By Admin1 (admin) ( on Friday, December 31, 2010 - 12:13 pm: Edit Post |
In December 2009, this was on the front page of PCOL:
Peace Corps Online The Independent News Forum serving Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
Memo to Incoming Director Williams
PCOL has asked five prominent RPCVs and Staff to write a memo on the most important issues facing the Peace Corps today. Issues raised include the independence of the Peace Corps, political appointments at the agency, revitalizing the five-year rule, lowering the ET rate, empowering volunteers, removing financial barriers to service, increasing the agency's budget, reducing costs, and making the Peace Corps bureaucracy more efficient and responsive. Latest: Greetings from Director Williams
Join Us Mr. President!
"We will double the size of the Peace Corps by its 50th anniversary in 2011. And we'll reach out to other nations to engage their young people in similar programs, so that we work side by side to take on the common challenges that confront all humanity," said Barack Obama during his campaign. Returned Volunteers rally and and march to the White House to support a bold new Peace Corps for a new age. Latest: Senator Dodd introduces Peace Corps Improvement and Expansion Act of 2009 .
Meet Aaron Williams - Our Next Director
Senator Dodd's Senate Subcommittee held confirmation hearings for Aaron Williams to become the 18th Peace Corps Director. "It's exciting to have a nominee who served in the Peace Corps and also has experience in international development and management," said Dodd as he put Williams on the fast track to be confirmed by the full Senate before the August recess. Read our exclusive coverage of the hearings and our biography of Peace Corps Director Aaron Williams.
Read the stories and leave your comments.
By Admin1 (admin) ( on Friday, December 31, 2010 - 12:13 pm: Edit Post |
What Happened to Obama's Promise?
Rajeev Goyal writes: What Happened to Obama's Promise of 16,000 Peace Corps Volunteers by 2011? 3 December 2009
Peace Corps convenes symposium in honor of the UN's International...
Peace Corps convenes symposium in honor of the UN's International Volunteer Day 4 December 2009
JesseO writes: Peace Corps has a whole crew of people...
JesseO writes: Peace Corps has a whole crew of people devoted to doing online screenings of content tied to an applicant/nominees name via bots that crawl the web 6 December 2009
Peace Corps Celebrates International Volunteer Day...
Peace Corps Celebrates International Volunteer Day 8 December 2009
Williams Embraces “Global Service 2.0” Leaderwship
Director Williams embraces a new “global service 2.0” style leadership committed to championing Peace Corps volunteers alongside a growing corps of NGO, faith-based, new social media and corporate service initiatives 8 December 2009
Meet the Alliance for Peacebuilding’s Thought Leader Colombia RPCV Chic...
Meet the Alliance for Peacebuilding’s Thought Leader Colombia RPCV Chic Dambach 9 December 2009
Peace Corps Volunteer "Katie's Peace Corps Adventure" writes: The region...
Peace Corps Volunteer "Katie's Peace Corps Adventure" writes: The region of Tahoua was shut down and all volunteers from that region choosing to stay will be put in new villages in other regions 10 December 2009
Remarks by the President at the Acceptance of the Nobel...
Remarks by the President at the Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize 10 December 2009
Peace Corps Establishes Program in Indonesia
Peace Corps Establishes Program in Indonesia 11 December 2009
Peace Corps Returning to Indonesia...
Peace Corps Returning to Indonesia 11 December 2009
Peace Corps relaunches program in Indonesia after 46 years...
Peace Corps relaunches program in Indonesia after 46 years 12 December 2009
Peace Corps Volunteer "Brie in Tanzania" writes: Jen's Village...
Peace Corps Volunteer "Brie in Tanzania" writes: Jen's Village 13 December 2009
Nicaragua RPCV Joshua Berman writes: 7 Ways to Reduce Your...
Nicaragua RPCV Joshua Berman writes: 7 Ways to Reduce Your Impact on Endangered Wildlife while Traveling in Belize and Other Countries 14 December 2009
Rajeev Goyal writes: This is nothing short of historic success...
Rajeev Goyal writes: This is nothing short of historic success. In the challenging world of Washington, we made a veritable impact. Sure we have room for improvement. But who doesn’t right? 14 December 2009
Obama meets with Aaron Williams
President Obama meets with Peace Corps Director Aaron Williams on December 16 16 December 2009
By Admin1 (admin) ( on Saturday, March 19, 2011 - 10:37 am: Edit Post |
What Happened to Obama's Promise?
Rajeev Goyal writes: What Happened to Obama's Promise of 16,000 Peace Corps Volunteers by 2011? 3 December 2009
Peace Corps convenes symposium in honor of the UN's International...
Peace Corps convenes symposium in honor of the UN's International Volunteer Day 4 December 2009
JesseO writes: Peace Corps has a whole crew of people...
JesseO writes: Peace Corps has a whole crew of people devoted to doing online screenings of content tied to an applicant/nominees name via bots that crawl the web 6 December 2009
Peace Corps Celebrates International Volunteer Day...
Peace Corps Celebrates International Volunteer Day 8 December 2009
Williams Embraces "Global Service 2.0" Leaderwship
Director Williams embraces a new "global service 2.0" style leadership committed to championing Peace Corps volunteers alongside a growing corps of NGO, faith-based, new social media and corporate service initiatives 8 December 2009
Meet the Alliance for Peacebuilding's Thought Leader Colombia RPCV Chic...
Meet the Alliance for Peacebuilding's Thought Leader Colombia RPCV Chic Dambach 9 December 2009
Peace Corps Volunteer "Katie's Peace Corps Adventure" writes: The region...
Peace Corps Volunteer "Katie's Peace Corps Adventure" writes: The region of Tahoua was shut down and all volunteers from that region choosing to stay will be put in new villages in other regions 10 December 2009
Remarks by the President at the Acceptance of the Nobel...
Remarks by the President at the Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize 10 December 2009
Peace Corps Establishes Program in Indonesia
Peace Corps Establishes Program in Indonesia 11 December 2009
Peace Corps Returning to Indonesia...
Peace Corps Returning to Indonesia 11 December 2009
Peace Corps relaunches program in Indonesia after 46 years...
Peace Corps relaunches program in Indonesia after 46 years 12 December 2009
Peace Corps Volunteer "Brie in Tanzania" writes: Jen's Village...
Peace Corps Volunteer "Brie in Tanzania" writes: Jen's Village 13 December 2009
Nicaragua RPCV Joshua Berman writes: 7 Ways to Reduce Your...
Nicaragua RPCV Joshua Berman writes: 7 Ways to Reduce Your Impact on Endangered Wildlife while Traveling in Belize and Other Countries 14 December 2009
Rajeev Goyal writes: This is nothing short of historic success...
Rajeev Goyal writes: This is nothing short of historic success. In the challenging world of Washington, we made a veritable impact. Sure we have room for improvement. But who doesn't right? 14 December 2009
Obama meets with Aaron Williams
President Obama meets with Peace Corps Director Aaron Williams on December 16 16 December 2009