By Admin1 (Admin) on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 - 5:43 pm: Edit Post |
Anthony Bellotti who served in El Salvador
from 62 to 64 and worked in Agriculture
can be e-mailed at abellottiabgcgdnetdcom
Gayle Kantack who served in El Salvador
from 62 to 64 and worked in Agriculture
can be e-mailed at gkantackakansdcom
Michael D. Moore who served in El Salvador
from 62 to 64 and worked in Forestry
can be e-mailed at mdmooreaumichdedu
Beva Rae Fegley Dahnke who served in El Salvador
from 62 to 64 and worked in Agric-Extension-4-H clubs
can be e-mailed at Wdahnkeaaoldcom
William C Dahnke who served in El Salvador
from 62 to 63 and worked in Soil research
can be e-mailed at WDahnkeaaoldcom
Jim (Robinson) Luginbuhl who served in El Salvador
from 63 to 65 and worked in Community Development
can be e-mailed at jimlugapoedcoedncsudedu
Leonard Sweeten who served in El Salvador
from 63 to 64 and worked in Agriculture-4H clubs
can be e-mailed at SweetPnMaaoldcom
Sara Love Warren Sweeten who served in El Salvador
from 63 to 64 and worked in Home Econ-Community Brigades
can be e-mailed at SweetPnMaaoldcom
Mark Spevack who served in El Salvador
from 65 to 66 and worked in Fundamental Education Brigades
can be e-mailed at mspevackamonmouthdcom
Mark Spevack who served in El Salvador
from 65 to 66 and worked in Community Development
can be e-mailed at mspevackamonmouthdcom
Helen (Ann) Risom Belluschi who served in El Salvador
from 66 to 68 and worked in Architecture
can be e-mailed at harb43amsndcom
Judy Anne Cooper Haden who served in El Salvador
from 66 to 68 and worked in BA Generalist
can be e-mailed at jchadenahalcyondcom
LeRoy Mabery who served in El Salvador
from 66 to 69 and worked in Education & Youth Development
can be e-mailed at lrmaberyatirdcom
LeRoy Mabery who served in El Salvador
from 66 to 69 and worked in 4-H & Community Developmentd
can be e-mailed at lrmaberyatirdcom
Carolyn Selove Kapner who served in El Salvador
from 66 to 68 and worked in Community Development
can be e-mailed at kapneratexasdnet
David Walsman who served in El Salvador
from 66 to 68 and worked in Community Development
can be e-mailed at walsmanaieidnet
Hank Schneider who served in El Salvador
from 68 to 70 and worked in Urban Community Development
can be e-mailed at psynuhsashowmedmissouridedu
Gerald M. "Jerry " Garvey who served in El Salvador
from 69 to 71 and worked in Ag/Forestry
can be e-mailed at garveyamcndorg
Connie Bucove who served in El Salvador
from 70 to 72 and worked in Public Health
can be e-mailed at 104601d2452acompuservedcom
Greg Bucove who served in El Salvador
from 70 to 72 and worked in Fisheries Development
can be e-mailed at gregory_o_bucoveayahoodcom
Don Yager who served in El Salvador
from 74 to 76 and worked in Education - Mathematics
can be e-mailed at doalanaaoldcom
Michael Shank who served in El Salvador
from 74 to 77 and worked in Ag/Natural Resources
can be e-mailed at mshankamaildstatedmodus
Carol Carothers who served in El Salvador
from 76 to 78 and worked in Education
can be e-mailed at clcarothersahotmaildcom
A.Michael Marzolla who served in El Salavador
from 76 to 77 and worked in Coops/Nutrition Education/Disaster Relief/reconstruction
can be e-mailed at ammarzollaaucdavisdedu
By Admin1 (Admin) on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 - 5:44 pm: Edit Post |
John Morse who served in El Salvador
from 76 to 79 and worked in Soil Conservation
can be e-mailed at family_of_morseahotmaildcom
James Jennings "Jaime" who served in El salvador
from 76 to 79 and worked in National Parks
can be e-mailed at friendship1aearthlinkdnet
Dr. James A. Wood who served in El Salvador
from 76 to 78 and worked in Agriculture-Multiple cropping
can be e-mailed at jawoodaadmindhilconetdcom
don huebsch who served in El Salvador
from 77 to 79 and worked in health ed
can be e-mailed at dondogsaaoldcom
Steven H. Bernstein who served in El Salvador
from 77 to 79 and worked in Cooperative Advisor
can be e-mailed at elevineasalnetdnet
Edward A. Pfister who served in El Salvador
from 77 to 79 and worked in Public Health
can be e-mailed at epfisterahelixdnihdgov
Kathy Sue Kasprisin who served in El Salvador
