2007.04.02: April 2, 2007: Headlines: COS - Ghana: Computers: Service: The Journal Times: Ghana RPCV Michael F. Pirsch founded Tech Corps Wisconsin
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2007.04.02: April 2, 2007: Headlines: COS - Ghana: Computers: Service: The Journal Times: Ghana RPCV Michael F. Pirsch founded Tech Corps Wisconsin
Ghana RPCV Michael F. Pirsch founded Tech Corps Wisconsin
"I started this agency as basically a hobby 10 years ago and served as a volunteer for the first eight years. I have been a Peace Corps volunteer in West Africa, a baseball coach with the YMCA, RYS, and Mount Pleasant for 10 years, a RUSD school board member, a substitute teacher, and a member of the Mount Pleasant zoning board of appeals. I have also been the volunteer supervisor for the five AmeriCorps Vista volunteers we have had here over the years."
Ghana RPCV Michael F. Pirsch founded Tech Corps Wisconsin
People You Should Know: Michael F. Pirsch
Name: Michael F. Pitsch
Caption: Tech Corps Wisconsin
Age: 54
Personal/family: I am the third oldest of ten children, raised in Cleveland, Wis. where my grandfather owned a cheese factory and then later in Appleton, Wis. where my dad was in the farm equipment and dairy equipment businesses. I ended up in Racine via a transfer with J.I. Case Co., where I have lived for almost 20 years, although I have recently moved a bit south to Somers. I am currently not married, have two grown daughters, a grandson, and an abundance of more than 20 nieces and nephews.
Hobbies/interests: I have been interested in and have worked with computers for the past 20 years, running both a for-profit and now this non-profit computer business. My work is one of my great passions. I also have a strong interest in education and am pursuing a Master's Degree in Adult Education. Hobbies include music, baseball, and golf.
Occupation: Executive Director and Founder of a non profit volunteer based agency, Tech Corps Wisconsin, Inc. (TCW) which works on computer, Internet, and training access (digital divide) for schools, non-profits, and families.
Volunteer service: I started this agency as basically a hobby 10 years ago and served as a volunteer for the first eight years. I have been a Peace Corps volunteer in West Africa, a baseball coach with the YMCA, RYS, and Mount Pleasant for 10 years, a RUSD school board member, a substitute teacher, and a member of the Mount Pleasant zoning board of appeals. I have also been the volunteer supervisor for the five AmeriCorps Vista volunteers we have had here over the years.
How I ended up working in this field: As a former teacher, my curiosity and interest in computers led me to discover the tremendous value of the computer, and later the Internet, in delivering education to children and adults in rich and compelling ways.
Why is what you're doing important? The computer and the Internet are probably the most significant tools for education and communication in the history of our civilization. It is extremely important, in my view, that everyone has access to these tools and the skills to use them to level the playing field in the competition for jobs and education regardless of background, race, or personal history.
One choice of a dinner companion, dead or alive: John Lennon. The Beatles in the 60s (middle and high school) and John Lennon especially in the 70s (college) were major influences in my life. I had just come out of the Army, was anti-war and anti-Nixon and all his dirty tricks and Lennon's attempted deportation.
I saw McCartney three times in concert, heard hundreds of hours of interviews with him, but never got to see Lennon. He was a very bright and articulate guy who never got the chance to make the impact that he could have had. I would really like to share ideas and insights with him, about the world and about life.
I knew I was an adult when: I was drafted by Dick Nixon
My friends describe me as: Intense, direct, driven by passions, and a love of children, with a sense of humor and a bit of boyish mischievousness.
Person I admire most: Bill Gates. For a guy who tends to think of himself as the smartest guy in a room, I would defer in the case of Bill G. The average income in that room wouldn't be bad either. He is an amazingly bright and articulate guy in his world, but it isn't until you hear him speak of subjects outside of the computer world that you really appreciate how really bright, passionate, and well read he is. He has an amazing logical and practical approach to philanthropy whether it is improving public high schools or health care in Africa.
What I miss most from my childhood: Growing up as a small boy in a small town whose summers were baseball and winters were snow forts and sledding. A time full of the forever friends of a kind that never come after, and endless days of play and absence of cares that only little boys know. A time of the abundance of siblings and generations of family ever present.
In the next five years I would like to accomplish: My personal goals involve establishing a long-term personal relationship, increasing my leisure time, and building a house. My professional goals are more complex, and involve building long term sustainability into this non-profit agency, no easy task in this day and age.
If you know somebody people should know, contact Phyllis Sides at (262) 631-1714 or via e-mail at: psides@journaltimes.com
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Headlines: April, 2007; Peace Corps Ghana; Directory of Ghana RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Ghana RPCVs; Computers; Service; Wisconsin; Peace Corps Library; Peace Corps Directory; Peace Corps History; Bulletin Board; Recent Peace Corps News
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Story Source: The Journal Times
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