2007.12.20: December 20, 2007: Headlines: COS - Dominican Republic: Politics: Congress: Lucky Narain for Congress: Dominican Republic RPCV Lucky Narain is the true conservative choice for Congress
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2007.12.20: December 20, 2007: Headlines: COS - Dominican Republic: Politics: Congress: Lucky Narain for Congress: Dominican Republic RPCV Lucky Narain is the true conservative choice for Congress
Dominican Republic RPCV Lucky Narain is the true conservative choice for Congress
"Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, I know that the bickering between the parties frustrates you. I know that you too believe that neither party is working diligently enough to ensure that we obtain the most for our tax dollar. I feel the same way and I am running for Congress because I want to help raise the bar of efficiency and accountability."
Dominican Republic RPCV Lucky Narain is the true conservative choice for Congress
We need Lucky in Congress.
What we need in Congress is someone who will protect and defend the interests of the hardworking families here in the First Congressional District of Virginia. We need someone who is dedicated to service, responsible in his role as a legislator, and accountable to the citizens of the district.
We need Lucky Narain.
Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, I know that the bickering between the parties frustrates you. I know that you too believe that neither party is working diligently enough to ensure that we obtain the most for our tax dollar. I feel the same way and I am running for Congress because I want to help raise the bar of efficiency and accountability.
We can no longer place our trust in individuals who pledge not to raise taxes and then go back on their word and raise taxes on gasoline, selling your home and renting a car.
We need an honest voice in Congress.
We need someone who understands that supporting the abusive driver fees is wrong. We need someone in Congress who truly cares about making life better for hardworking people.
We need someone in Congress who will engage our youth and not abandon them.
We needs someone who will find ways to challenge young people - to move and inspire them the way music does.
We need someone who will let them know that politics is life and the only way to improve the life is through participating in their government.
We need someone who will show them that their vote is the most powerful tool they have to change their society - and make it better.
We need to do this together. I accept the challenge, you must cast your vote!
I urge you to vote!
We need a younger, more thoughtful and responsible group of leaders in Congress to diligently represent our hard working families.
As a US Peace Corps volunteer and a US Army Reservist, I understand the balance between diplomacy and the need for military protection. I will protect your interests. I will fight for you. I will do everything I can to improve the quality of representation we have in Congress. Supporting my opponents will only perpetuate the almost incredible dissatisfaction with the current representation in Congress, nationwide.
We can do better.
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Headlines: December, 2007; Peace Corps Dominican Republic; Directory of Dominican Republic RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Dominican Republic RPCVs; Politics; Congress
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Story Source: Lucky Narain for Congress
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