from 77 to 79 and worked in Public Information
can be e-mailed at kathykavcommdcom
Steven H. Bernstein who served in El Salvador
from 77 to 79 and worked in Business Cooperatives
can be e-mailed at stbernsteinausaiddgov
Robert Merideth who served in El Salvador
from 78 to 79 and worked in Water Resources Management
can be e-mailed at meridethaudarizonadedu
Ted McManamon who served in El Salvador
from 78 to 79 and worked in Business Cooperatives
can be e-mailed at sansanaixdnetcomdcom
Chris Bailey who served in El Salvador
from 94 to 94 and worked in Microcredit
can be e-mailed at c4baileyahotmaildcom
Carolyn Cunningham who served in El Salvador
from 94 to 94 and worked in Microcredit
can be e-mailed at ccunninghamauwkcdorg
laura porter who served in El Salvador
from 94 to 96 and worked in water/sanitation
can be e-mailed at lauradporterastudentdsitdedu
Burt Brungardt who served in El Salvador
from 95 to 97 and worked in Small Business Development
can be e-mailed at bburtarocketmaildcom
Paul Elwell who served in El Salvador
from 95 to 97 and worked in Small Business Development
can be e-mailed at elenithaqnetdcom
Kim McFadden who served in El Salvador
from 95 to 97 and worked in Municipal Development
can be e-mailed at kimmcfaddenamsndcom
Justine Desmarais who served in El Salvador
from 95 to 97 and worked in Water/Sanitation
can be e-mailed at stonewoodatopdmonaddnet
Aimee Johnson who served in El Salvador
from 96 to 98 and worked in Small Business Development
can be e-mailed at aimeejapaonlinedcom
Gregory Alfonso Renda who served in El Salvador
from 96 to 98 and worked in Agro-forestry
can be e-mailed at g_alfonseayahoodcom
Janet Lynn who served in El Salvador
from 96 to 98 and worked in Agroforestry
can be e-mailed at janetclynnahotmaildcom
Micky Mayes who served in El Salvador
from 96 to 97 and worked in Municipal Government Development
can be e-mailed at mickymayesaaoldcom
Barry frank Markowitz who served in El Salvador
from 96 to 98 and worked in Agro-forestry
can be e-mailed at rpcv98esaldcom
Tony Gasbarro who served in El Salvador
from 96 to 98 and worked in Agro-Forestry
can be e-mailed at tgasbarriahotmaildcom
tony gasbarro who served in El Salvador
from 96 to 98 and worked in agroforestry
can be e-mailed at tgasbarroahotmaildcom
Michael Halpern who served in El Salvador
from 97 to 99 and worked in Small Business
can be e-mailed at michaelhalpernahotmaildcom
Anna Toness who served in El Salvador and Argentina
from 93 to 96 and worked in Agroforestry and Natural Resources
can be e-mailed at a-tonessatamudedu
Dean Jefferson who served in El Salvador and Costa Rica
from 74 to 77 and worked in Agriculture
can be e-mailed at jeffedwawheelddatcpdstatedwidus
Rob Burke who served in El Salvador and Honduras
from 79 to 81 and worked in Soil Conservation
can be e-mailed at intctrrbamizzou1dmissouridedu
Mike Martin who served in El Salvador and Honduras
from 79 to 82 and worked in Coops
can be e-mailed at mjdmausadnet
Rob Burke who served in El Salvador and Honduras
from 79 to 81 and worked in Soil Conservation
can be e-mailed at robertdburkeacesduwexdedu
Clinton Randolph Kennedy who served in El Salvador and Paraguay
from 79 to 81 and worked in Community Development
can be e-mailed at crk7ajunodcom
By Admin1 (admin) on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 4:08 pm: Edit Post |
El Salvador
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Don Yager can be contacted at doalanaaoldcom
Host Country: El Salvador
Training Group Name: OMNIDUS III
City (or cities) you served in: San Salvador
Year you began your peace corps service: 1974
Year you completed your peace corps service: 1976
Peace Corps Work Description (in one line): Worked at U of El Salvador
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Burt Brungardt can be contacted at bburtarocketmaildcom
Host Country: El Salvador
Training Group Name: El Salvador II
City (or cities) you served in: Puerto El Triunfo
Year you began your peace corps service: 95
Year you completed your peace corps service: 97
Peace Corps Work Description (in one line): Small Business Development/Municipal Development
