December 11, 2004: Headlines: COS - Central African Republic: Elementary Education: Northwest Arkansas Times: Patsy Sullivan served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Central Africa, a place where poverty is the norm. When she took her job at Jefferson Elementary, Sullivan thought she was fully prepared to work with underprivileged children. But she had no idea what the face of poverty looked like until she looked it in the eye.

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Central African Republic: Peace Corps Central African Republic : The Peace Corps in the Central African Republic: December 11, 2004: Headlines: COS - Central African Republic: Elementary Education: Northwest Arkansas Times: Patsy Sullivan served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Central Africa, a place where poverty is the norm. When she took her job at Jefferson Elementary, Sullivan thought she was fully prepared to work with underprivileged children. But she had no idea what the face of poverty looked like until she looked it in the eye.

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Friday, December 17, 2004 - 8:05 pm: Edit Post

Patsy Sullivan served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Central Africa, a place where poverty is the norm. When she took her job at Jefferson Elementary, Sullivan thought she was fully prepared to work with underprivileged children. But she had no idea what the face of poverty looked like until she looked it in the eye.

Patsy Sullivan served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Central Africa, a place where poverty is the norm. When she took her job at Jefferson Elementary, Sullivan thought she was fully prepared to work with underprivileged children. But she had no idea what the face of poverty looked like until she looked it in the eye.

Patsy Sullivan served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Central Africa, a place where poverty is the norm. When she took her job at Jefferson Elementary, Sullivan thought she was fully prepared to work with underprivileged children. But she had no idea what the face of poverty looked like until she looked it in the eye.

Woman’s e-mail sparks spirit of giving

BY KATE WARD Northwest Arkansas Times

Posted on Saturday, December 11, 2004

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What started out as a simple e-mail asking for donations quickly evolved into a domino effect of compassion and generosity.

Patsy Sullivan served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Central Africa, a place where poverty is the norm. When she took her job at Jefferson Elementary, Sullivan thought she was fully prepared to work with underprivileged children. But she had no idea what the face of poverty looked like until she looked it in the eye.

Sullivan works with students who are less fortunate than most, some of them living in shelters or weekly rentals, shuttling from house to house. "Some of these children grew up in meth environments," Sullivan said. "We are talking about a 90 percent poverty rate."

About a week ago, Tonya Childress, a social worker at Jefferson Elementary, informed Sullivan that Christmas is around the corner and no agency or group had adopted the Jefferson school children for the holidays.

One afternoon, Sullivan was home, sick, and decided to e-mail several of her friends. She pleaded for people to open their hearts in the spirit of the holidays. Sullivan even asked that people donate their McDonald’s Happy Meal toys, to be used as stocking stuffers. She had no clue how powerful one email could be. "My phone has been ringing off the hook," Sullivan said. "We have had donations from businesses, groups, individuals and some people I don’t even know."

Sullivan said people have been knocking on her door and giving her money. She said several thousand dollars have been donated, as well as food, clothing and toys. "I should have sent out a letter asking to end world hunger!" Sullivan joked.

Not only have the needs of Jefferson Elementary students been met, she said, but all the needy students in the district. "Volunteers have been working like elves, unloading and grouping toys," she said.

Childress has been with the school for eight years and said she has never seen a response like this before. At least 200 needy children will be helped this Christmas, she said. "We are truly blessed," Childress said. "We’ve been telling people that if we have a surplus in monetary donations, we will use the money to buy things for the kids throughout the year such as food, clothing and medicine."

In addition, Childress said, Laura Underwood, school board member, has a son who plays on a soccer team that sponsors a community service program. They agreed to sponsor 40 children from Jefferson Elementary. On Saturday, each child will be matched up with a soccer player to participate in arts and crafts. "They are going to have a lot of fun," Childress said. "They will eat lunch together and receive a gift package."

Childress, along with numerous other volunteers, unloaded truckloads of food and donations Friday in the Bates Annex, located behind Fayetteville High School. Anyone who wants to volunteer, she said, can show up on Monday and Wednesday, during the afternoon and evening (especially from 5 to 7 p.m.), and again during the day on Tuesday. "This truly is a Christmas miracle," Sullivan said.

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Story Source: Northwest Arkansas Times

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