homes trip to Jordan will end with visits to Petra (one of the modern 7 Wonders of the World) and the Dead Sea.

The trip is the first in a series of three Building Peace by Building Homes trips that CL will lead in 2012 [Additional trips to Tajikistan (May) and Indonesia (July) are still being planned]. For more information visit: ding-peace-by-building-homes/, or contact AUA trip leader, Andrew Stinson, at

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