2009.01.27: January 27, 2009: Headlines: COS - Uganda: Fund Raising: Chillicothe Gazette: Laura C. Corcoran is working with the Peace Corps in the tiny African village of Kasule in the district of Kyenjojo in Uganda

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Uganda: Peace Corps Uganda : Peace Corps Uganda: Newest Stories: 2009.01.27: January 27, 2009: Headlines: COS - Uganda: Fund Raising: Chillicothe Gazette: Laura C. Corcoran is working with the Peace Corps in the tiny African village of Kasule in the district of Kyenjojo in Uganda

By Admin1 (admin) ( on Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 11:30 am: Edit Post

Laura C. Corcoran is working with the Peace Corps in the tiny African village of Kasule in the district of Kyenjojo in Uganda

Laura C. Corcoran is working with the Peace Corps in the tiny African village of Kasule in the district of Kyenjojo in Uganda

While in Kasule, Laura is working at the Kasule Health Center III - a health center consisting of an outpatient clinic and a maternity ward that serves 11,000 people. Although that is her primary focus there, Laura also is working with a nearby school where, instead of textbooks, they use murals on the side of the school to aid lessons. Funds collected at Bishop Flaget also will go toward helping repair the murals or add new content. "We look forward to this project and a unique cultural exchange experience for our students," said Cathy Bonner, junior high language arts teacher. "Not only will the students be able to help make a difference, they will be able to know the people that they are helping." Students, who have been learning about Africa, will begin to learn about Uganda this week via a PowerPoint presentation Laura prepared, which includes several photos. The students also will be preparing their own presentation Laura can share with the children in Uganda.

Laura C. Corcoran is working with the Peace Corps in the tiny African village of Kasule in the district of Kyenjojo in Uganda

Flaget helps with Peace Corps work
Students will raise money to help fix water tanks in African village

By JONA ISON • Gazette Staff Writer • January 27, 2009

Caption: This photo shows educational diagrams on the walls of classroom buildings of a Ugandan school. Bishop Flaget students will be helping raise money to help a Peace Corps project being worked on by an alumnus of the Ross County school. (Submitted photo)

In recognition of the Catholic Schools Week theme of celebrating service, local Catholic school students will be presented with a new service project helping people in Uganda.

Former Bishop Flaget graduate Laura C. Corcoran, niece of Flaget's principal, Laura L. Corcoran, is working with the Peace Corps in the tiny African village of Kasule in the district of Kyenjojo. Laura is working on a project to help repair water tanks which collect rainwater from the roofs of the school, about a $300 project. Since the area does not have running water, it relies on the rain water collected for consumption.

After hearing about the project, Laura's aunt felt students at Bishop Flaget could help, especially since the school had already been talking about doing a pen-pal project with the Kasule children.

"Service is one of the cornerstones of learning at Bishop Flaget. As a part of our daily routine, students are reminded of the need to care for others and the responsibility that each has," said principal Corcoran.

Students will help raise money through selling reusable grocery tote bags that are personalized by the students. The totes tie into the school's focus this year on the environment and recycling.

Although the school does several service projects each year, principal Corcoran felt students could connect with children in Uganda through pen pal letters and exchange of pictures and information.

"We're kind of excited for our students because they are seeing a graduate of Bishop Flaget and what she is doing on the other side of the world," she said.

The example will provide students a model of continuing community service in their adult lives, while interacting with those benefiting from the project will help them better connect to how they are making a difference, principal Corcoran said. Sharing their way of life also can provide insight on small things we take for granted, she added.

"Little things we sometimes forget to be thankful for, people in other parts of the world don't have ... The big thing for me, I want them to see service is a way of life, and one of the things our faith teaches us is we should always be aware and helping those who are less fortunate than us," she said.

While in Kasule, Laura is working at the Kasule Health Center III - a health center consisting of an outpatient clinic and a maternity ward that serves 11,000 people. Although that is her primary focus there, Laura also is working with a nearby school where, instead of textbooks, they use murals on the side of the school to aid lessons. Funds collected at Bishop Flaget also will go toward helping repair the murals or add new content.

"We look forward to this project and a unique cultural exchange experience for our students," said Cathy Bonner, junior high language arts teacher. "Not only will the students be able to help make a difference, they will be able to know the people that they are helping."

Students, who have been learning about Africa, will begin to learn about Uganda this week via a PowerPoint presentation Laura prepared, which includes several photos. The students also will be preparing their own presentation Laura can share with the children in Uganda.

(Ison can be reached at 772-9367 or via e-mail at jison@ChillicotheGazette.com)

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Story Source: Chillicothe Gazette

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