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Edward A. Pfister can be contacted at epfisterahelixdnihdgov
Host Country: El Salvador
Training Group Name: Health Group
City (or cities) you served in: San Vicent, Region Paracentral
Year you began your peace corps service: 1977
Year you completed your peace corps service: 1979
Peace Corps Work Description (in one line): Environmental Health
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer aimee johnson can be contacted at aimeejapaonlinedcom
Host Country: El Salvador
Training Group Name: Small Business Development
City (or cities) you served in: San Juan Opico
Year you began your peace corps service: 1996
Year you completed your peace corps service: 1998
Peace Corps Work Description (in one line): Worked with Community Banks
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer justine desmarais can be contacted at justineaactlocaldorg
Host Country: el salvador
Year you began your peace corps service: 1995
Year you completed your peace corps service: 1997
Peace Corps Work Description (in one line): water/sanitation
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Mark Spevack can be contacted at mspevackamonmouthdcom
Host Country: El Salvador
Training Group Name: El Salvador IV
City (or cities) you served in: Metapan
Year you began your peace corps service: 1965
Year you completed your peace corps service: 1966
Peace Corps Work Description:
Rural community development
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Staff editor, Foreign Desk, The New York Times
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer carolyn selove kapner can be contacted at kapneratexasdnet
Host Country: El Salvador
Training Group Name: El Salvador 8
City (or cities) you served in: Teotepeque
Year you began your peace corps service: 1966
Year you completed your peace corps service: 1968
Peace Corps Work Description:
Worked with the Education Department
to form groups of people in town and
the outlying cantones interested in
cooking, child care and health issues.
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Gerald Michael Garvey can be contacted at garveyamcndorg
Host Country: El Salvador, Central America
Training Group Name: Iowa State University Technical Volunteers Program
City (or cities) you served in: Metapan
Year you began your peace corps service: 1969
Year you completed your peace corps service: 1971
Peace Corps Work Description (in one line): Forestry and agricultural extension
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, September 27, 2001 - 8:51 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Judith Cooper Haden can be contacted at jchadenaspeakeasydnet
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Group 6? Norman, Oklahoma; Vera Cruz, Mexico
Cities you served in: San Carlos, Morazan, El Salvador
Arrival Year: 1966
Departure Year: 1968
Work Description: rural development, English and music teacher in rural junior high
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
I completed my college education at the Unversity of Washington in
Seattle, WA. I received my BA in Spanish and Latin American Studies. I
now devote most of my time to travel, documentary and fine art
photography in particular in Latin America. I own a Latin American folk art
store in Seattle, and I have signed a contract with Artisan Publishing
Company in NY for my photographic book on Oaxaca, Mexico.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
It completely altered my life! Thank God I went, thank God I stuck it out....
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, November 07, 2001 - 12:31 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Reuben Snipper can be contacted at rsnipperaemaildcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Puerto Rico
Cities you served in: Jocoaitique & Cojutepeque
Arrival Year: 1967
Departure Year: 1969
Work Description: Public health & community development
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Married, 3 sons, live in Takoma Park, MD, work for U.S. Dept. of Health &
Human Services doing public policy & research, Ph.D. (Cornell '80) in
International Development.
