2007.11.23: November 23, 2007: Headlines: COS - Dominican Republic: Politics: Congress: WJLA: Dominican Republic RPCV Lucky Narain has entered the 1st Congressional District race on the Dec. 11 special election ballot to succeed the late Rep. Jo Ann Davis
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2007.11.23: November 23, 2007: Headlines: COS - Dominican Republic: Politics: Congress: WJLA: Dominican Republic RPCV Lucky Narain has entered the 1st Congressional District race on the Dec. 11 special election ballot to succeed the late Rep. Jo Ann Davis
Dominican Republic RPCV Lucky Narain has entered the 1st Congressional District race on the Dec. 11 special election ballot to succeed the late Rep. Jo Ann Davis
Lucky Narain, 28, joins Republican Del. Rob Wittman and Democrat Phil Forgit on the Dec. 11 special election ballot to succeed the late Rep. Jo Ann Davis. Narain said he attended Christopher Newport University and studied law at Fordham University and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University. He's an Army Reservist and served in the Peace Corps.
Dominican Republic RPCV Lucky Narain has entered the 1st Congressional District race on the Dec. 11 special election ballot to succeed the late Rep. Jo Ann Davis
Virginia Independent to Run for Congress
posted 11:36 am Fri November 23, 2007 - Newport News, Va.
ABC 7 News - Share This Article
A self-described "conservative independent" has entered the 1st Congressional District race.
Lucky Narain, 28, joins Republican Del. Rob Wittman and Democrat Phil Forgit on the Dec. 11 special election ballot to succeed the late Rep. Jo Ann Davis. Narain said he attended Christopher Newport University and studied law at Fordham University and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University. He's an Army Reservist and served in the Peace Corps.
ABC 7 News myTAKE - What's Your Opinion?He formally entered the race Wednesday, The Free Lance-Star of Fredericksburg reported.
The district stretches from Hampton Roads to the outer suburbs of northern Virginia, spreading into the Northern Neck and taking in most of Fredericksburg.
Davis died Oct. 6 after a two-year struggle with breast cancer.
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Story Source: WJLA
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