2009.01.30: January 30, 2009: Headlines: COS - Tunisia: Environment: Wildlife: Imperial Valley News: Tanzania RPCV Mike Fay honored by the San Diego Zoo
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2009.01.30: January 30, 2009: Headlines: COS - Tunisia: Environment: Wildlife: Imperial Valley News: Tanzania RPCV Mike Fay honored by the San Diego Zoo
Tanzania RPCV Mike Fay honored by the San Diego Zoo
Nine years ago, Fay walked 2,000 miles across the heart of Africa to document the largest unspoiled area of the continent. He surveyed animals, plants and human populations with GPS, video and still photography and compiled the information into a database available to scientists and the general public. His trek gave the world an intimate look at one of the last pristine rain forests left in the world and led to the creation of 13 national parks in Gabon and the formation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership. In 2007, Fay hiked 1,847 miles over 11 months through redwood forests in California and Oregon to call attention to the one-of-a-kind ecosystem.
Tanzania RPCV Mike Fay honored by the San Diego Zoo
San Diego Zoo Honors Conservation Leaders
Written by Imperial Valley News
Friday, 30 January 2009
San Diego, California - Conservationists who have given their hearts, brains, wallets and feet to save endangered species and habitats will be honored by the San Diego Zoo Thursday.
J. Michael Fay, who will be honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award, walked more than 2,000 miles to document the most pristine rainforests of Africa. Serge Dedina, who will be honored with the Conservation in Action award, helped stop development of mega-resorts throughout the Baja California peninsula and Sea of Cortez. Ken Goddard, who will be honored with the Special Achievement award, created a lab devoted to prosecuting animal traffickers. And Intel Corporation co-founder Gordon Moore, who will be honored with the Conservation Advocate award, has given away millions to save the earth for future generations.
The dinner to honor these champions of wildlife and the environment will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, February 5 at the Prado Restaurant in Balboa Park. The cost is $75 per person. Call 619-557-3915 for reservation.
Nine years ago, Fay walked 2,000 miles across the heart of Africa to document the largest unspoiled area of the continent. He surveyed animals, plants and human populations with GPS, video and still photography and compiled the information into a database available to scientists and the general public. His trek gave the world an intimate look at one of the last pristine rain forests left in the world and led to the creation of 13 national parks in Gabon and the formation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership. In 2007, Fay hiked 1,847 miles over 11 months through redwood forests in California and Oregon to call attention to the one-of-a-kind ecosystem.
Fay, born in 1956, spent six years in the Peace Corps as a botanist and studied western lowland gorillas in Africa to earn his doctorate. He is now a National Geographic Society explorer-in-residence and lives in Washington, D.C. Fay is being honored because of his long-standing commitment to conservation and education and will be the keynote speaker at the Conservation Award Dinner.
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Headlines: January, 2009; Peace Corps Tunisia; Directory of Tunisia RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Tunisia RPCVs; Environment; Wildlife; California
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 | Director Ron Tschetter: The PCOL Interview Peace Corps Director Ron Tschetter sat down for an in-depth interview to discuss the evacuation from Bolivia, political appointees at Peace Corps headquarters, the five year rule, the Peace Corps Foundation, the internet and the Peace Corps, how the transition is going, and what the prospects are for doubling the size of the Peace Corps by 2011. Read the interview and you are sure to learn something new about the Peace Corps. PCOL previously did an interview with Director Gaddi Vasquez. |
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Story Source: Imperial Valley News
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