By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 - 10:58 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Joan Carty can be contacted at JCartyaHousingHelpsdcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: CHP I
Cities you served in: Nahuizalco
Arrival Year: 1978
Departure Year: 1979
Work Description: community development
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
secured masters and law degree; married; three children; run
community development financial institution
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Really glad I did it. Wish we had had the internet when we left El
Salvador, I have lost track of a lot of wonderful friends.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Michael Palacio, Clare Romero, Ellen Motz
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Get in touch
By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, December 25, 2001 - 10:26 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer David Fogelson can be contacted at dfogelsonahotmaildcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Agroforestry July, 1998
Cities you served in: El Transito / Chambala, San Miguel
Arrival Year: 1998
Departure Year: 2000
Work Description: Agroforestry
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
I travelled through Mexico and then began my current job as a regional
recruiter for the San Francisco Peace Corps office.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
A great experience that opened many doors will probably serve again
one day.
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, January 03, 2002 - 5:27 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Margaret M. Annes can be contacted at mannesaoradfdadgov
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: El Salvador 1
Cities you served in: San Isidro, Cabanas
Arrival Year: 1994
Departure Year: 1996
Work Description: Agroforestry/Soil conservation
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
I now live in Edmond, OK and work for the FDA as an investigator.
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, January 03, 2002 - 5:45 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Gregory Owen Bucove can be contacted at gregabucovedcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Central American Fisheries
Cities you served in: Acajutla
Arrival Year: 1970
Departure Year: 1972
Work Description: Artesenal Fisheries Development
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Grad School, then international project work in food and process
engineering. Worked and lived in Alaska, Mexico, Dom Rep., Jamaica,
Peru, Chile, Brazil, Japan, all over Europe, Russia, Uzbekistan,
Pakistan, India, China, Japan, and a few others. Now living in Brazil
running an engineering and project outfit. Still married to Connie
Jean, also RPCV, El Salvador 70-72 - Nursing, no kids, lots of
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
I can hardly believe we were so young.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Dave and Shelby Dorman. Might be Dohrman? Worked in La Libertad,
El Salvador in our group.
By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, January 04, 2002 - 4:02 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Alex Watson can be contacted at ajwatsonaswbelldnet
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Salud Publica
Cities you served in: San Ildefonso, San Vicente Province
Arrival Year: 1977
Departure Year: 1979
Work Description: Public health education
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
After leaving El Salvador spent 6 years in Costa Rica. Currently in
Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas. Still married to Ana Mercedes. We have one
15 year old daughter. I work in corporate training and Ana has her
own business providing immigration and legal aid to undocumented
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Those were the best of times and worst of times.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Sure, anyone!
By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, January 04, 2002 - 7:27 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Thomas Novembrino
Country of Service: El Salvador
Arrival Year: 1977
Departure Year: 1979
Work Description: Business Cooperative Advisor
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year,
Work Description:
Honduras, 1979-1980
By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, January 06, 2002 - 5:02 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Alan Kaleo Walls can be contacted at nothnbutnetahotmaildcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Municipal Development '99
Cities you served in: El Porvenir, Santa Ana
Arrival Year: 1999
Departure Year: 2001
Work Description: Worked in local and youth development in conjunction with the
mayor's office and local schools. I also founded a computer training center from
scratch and a program of Sports/Leadership camps that are still carried out
throughout the country by current volunteers and the national government.
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
I now live in Colorado Springs and I am working as the State Progam
Coordinator for the Colorado AmeriCorps Promise Fellows program.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
By far the best decision I made in my life was to join the Peace Corps and
I would like to do it agian when my mid-life crisis hits.
By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, January 11, 2002 - 7:46 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer john dixon can be contacted at dixonavolzdorg
Country of Service: Jamaica,El Salvador
Training Group: El Salvador VIII
Cities you served in: Kingston, Jamaica
Arrival Year: 1968
Departure Year: 1970
Work Description: community development, boy scouts
By Admin1 (admin) on Saturday, January 12, 2002 - 6:09 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Christopher Hill can be contacted at ibchrisahotmaildcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Agro-Forestry
Cities you served in: Morazan
Arrival Year: 1995
Departure Year: 1997
Work Description: I was an agro-forestry volunteer working on soil-conservation,
reforestation and sustainable agriculture projects.
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work
Trained in Santa Lucia Milpas Altas Guatemala.
