February 24, 2005: Headlines: COS - Costa Rica: Elementary Education: Real Estate Development: Service: The Capital Times: Costa Rica RPCV Troy Dassler's first and second grade class hope to put fires, vandalism behind them

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Peace Corps Library: Elementary Education: February 24, 2005: Headlines: COS - Costa Rica: Elementary Education: Real Estate Development: Service: The Capital Times: Costa Rica RPCV Troy Dassler's first and second grade class hope to put fires, vandalism behind them

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-123-27.balt.east.verizon.net - on Saturday, February 26, 2005 - 6:32 pm: Edit Post

Costa Rica RPCV Troy Dassler's first and second grade class hope to put fires, vandalism behind them

Costa Rica RPCV Troy Dassler's first and second grade class hope to put fires, vandalism behind them

Costa Rica RPCV Troy Dassler's first and second grade class hope to put fires, vandalism behind them

Ridgewood dreams

Children hope to put fires, vandalism behind them

By Cliff Miller
Correspondent for The Capital Times
February 24, 2005

Caption: Leopold Elementary first and second graders class of teacher Troy Dassler with writer Cliff Miller. (photo by Henry A. Koshollek/The Capital Times)

Mr. Gary Gorman, Developer, Madison, Wis.

Dear Senor Gorman,

We politely invite you to a meeting. We have heard that you may buy our apartments and fix them up. We need to tell you how we wish you would make them safe and comfortable.

Gracias, Mr. Dassler's Class Leopold Elementary School
This is not a real letter. But it is like the letter Troy Dassler's class of bright-eyed first- and second-graders plans to send to Gorman, head of Gorman & Co. Inc., who has an option to buy the Ridgewood Country Club Apartments.

If everything works out, Gorman plans to redevelop the entire complex of some 50 apartment buildings, where many of Dassler's pupils live. He has promised to hold listening sessions with Fitchburg residents to discuss his plans.

I met with Dassler and his class of 15 students this week to thank them for a hefty brown envelope they sent me filled with crayon-drawn thank-you notes for a story I wrote about them a few weeks ago.

The story told how they are afraid but are determined to fight the causes of their fears. They are afraid because they live in the Ridgewood apartment complex, where fires have broken out four times in less than a year. Their drawings, filled with fire and smoke, reveal that fear with innocent frankness.

They are afraid because vandals keep breaking the windows, because there are holes in walls and ceilings as well as broken plumbing in some apartments, and because fire alarms don't work.

They are afraid because at least two of the shy, bright-faced kids and their families were made temporarily homeless by fires in their buildings. They don't want those things to happen again.

They and their teacher have prepared a PowerPoint presentation that they hope to show to Gorman. It's filled with more crayon drawings and actual photographs of damage from fires and deterioration.

They have made a model dream apartment complex out of colored craft paper, glued into a shallow cardboard box with green grass and a big tree, the street outside with a bus passing by and a drawing of their school on Post Road, on the Madison side across from Fitchburg.

They also want to show their dream to Gorman.

Dassler is bilingual, having lived as a youth in Costa Rica, where he went to high school and later served in the Peace Corps. Some of the children speak both English and Spanish. Some are newcomers to this country and speak hardly any English. Dassler speaks to the class in Spanish and translates for the kids to visitors.

One frame in the show includes a photograph of one of the fires. "Many apartments have burned and we are mad," says the script on the screen. "We do not want the burned and ugly apartments in our neighborhood. The apartments need to become safe and clean."

The kids made the buildings in their model from pink, yellow, green and lavender construction paper, using geometric shapes they have been learning about: Cubes, pyramids, cones and cylinders give it a futuristic look. They drew windows and doors and described what is inside the buildings in the new neighborhood.

For the PowerPoint show they also drew dream houses, but they illustrated their frightening memories as well. Many of their drawings are full of flames and fire trucks, black police cars and ambulances with red crosses on the sides.

Dassler said social workers and counselors visit the school twice a week to help the kids deal with their fears and other problems.

Pedro's dream house has multi-colored walls and a shining red star on the roof peak. It resembles a church.

Ana Victoria drew two houses, one blue and one orange, both with yellow roofs. In her houses, nobody smokes in the apartments or hallways.

A boy adds that they don't smoke or drink beer. They don't break windows, or if they do, the glass is quickly fixed.

Gabriel's house has a pool, security cameras in the hallways (so if fires break out they can be seen) and alarms that always work. There is hot and cold water when you need it, another adds.

David drew four panels showing a fire, someone throwing a ball through a window, two figures fighting and someone falling from a balcony.

A girl shows her drawing of a house with blue sky above, trees and a child nearby. "There will be peace and a lot of love," she tells Dassler in soft Spanish.

In another drawing, a child in a yellow beanbag chair operates an intercom so he can know whether it is safe to "buzz" visitors inside.

Luis wants a castle-like building with a garage, security cameras, an indoor swimming pool and a cat. Others wish for fountains like they have in Chicago, frequent fire drills and "lots of doors so you can leave quickly if there are fires."

Bryan drew a burning house and an ambulance and told how he and his baby brother were in bed when fire broke out and their mother scooped them up in blankets and fled outside.

Erika thanked me for spreading the news of their experiences and feelings. "For that you have made us very happy inside," she wrote in Spanish.

