By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Friday, May 09, 2008 - 3:17 pm: Edit Post |
Sen. John F. Kerry waded into a battle with the Peace Corps on the heels of a Washington Post article that said the international agency has barred HIV-positive workers from its ranks
Kerry wrote. “Many of our constituents who have served in the Peace Corps have commented on what an enriching and rewarding experience it was. . . . It is our sincere hope that all Americans, regardless of whether or not they are HIV-positive, have the same opportunity to serve our country in the Peace Corps.”
Sen. John F. Kerry waded into a battle with the Peace Corps on the heels of a Washington Post article that said the international agency has barred HIV-positive workers from its ranks
Peace of his mind
Sen. John F. Kerry waded into a battle with the Peace Corps on the heels of a Washington Post article that said the international agency has barred HIV-positive workers from its ranks.
Kerry (D-Mass.) sent a letter this week to Peace Corps Director Ronald Tschetter, calling the decision “troubling.”
“We believe it is important that federal agencies make every effort, consistent with existing anti-discrimination laws, to employ HIV-positive Americans in professional and volunteer positions,” Kerry wrote. “Many of our constituents who have served in the Peace Corps have commented on what an enriching and rewarding experience it was. . . . It is our sincere hope that all Americans, regardless of whether or not they are HIV-positive, have the same opportunity to serve our country in the Peace Corps.”
The American Civil Liberties Union also has come out against the controversial Peace Corps policy.
Links to Related Topics (Tags):
Headlines: May, 2008; Peace Corps Ukraine; Directory of Ukraine RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Ukraine RPCVs; Congress; HIV; AIDS
When this story was posted in May 2008, this was on the front page of PCOL:
Peace Corps Online The Independent News Forum serving Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
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