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
I recieved an MS in Sustainable Systems in 1999. I worked on an organic
farm in Pennsylvania, painted houses and did construction work. I am
currently enrolled in fellowship program at Teachers College in New York
City and am teaching ESL to first graders in the Bronx.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
It was an excellent experience and I miss many parts of it.
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Welcome Back!
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 7:00 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer stacey simms can be contacted at staceysimmsahotmaildcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Municipal Development
Cities you served in: San Pedro Puxtla, San Vicente, San Salvador
Arrival Year: 1999
Departure Year: 2001
Work Description: citizen participation, local development and municipal development
By Admin1 (admin) on Saturday, January 26, 2002 - 6:44 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Juel Kamke can be contacted at JKAMKEaNETTALLYdcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: 1976 El Salvador-Education
Cities you served in: Sensuntepeque, El Salvador
Arrival Year: 1976
Departure Year: 1979
Work Description: Education
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - 10:37 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Indira Belizaire can be contacted at indira52ahotmaildcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Water Sanitation
Cities you served in: El Zope
Arrival Year: 1998
Departure Year: 2000
Work Description: Water Sanitation volunteer
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work
Jamaica, Water Sanitation, 2001,
Water Sanitation volunteer
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Training Treatment Specialist with the
National Minority AIDS Council
1931 13th Street, NW Wash, DC 20009
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
When you give from the heart, live in peace and walk with the people, you
are enriched, they are enriched and realize at the end of the day we are all
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Don't stop working for the betterment of our world after you end your
Peace Corps experience.
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - 10:50 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Dean Jefferson can be contacted at jeffedwainxpressdnet
Country of Service: El Salvador and Costa Rica
Training Group: Pastos y Forajes 1974
Cities you served in: Atiocoyo, San Jaun - San Isidro, Metalio, Santa Tecla
Arrival Year: 1974 (El Salvador), 1976 (Costa Rica)
Departure Year: 1976 (El Salvador), 1977 (Costa Rica)
Work Description: Agricultural Extension
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - 11:39 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Micky Mayes can be contacted at mickymayesapeoplepcdcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Municipal Government Development
Cities you served in: Texistepeque
Arrival Year: 1996
Departure Year: 1997
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, January 31, 2002 - 12:55 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Colin Gallagher can be contacted at pcvcolinayahoodcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Group #7 (Water/Sanitation & Municipalities)
Cities you served in: Municipality of San Pedro Masahuat, Dpto. La Paz
Arrival Year: 3/02/98
Departure Year: 12/04/00
Work Description: Water / Sanitation and Organization of Local Governments
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Employed as an Assistant Planner for Monterey County Planning and
Building Inspection Department, I am also volunteering as a Situation
Analyst for the Office of Emergency Services and facilitate successful
efforts of a grassroots labor committee in the organization in which I work.
I am also participating in NPCA (National Peace Corps Association)
advocacy as a means of using the collective body of RPCVs to forward
issues of global importance with NPCA backing.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
In the Peace Corps, life was as it should be, simple, with time to reflect on
what it was we were doing, and to act appropriately in the communities in
which we lived. Perhaps slowing down itself is as key as anything else to
making progress.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Any El Salvador PCVs or RPCVs... I'd love to hear from you!
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Take it easy, but take it.
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, January 31, 2002 - 12:17 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Michael Halpern can be contacted at osoamhalperndcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Guatemala/El Salvador
Cities you served in: Nueva Concepcion/El Paisnal
Arrival Year: 1997
Departure Year: 1999
Work Description: Small Business/Cooperatives
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
After two years at the Gay Mens Health Crisis, I am not Director of Adult
and Senior Services at a Community Center in the Bronx, NYC
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, February 01, 2002 - 7:01 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Sherri Mangum can be contacted at pcvsherriayahoodcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Ag4 1999
Cities you served in: Ciudadela & Suchitoto
Arrival Year: 1999
Departure Year: 2002
Work Description: Agro-forestry, env. education
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Best time of my life
By Admin1 (admin) on Saturday, February 02, 2002 - 1:31 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Ana Maria Martinez can be contacted at ammartinez75ahotmaildcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Municipal development 2000
Cities you served in: San Salvador and Texistepeque
Arrival Year: 2000
Departure Year: 2002
Work Description: Community Organization and Strengthening
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, February 07, 2002 - 10:24 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Marcy Carrel can be contacted at marcycarrelahotmaildcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: March 1998 Municipalities
Cities you served in: Agua Caliente, Chalatenango
Arrival Year: 1998
Departure Year: 2002
Work Description: Municipalities
By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, March 08, 2002 - 8:15 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Kathy (Kelar) Hart can be contacted at lkhartamatodcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Natural History-National Parks
Cities you served in: San Salvador
Arrival Year: 1977
Departure Year: 1979
Work Description: Mineralogist Natural History Museum
By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, April 03, 2002 - 2:08 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer shirley armintrout can be contacted at whitemeadowayahoodcom
Country of Service: el salvador
Training Group: community development
Cities you served in: sonsonate, nauhizalco
Arrival Year: 1966
Departure Year: 1968
Work Description: worked with extension agricola, salud publica, literacy dept.
