2009.06.25: June 25, 2009: Headlines: COS - Mexico: Military: Daily Kos: Peace Corps Volunteer "Peace Corps Mexico" writes: A Peace Corps Volunteer needs your help Supporting the Troops

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Mexico: Peace Corps Mexico : Peace Corps Mexico: Newest Stories: 2009.06.25: June 25, 2009: Headlines: COS - Mexico: Military: Daily Kos: Peace Corps Volunteer "Peace Corps Mexico" writes: A Peace Corps Volunteer needs your help Supporting the Troops

By Admin1 (admin) ( on Monday, July 27, 2009 - 6:41 pm: Edit Post

Peace Corps Volunteer "Peace Corps Mexico" writes: A Peace Corps Volunteer needs your help Supporting the Troops

Peace Corps Volunteer Peace Corps Mexico writes: A Peace Corps Volunteer needs your help Supporting the Troops

Some of you may wonder about the philosophical continuity of someone who serves in both the Marine Corps and the Peace Corps. Well, the unifying motivation among people who join the marines is a desire to make a positive difference in the world. That is the same motivation for most volunteers in the Peace Corps. And in both cases you´re dealing with individuals who are willing to overcome challenges and experience personal discomfort in support of their ideals. That makes for some quality personnel, and my colleagues in both organizations have truly been first-rate. I certainly feel blessed and honored to have had the opportunity to serve in two such fine organizations. That is your government at work, folks.

Peace Corps Volunteer "Peace Corps Mexico" writes: A Peace Corps Volunteer needs your help Supporting the Troops

NFTT- A Peace Corps Volunteer needs your help Supporting the Troops
by Peace Corps Mexico
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Thu Jun 25, 2009 at 07:30:24 AM PDT

As a former Marine Corps officer, and current Peace Corps Volunteer, it is truly a pleasure to participate in the Netroots for the Troops (NFTT) initiative. I had the honor of doing four deployments between 1990 - 1994, and have experienced the joy of receiving care packages first-hand. This great project further demonstrates the quality of our community, so please consider making a donation of any size. It all helps. You can DONATE HERE

Some of you may wonder about the philosophical continuity of someone who serves in both the Marine Corps and the Peace Corps. Well, the unifying motivation among people who join the marines is a desire to make a positive difference in the world. That is the same motivation for most volunteers in the Peace Corps. And in both cases you´re dealing with individuals who are willing to overcome challenges and experience personal discomfort in support of their ideals. That makes for some quality personnel, and my colleagues in both organizations have truly been first-rate. I certainly feel blessed and honored to have had the opportunity to serve in two such fine organizations. That is your government at work, folks.

* Peace Corps Mexico's diary :: ::

But enough about me, this is about the troops, so please check out the following for an opportunity to contribute to a great cause.

Our goal for Netroots For The Troops 2009 is $50,000.00 (cash or in-kind donations).


We realize that you would like to donate something tangible to go inside the packages that will be mailed to the troops. Unfortunately, accepting in-kind donations from individuals is not practical in terms of storage and handling of the items. The Pittsburgh Convention Center is a union shop so we have more stringent rules that need to be followed. Instead, we will only be accepting corporate donations or cash from YOU to purchase items for the care packages this year.

Here's how YOU can help:

1. Please contact TexDem or VeloVixen if you know someone who might be helpful in securing the corporate in-kind donations. To help you think of companies who could donate products, see below* for a list of potential items. Put your thinking caps on and let us hear from you. It takes time to get through the corporate processes so we need to hear from you ASAP!

2. We are accepting cash from individuals and beg ask that you DONATE HERE to contribute to this worthy cause. Your donation will enable us to purchase the things that we are unable to obtain through corporate donations, and will help to pay the costs of shipping them to our troops. This year your donations will be tax deductible, thanks to Netroots Nation and their partner Netroots Arts and Education Initiative, a California 501(c)3 corporation.

3. Sign up for a diary! Our goal is to post two diaries per day until NN09. That's a lot of diaries! Don't worry---we've made it easy for you. We've got a template set up, and all you need to do is add a small introduction telling us why you are donating, sharing a story of someone you know who has served or is serving, or any other thing you want to share that might help motivate others to donate. Please contact politik if you are interested in posting a diary.

4. Do you know a service member who would like to receive a care package? Email a request to: NFTT.request@gmail.com before July 31, 2009.

Please include all of the following information. Unfortunately we will not be able to process any incomplete requests:
Last name:
First name:
APO Address Line 1:
APO Address Line 2:
APO Address Zip:

5. Write letters to be included in the packages! Our own jlms qkw is collecting the letters and will print them out and bring them to Pittsburgh. Just email your letter to her jlms_qkw@yahoo.com. Look for more information from jlms qkw soon. If you need some ideas, rbutters wrote an excellent diary with tips on how to write letters to troops and why it's so important to them.

6. Help us assemble the packages in Pittsburgh. It's fun! More information will be forthcoming for those of you who are going to be in Pittsburgh and would like to help there.

7. Please consider joining the NFTT FaceBook Group. Invite your FaceBook and non-FaceBook friends.

*The following list contains some of the things we would like to include in the packages. Please let us know if you know someone who might be helpful in securing these corporate in-kind donations. (Please DO NOT send these items yourself! We have no way to accept them. Instead, your cash donation is the very best way to help make this happen on the ground in Pittsburgh.)

* Baby wipes
* Mechanix gloves
* Language translation books or CDs (Rosetta Stone as an example)
* LED flashlights
* Gel shoe insoles
* Goop Cleaning Gel
* Powdered energy drinks
* Gel energy food packets
* DVDs and CDs
* Letters to the soldiers
* More suggestions coming soon

Books for Soldiers
Soldiers love to receive books, but due once again to the logistics of collecting and storing them prior to NN09, books will not be included in the packages that NFTT will put together this year. Other organizations are more specialized in the collection and distribution of books to Iraq and Afghanistan. If you are interested in sending books, please consider checking out the Books for Soldiers Website. It is run by DKos's very own StormBearand is a great resource for giving.

Important Note about Successful Online Donations

When you make your online donation, the screen indicates that you are donating to Netroots Nation. This is the right screen! Rest assured all donations WILL go to NFTT. If you wish, feel free to use the comment area provided to note that your donation is intended for Netroots For The Troops. It isn't necessary to do this however, as this is the only fundraising activity being conducted for Netroots Nation at this time. For further information about online donations, please read TexDem's diary on the subject.

Links to Related Topics (Tags):

Headlines: June, 2009; Peace Corps Mexico; Directory of Mexico RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Mexico RPCVs; Military

When this story was posted in July 2009, this was on the front page of PCOL:

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Join Us Mr. President! Date: June 26 2009 No: 1380 Join Us Mr. President!
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New: More Stories from June and July 2009

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Director Ron Tschetter:  The PCOL Interview Date: December 9 2008 No: 1296 Director Ron Tschetter: The PCOL Interview
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Read the stories and leave your comments.

Some postings on Peace Corps Online are provided to the individual members of this group without permission of the copyright owner for the non-profit purposes of criticism, comment, education, scholarship, and research under the "Fair Use" provisions of U.S. Government copyright laws and they may not be distributed further without permission of the copyright owner. Peace Corps Online does not vouch for the accuracy of the content of the postings, which is the sole responsibility of the copyright holder.

Story Source: Daily Kos

This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; COS - Mexico; Military


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