Selene is in a wheelchair and depends on a ventilator. Her dream house has a pool, an elevator, and a Chuck E Cheese in the apartment building.

And one more thing. For little Jesica, Dassler translates, "She hopes there aren't any spiders in there."

When this story was posted in February 2005, this was on the front page of PCOL:

The Peace Corps Library Date: February 7 2005 No: 438 The Peace Corps Library
Peace Corps Online is proud to announce that the Peace Corps Library is now available online. With over 30,000 index entries in over 500 categories, this is the largest collection of Peace Corps related reference material in the world. From Acting to Zucchini, you can use the Main Index to find hundreds of stories about RPCVs who have your same interests, who served in your Country of Service, or who serve in your state.

Make a call for the Peace Corps Date: February 19 2005 No: 453 Make a call for the Peace Corps
PCOL is a strong supporter of the NPCA's National Day of Action and encourages every RPCV to spend ten minutes on Tuesday, March 1 making a call to your Representatives and ask them to support President Bush's budget proposal of $345 Million to expand the Peace Corps. Take our Poll: Click here to take our poll. We'll send out a reminder and have more details early next week.
Peace Corps Calendar:Tempest in a Teapot? Date: February 17 2005 No: 445 Peace Corps Calendar:Tempest in a Teapot?
Bulgarian writer Ognyan Georgiev has written a story which has made the front page of the newspaper "Telegraf" criticizing the photo selection for his country in the 2005 "Peace Corps Calendar" published by RPCVs of Madison, Wisconsin. RPCV Betsy Sergeant Snow, who submitted the photograph for the calendar, has published her reply. Read the stories and leave your comments.

February 19, 2005: This Week's Top Stories Date: February 19 2005 No: 449 February 19, 2005: This Week's Top Stories
NPCA Board positions are open for nomination 17 Feb
Mike Tidwell on trial for climate action protest 17 Feb
Katie Dyer is co-owner of Cadeaux du Monde 16 Feb
Cyclone misses Tonga and Samoa PCVs 16 Feb
Phil Hardberger in debate for Mayor of San Antonio 16 Feb
Edmund Hull is Princeton Diplomat-In-Residence 16 Feb
Bruce Greenlee is longtime friend of Latino community 15 Feb
Mike Honda new vice chairman at DNC 15 Feb
Jospeh Opala documents slave crossing from Sierra Leone 14 Feb
Dear Dr. Brothers: Aren't PCVs Hippies? 14 Feb
Joseph Lanning founded the World Education Fund 14 Feb
Stanley Levine draws Marine and Peace Corps similarities 14 Feb
Speaking Out: JFK envisioned millions of RPCVs 13 Feb
Chris Aquino visits mother's homeland of Vietnam 12 Feb
Is PCOL blocking users from posting messages? 12 Feb
JFK Library opens Sargent Shriver Collection 1 Feb
RPCV responds to Bulgaria Calendar concerns 28 Jan

WWII participants became RPCVs Date: February 13 2005 No: 442 WWII participants became RPCVs
Read about two RPCVs who participated in World War II in very different ways long before there was a Peace Corps. Retired Rear Adm. Francis J. Thomas (RPCV Fiji), a decorated hero of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, died Friday, Jan. 21, 2005 at 100. Mary Smeltzer (RPCV Botswana), 89, followed her Japanese students into WWII internment camps. We honor both RPCVs for their service.
Bush's FY06 Budget for the Peace Corps Date: February 7 2005 No: 436 Bush's FY06 Budget for the Peace Corps
The White House is proposing $345 Million for the Peace Corps for FY06 - a $27.7 Million (8.7%) increase that would allow at least two new posts and maintain the existing number of volunteers at approximately 7,700. Bush's 2002 proposal to double the Peace Corps to 14,000 volunteers appears to have been forgotten. The proposed budget still needs to be approved by Congress.
RPCVs mobilize support for Countries of Service Date: January 30 2005 No: 405 RPCVs mobilize support for Countries of Service
RPCV Groups mobilize to support their Countries of Service. Over 200 RPCVS have already applied to the Crisis Corps to provide Tsunami Recovery aid, RPCVs have written a letter urging President Bush and Congress to aid Democracy in Ukraine, and RPCVs are writing NBC about a recent episode of the "West Wing" and asking them to get their facts right about Turkey.
RPCVs contend for Academy Awards  Date: January 31 2005 No: 416 RPCVs contend for Academy Awards
Bolivia RPCV Taylor Hackford's film "Ray" is up for awards in six categories including best picture, best actor and best director. "Autism Is a World" co-produced by Sierra Leone RPCV Douglas Biklen and nominated for best Documentary Short Subject, seeks to increase awareness of developmental disabilities. Colombian film "El Rey," previously in the running for the foreign-language award, includes the urban legend that PCVs teamed up with El Rey to bring cocaine to U.S. soil.
Ask Not Date: January 18 2005 No: 388 Ask Not
As our country prepares for the inauguration of a President, we remember one of the greatest speeches of the 20th century and how his words inspired us. "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."

Read the stories and leave your comments.

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Story Source: The Capital Times

This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; COS - Costa Rica; Elementary Education; Real Estate Development; Service



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