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Coordinated a tutorial program for CA State Dept. Employment, earned an
MSW at U.C. Berkeley, worked as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with
Children & Families in San Francisco for many years, directed the Mission
Children's Day Treatment Program for 10 years
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
It was a very formative experience in my life.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Everyone who was in my group
By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 7:53 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Dean jefferson can be contacted at jeffedwainxpressdnet
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Pastos y Forajes
Cities you served in: Atiocoyo, San Juan-San Isidro, Metalio
Arrival Year: 1974
Departure Year: 1976
Work Description: Agricultural Extension
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work
Also served in Costa Rica, 1976-1977
By Admin1 (admin) on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 3:57 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer John P. Spare can be contacted at experienzanetaccdnet
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Group 6
Cities you served in: San Salvador
Arrival Year: 1966
Departure Year: 1968
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
I've been a tour operator since 1973
serving New York State Interior,
Canada, Ecuador, Costa Rica, New
Zealand, and Australia. I have one
daughter, age 7.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
I'm so glad I took Spanish seriously
and have maintained my fluency since
returning. I feel today I would still
receive a "3" on the foreign service
By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 5:28 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Helen Risom Belluschi can be contacted at harb43amsndcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: ES-6
Cities you served in: San Salvador
Arrival Year: 1966
Departure Year: 1968
Work Description: Architect
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Always looking for ES-VI "lost" members.
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, September 19, 2002 - 10:13 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer LeRoy Mabery can be contacted at lrmaberyachartermidnet
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Group 7
Cities you served in: Tecoluca & Santa Tecla
Arrival Year: 1966
Departure Year: 1969
Work Description: Youth & Community Development
By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, October 22, 2002 - 1:22 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer William G. Frazer can be contacted at BillaFrazerGlobaldcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: San Diego
Cities you served in: Ciudad Arce
Arrival Year: 1967
Departure Year: 1970
Work Description: Teacher Training
By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, October 22, 2002 - 1:23 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Doreen K. Frazer can be contacted at DoreenaFrazerGlobaldcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: San Diego
Cities you served in: Ciudad Arce
Arrival Year: 1967
Departure Year: 1970
Work Description: Teacher Training
By Admin1 (admin) on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 3:02 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Adam Timothy Barash can be contacted at atbarashayahoodcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: na
Cities you served in: El Zarzal, Sonsonate
Arrival Year: 1999
Departure Year: 2002
Work Description: Water/Sanitation and Health Ed.
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Currently working as an assistant language teacher in Japan in the JET Program
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Best desision I ever made
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Hey, PC isn't for everyone, but stick with it if you can. You are always effecting someone's life.
By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 11:17 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Dawn Bikowski can be contacted at dbikowskiayahoodcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Water/Sanitation
Cities you served in: San Rafael
Arrival Year: 1997
Departure Year: 1999
Work Description: latrine projects; resumidero projects; English in the schools; health in the schools; health in the community
By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 7:29 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Holly (Smith) Urrutia can be contacted at holly17aallteldnet
Country of Service: El Salvador
Cities you served in: El Salvador
Arrival Year: 1977
Departure Year: 1979
Work Description: Health Education
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work Description:
El Salvador
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Work for ConAgra Foods, in Nebraska
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 7:14 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Daniel T. Beckley can be contacted at dandbeckleyaeeddoedgov
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Guatemala/El Salvador
Cities you served in: Perquin, Morazan
Arrival Year: 1995
Departure Year: 1997
Work Description: Rural Electric Cooperative
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work Description:
I was a small business volunteer assigend to assist a rural electric cooperative named ACAEM. As of 4/1/03, the Co-op has 20+ employees!
