February 21, 2005: Headlines: COS - Sierra Leone: Space: Science: Minorities: The Daily Northwestern: Solving global problems will require fusing the disparate approaches of science and the arts, says former astronaut Mae Jemison

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Sierra Leone: Special Report: Sierra Leone Peace Corps Medical Officer and NASA Mission Specialist Dr. Mae Jemison: February 9, 2005: Index: PCOL Exclusive: Staffer Mae Jemison : February 21, 2005: Headlines: COS - Sierra Leone: Space: Science: Minorities: The Daily Northwestern: Solving global problems will require fusing the disparate approaches of science and the arts, says former astronaut Mae Jemison

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-123-27.balt.east.verizon.net - on Saturday, February 26, 2005 - 6:26 pm: Edit Post

Solving global problems will require fusing the disparate approaches of science and the arts, says former astronaut Mae Jemison

Solving global problems will require fusing the disparate approaches of science and the arts, says former astronaut Mae Jemison

Solving global problems will require fusing the disparate approaches of science and the arts, says former astronaut Mae Jemison

Former astronaut links need for sciences, arts

by Marcy Miranda
February 21, 2005

Solving global problems will require fusing the disparate approaches of science and the arts, former astronaut Mae Jemison told an audience of about 135 people Saturday.

"Time is the truly irreplaceable commodity that we all have at our disposal," Jemison said. "It's what we do with our time that gives it the potential to do great things."

Jemison, who spoke at the McCormick Auditorium in Norris University Center, was the first black woman to travel in space. She was a mission specialist in 1992 on the space shuttle Endeavour's eight-day mission. Jemison, who has degrees in chemical engineering and medicine, owns and runs a company that makes medical devices for the physiological monitoring of the human body.

Jemison discussed the distinctions people make between the sciences -- an analytical, deconstructive method of understanding the world -- and the arts -- an intuitive, constructive method of understanding nature.

Jemison spoke of moments in her life when she felt herself having to choose between satisfying her inquisitive scientific side and her passion for the arts.

"I would encounter dilemma after dilemma, being asked to choose between being a dancer or a scientist," Jemison said. "I had to struggle with the notion to narrow my options so that people could put me in the box that they want me to fit in."

The use of both intuition and analytical skills can help to address world issues such as drug use, hunger and the environment, Jemison said.

"Solutions come about as a result of understanding," Jemison said. "Each of us needs to seek understanding and see where we want to be. Then we get the opportunity to shape the tools through which we understand, appreciate and question what we ask."

Jemison also said young people should not let their age interfere with their ability to make a difference.

"Do not let folks fool you into saying that you are going to put off doing the right thing until you come of age," Jemison said. "People tell you that you are the future, but the politicians are the present, and the present is building the determining factors of the future."

The purpose of Jemison's visit was to "promote minority involvement in medicine," said Brittany Osborne, a Weinberg junior. Osborne serves as president of One Step Before, the pre-medical minority student group that co-hosted the event with The Physics Society.

Sarah O'Shea, a Weinberg freshman, attended the event said she had faced the same dilemma of choosing between arts and sciences as Jemison did.

"She was very inspiring and she really hit a personal note, being a biological sciences major who is very interested in the arts," O'Shea said. "She was a great speaker, and she is truly remarkable."

Shakira Lavonne Carter, a Communication freshman, said her views on the environment mirror Jemison's.

"I was really impressed by the fact that she mentioned how humans think that we're better than nature, although really we are a part of it," Carter said. "I liked how she talked about how we're blinded by our own power and how we think we are going to be here forever."

Reach Marcy Miranda at m-miranda@northwestern.edu.

When this story was posted in February 2005, this was on the front page of PCOL:

The Peace Corps Library Date: February 7 2005 No: 438 The Peace Corps Library
Peace Corps Online is proud to announce that the Peace Corps Library is now available online. With over 30,000 index entries in over 500 categories, this is the largest collection of Peace Corps related reference material in the world. From Acting to Zucchini, you can use the Main Index to find hundreds of stories about RPCVs who have your same interests, who served in your Country of Service, or who serve in your state.

Make a call for the Peace Corps Date: February 19 2005 No: 453 Make a call for the Peace Corps
PCOL is a strong supporter of the NPCA's National Day of Action and encourages every RPCV to spend ten minutes on Tuesday, March 1 making a call to your Representatives and ask them to support President Bush's budget proposal of $345 Million to expand the Peace Corps. Take our Poll: Click here to take our poll. We'll send out a reminder and have more details early next week.
Peace Corps Calendar:Tempest in a Teapot? Date: February 17 2005 No: 445 Peace Corps Calendar:Tempest in a Teapot?
Bulgarian writer Ognyan Georgiev has written a story which has made the front page of the newspaper "Telegraf" criticizing the photo selection for his country in the 2005 "Peace Corps Calendar" published by RPCVs of Madison, Wisconsin. RPCV Betsy Sergeant Snow, who submitted the photograph for the calendar, has published her reply. Read the stories and leave your comments.

February 19, 2005: This Week's Top Stories Date: February 19 2005 No: 449 February 19, 2005: This Week's Top Stories
NPCA Board positions are open for nomination 17 Feb
Mike Tidwell on trial for climate action protest 17 Feb
Katie Dyer is co-owner of Cadeaux du Monde 16 Feb
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Bruce Greenlee is longtime friend of Latino community 15 Feb
Mike Honda new vice chairman at DNC 15 Feb
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Dear Dr. Brothers: Aren't PCVs Hippies? 14 Feb
Joseph Lanning founded the World Education Fund 14 Feb
Stanley Levine draws Marine and Peace Corps similarities 14 Feb
Speaking Out: JFK envisioned millions of RPCVs 13 Feb
Chris Aquino visits mother's homeland of Vietnam 12 Feb
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Bush's FY06 Budget for the Peace Corps Date: February 7 2005 No: 436 Bush's FY06 Budget for the Peace Corps
The White House is proposing $345 Million for the Peace Corps for FY06 - a $27.7 Million (8.7%) increase that would allow at least two new posts and maintain the existing number of volunteers at approximately 7,700. Bush's 2002 proposal to double the Peace Corps to 14,000 volunteers appears to have been forgotten. The proposed budget still needs to be approved by Congress.
RPCVs mobilize support for Countries of Service Date: January 30 2005 No: 405 RPCVs mobilize support for Countries of Service
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RPCVs contend for Academy Awards  Date: January 31 2005 No: 416 RPCVs contend for Academy Awards
Bolivia RPCV Taylor Hackford's film "Ray" is up for awards in six categories including best picture, best actor and best director. "Autism Is a World" co-produced by Sierra Leone RPCV Douglas Biklen and nominated for best Documentary Short Subject, seeks to increase awareness of developmental disabilities. Colombian film "El Rey," previously in the running for the foreign-language award, includes the urban legend that PCVs teamed up with El Rey to bring cocaine to U.S. soil.
Ask Not Date: January 18 2005 No: 388 Ask Not
As our country prepares for the inauguration of a President, we remember one of the greatest speeches of the 20th century and how his words inspired us. "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."

Read the stories and leave your comments.

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Story Source: The Daily Northwestern

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