December 2, 2004: WCPO: Bob Taft denies rumor that he could be headed to a federal job connected with the Bush administration, maybe as an ambassador or even as head of the Peace Corps
Peace Corps Online:
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December 3, 2004: Is Gaddi Leaving?:
December 2, 2004: WCPO: Bob Taft denies rumor that he could be headed to a federal job connected with the Bush administration, maybe as an ambassador or even as head of the Peace Corps
| Is Gaddi Leaving? Rumors are swirling that Peace Corps Director Vasquez may be leaving the administration. We think Director Vasquez has been doing a good job and if he decides to stay to the end of the administration, he could possibly have the same sort of impact as a Loret Ruppe Miller. If Vasquez has decided to leave, then Bob Taft, Peter McPherson, Chris Shays, or Jody Olsen would be good candidates to run the agency. Latest: For the record, Peace Corps has no comment on the rumors. |
Bob Taft denies rumor that he could be headed to a federal job connected with the Bush administration, maybe as an ambassador or even as head of the Peace Corps
Bob Taft denies rumor that he could be headed to a federal job connected with the Bush administration, maybe as an ambassador or even as head of the Peace Corps
Ohio Governor Denies Rumor Of Bush Administration Job
Reported by: 9News
Web produced by: Liz Foreman
12/1/2004 5:53:25 PM
Caption: Alaska Gov. Frank H. Murkowski, left, Nevada Gov. Kenny Guinn and Ohio Gov. Bob Taft exchange views after Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge's talk. (Rogelio Solis -- AP)
Unnamed sources in Columbus are saying that Ohio Governor Bob Taft is leaving his post.
Word is that US Representative Rob Portman, of Cincinnati, will take his place.
Taft insists the rumor is not true, according to The Enquirer's Columbus bureau reporter Jim Siegel.
The sources were saying Taft could be headed to a federal job connected with the Bush administration, maybe as an ambassador or even as head of the Peace Corps.
When this story was posted in November 2004, this was on the front page of PCOL:
| The Birth of the Peace Corps UMBC's Shriver Center and the Maryland Returned Volunteers hosted Scott Stossel, biographer of Sargent Shriver, who spoke on the Birth of the Peace Corps. This is the second annual Peace Corps History series - last year's speaker was Peace Corps Director Jack Vaughn. |
| Charges possible in 1976 PCV slaying Congressman Norm Dicks has asked the U.S. attorney in Seattle to consider pursuing charges against Dennis Priven, the man accused of killing Peace Corps Volunteer Deborah Gardner on the South Pacific island of Tonga 28 years ago. Background on this story here and here. |
| Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview PCOL sits down for an extended interview with Peace Corps Director Gaddi Vasquez. Read the entire interview from start to finish and we promise you will learn something about the Peace Corps you didn't know before.
Plus the debate continues over Safety and Security. |
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Story Source: WCPO
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By none ( - on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 9:26 pm: Edit Post |
Vasquez should resign immediately. He is all about spin and rhetoric, but when it comes down to actual results, his record is abysmal. There is no need for someone as arrogant and smug to direct such an important agency. He has packed his staff with sycophants and loyalist who care nothing about the cultures and traditions of Peace Corps. He has contempt for volunteers and has shown his contempt in not responding to congress or the public. He has purged any staff who disagree with him. He has not trained his Peace Corps staff in any meaningful way to respect other cultures. He rewards only those that he is convinced are loyal to the Republican party. He has wasted precious taxpayer dollars on expensive and self-serving boondoggles and junkets. Vasquez should resign now and take his loyal toadies along with him.
By RPCV ( - on Tuesday, December 07, 2004 - 10:59 am: Edit Post |
None is right.
Good riddance. And for PCOL support of him. You know better as an RPCV. You know he has not made the changes we need in the agency.
That is it. He wasted our money as taxpayers and he did not help the program.