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Got a MA in International Environmental Policy, Currntly in the presidential management intern program with the US Department of Energy office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Best time of my life.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
I would like to thank the rest of the volunteers for making it even more enjoyable. I think of you all often.
By Admin1 (admin) on Tuesday, May 06, 2003 - 6:47 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Margaret McAlpine Drew can be contacted at margaretdrewaearthlinkdnet
Country of Service: El Salvador
Cities you served in: San Francisco Guajoyo, San Salvador
Arrival Year: 1976
Departure Year: 1979
Work Description: Cooperatives, US AID Special Projects Fund
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Married Steve Drew. We have 3 sons and are now living in New Jersey. I teach Spanish at Clinton Public School.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
It was a great growing and learning experience. All my thoughts are positive since it was there I met the love of my life. We're happy and life is good!
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Sheila Bernstein
By Admin1 (admin) on Monday, June 09, 2003 - 8:05 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Sandy McManamon can be contacted at sanmcmanamonacomcastdcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Cities you served in: San Vicente
Arrival Year: 1978
Departure Year: 1979
Work Description:
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Ted and I continue to work jointly in our two businesses and in volunteering in the community
Present activities or interests:
Fond memories
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Anyone from El Salvador during our stint there!
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Stay in touch
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 12:13 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Peter B. Beardsley can be contacted at jpbeardsleyathe-spadcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: 1970 - Music Project
Cities you served in: San Salvador
Arrival Year: 1970
Departure Year: 1972
Work Description:
Rebuilding public school music education program in the country. Training existing faculty and teaching future musicians in the Bachillerato de Artes. Translating textbooks and other materials into Spanish. Performing with students and professional musicians. Smuggling instruments (now it can be told!).
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work Description:
Guatemala. Did major work on the pipe organ in the National Cathedral. Played concerts there and at the National Conservatory.
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
1973-1976: Organist First Methodist in Pittsfield, MA. Worked for organbuilder Rock D. Spencer
1976-present: Organist/Music Director Christ Church Cathedral (Episcopal) Springfield MA. Also teacher at The MacDuffie School, Springfield.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Transforming experience. Made me suspect that I might not know everything. Second thoughts about "development" as a goal of U.S. policy. Being in the PC under the Nixon Administration will make a lifelong Democrat out of just about anyone.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
I can find 'em.
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Hang onto your ideals. You joined the Peace Corps to change the world. Stick with it.
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Tuesday, October 07, 2003 - 11:31 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer James B. Kelly can be contacted at jamesbkellyacomcastdnet
Country of Service: El Salvador
Cities you served in: Tacachico, Candelaria de la Frontera
Arrival Year: 1969
Departure Year: 1972
Work Description:
Ag Extension and Clubes 4C
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
In my 21st year with CHP International, a company that trains Peace Corps Volunteers. Published a Masters thesis 12 years ago about the experiences of Gay and Lesbian PCVs.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Becoming a PCV is still one of the two best decisions I ever made for my life.
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Friday, October 17, 2003 - 10:09 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Christine Snyder can be contacted at snyderbrvcaaoldcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Dominican Rep. 12
Cities you served in: Nueva Concepcion
Arrival Year: 1965
Departure Year: 1966
Work Description:
4-C clubs organizer, home demonstration agent
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work Description:
Dominican Republic 1964-65
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 10:52 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer bianca gentile can be contacted at bgentileswayahoodcom
Country of Service: el salvador
Training Group: water santintion 2000-2002
Cities you served in: canton santa rosa senca
Arrival Year: 2000
Departure Year: 2002
Work Description:
latrine construction, health education, potable water system construction, wood-burning stove construction, and president of GAD-Gender Analysis and Development Committee
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work Description:
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Directing a Non Profit organization focused on asset building and wealth creation for residents of a rural nc county
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, December 14, 2003 - 11:56 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Ana M. Martinez can be contacted at mrtnzaajunodcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Municipal Development 2000
Cities you served in: Texistepeque and San Salvador
Arrival Year: 2000
Departure Year: 2002
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, January 11, 2004 - 11:25 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Philip Virta can be contacted at philvirtaaaoldcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: El Salvador II
Cities you served in: Mundo Nuevo
Arrival Year: 1995
Departure Year: 1997
Work Description:
Water & sanitation projects. Built and facilitated building of latrines and community wells. Health education.
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Upon my return from El Salvador, I married Kristi, my lovely highschool sweetheart. I've spent the happy years since working for two companies in the information industry both in the U.S. and internationally. On March 14, 2003, Kristi and I welcomed our son Adam Keller Virta to the world.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Looking back, I get quite nostalgic for that more simple way of life. Being a volunteer was one of the best experiences of my life. I was lucky to have gotten to know and work with some great people, both PCVs and locals.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Anyone from my training group!
Any message for returned volunteers?:
"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time." -- T.S. Eliot
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, April 25, 2004 - 4:00 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer shirley armintrout can be contacted at whitemeadowayahoodcom
Country of Service: El Salvador, C.A.
Training Group: Oklahoma, July, 1966
Cities you served in: Sonsonate, Nauhuizalco
Arrival Year: 1966
Departure Year: 1968
Work Description:
Rural Community Development. Salud Publica, Dept. de Agricola
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, June 13, 2004 - 10:52 am: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Robyn Wilson can be contacted at robynoamountainmatesdcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: Municipal Development 2000
Cities you served in: San Pedro Masahuat, La Paz
Arrival Year: 2000
Departure Year: 2002
Work Description:
Worked with mayor's office and community leaders to develop community projects.
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Studying at Northern Arizona University to earn a Master of Education and Master of Liberal Studies Degree. I am curently the recruiter for Peace Corps at NAU.
Any message for returned volunteers?:
If you are in northern Arizona, please contact me so that you can find out about RPCV events.
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 5:31 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer lauren volpini can be contacted at lavolpiniacsdcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: San Salvador
Cities you served in: San Salvador
Arrival Year: 1976
Departure Year: 1978
Work Description:
Worked in the National Palace in the Ministry of Research and Planning
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Have been with the US EPA in San Francisco for many years - currently serving as the liaison with Mexico for programs relating to emergency preparedness and response.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Would love to find David Spetka and, Ann and David Barger.
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, August 15, 2004 - 1:38 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Jeff Armstrong can be contacted at jarmstr1amainedrrdcom
Country of Service: El Salvadoor
Training Group: Central American Fisheries Project
Cities you served in: La Libertad
Arrival Year: 1969
Departure Year: 1972
Work Description:
Fisheries Extension Agent
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Living in Cape Elizabeth,ME. One wife , one daughter heading off to college
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Ah, la vida del Puerto.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
jeff Hunter, The Dormans, Dave?and his wife, the other puertanoes. Others in the FAO Fisheries Project
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Que passa amigos?
By Admin1 (admin) ( on Saturday, October 02, 2004 - 5:24 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Michael D. Moore can be contacted at mdmoore817aaoldcom
Country of Service: El Salvador
Training Group: I
Cities you served in: Zacatecalouca, La Palma
Arrival Year: 1962
Departure Year: 1964
Work Description:
Forestry Operations
By Admin1 (admin) ( on Saturday, October 02, 2004 - 5:25 pm: Edit Post |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Mike Purviance can be contacted at mapurvianceaadelphiadnet
Country of Service: El Salvador
Cities you served in: San Salvador
Arrival Year: 1977
Departure Year: 1979
Work Description:
assisted in the development of the fire prevention and safety program for the Ministry of Health as well as medical preventive maintenance.
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
After 5 years in Puerto Rico and 10 years in Germany in Safety and Occupational Health, worked in the Washington DC area presently with the US DOT in the field of emergency response.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
I would be glad to hear from any former volunteers.
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Treasure and remember each moment of your time as a volunteer.
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Saturday, March 10, 2007 - 7:59 am: Edit Post |
Peace Corps El Salvador
By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Saturday, March 10, 2007 - 8:00 am: Edit Post |
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