By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Saturday, November 29, 2003 - 12:02 am: Edit Post |
January 1, 2003: From Russia with Love
Peace Corps leaving Russia amid allegations of "suspicious activities"
Bush's Peace Corps agenda lags behind
NPCA cuts costs to avoid Budget Deficit
RPCVs ask that Peace Corps reconsider limiting access to Career Centers
Poirier Family wants Bolivia RPCVs who knew their missing son to contact the family
By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, February 02, 2003 - 2:47 am: Edit Post |
Breaking News - January, 2003
Bush Celebrates Freedom Corps Anniversary
President's State of the Union Address marks the maturation of compassionate conservatism 30 January 2003
President Bush Celebrates USA Freedom Corps One-Year Anniversary 30 January 2003
Peace Corps Congratulates Freedom Corps on First Anniversary 30 January 2003
Director Vasquez endorses "the machine" in OC election
Gaddi Vasquez's candidate for Supervisor's Seat wins election in Orange County 29 January 2003
Peace Corps Director Vasquez endorses "the machine" in Orange County political race 18 January 2003
Peace Corps and National Geographic Partner
Peace Corps and National Geographic Society Announce Partnership at Capital Hill Reception 28 January 2003
Peace Corps and National Geographic Society Celebrate Partnership 24 January 2003
Deputy Director talks about making a difference
Peace Corps Deputy Director Jody Olsen talks about volunteers making a difference 28 January 2003
NPCA urges support of Appropriation
NPCA urges support of Peace Corps FY 2003 Appropriation 28 January 2003
Dodd says Bush has not made the case for war
RPCV Chris Dodd says Bush has not made the case for war 27 January 2003
Don't squander Volunteer Spirit
How not to squander the volunteer spirit 27 January 2003
Peace Corps may go to Djibouti
Peace Corps volunteers are likely to be assigned to Djibouti for the first time 27 January 2003
Citizen Corps takes a hit
Bush's Plan for Citizen Corps takes a hit 26 January 2003
Elaine Chao gets good marks
Former Peace Corps Drector Elaine Chao gets good marks for running Department of Labor 25 January 2003
Peace Corps seeks Ad Agency
Peace Corps looking for new Ad Agency 24 January 2003
Kerry praises Peace Corps
Presidential hopeful John Kerry praises Peace Corps 23 January 2003
RPCV works for web access in poor villages
Chile and Honduras RPCV Dwight Wilson wants to see web access in poor villages 20 January 2003
RPCVs remember Russia
RPCVs Talbot and Laura Hardman remember years teaching in Russia 19 January 2003
Peace Corps Service will count towards Ready Reserve
Time in Peace Corps will count towards Ready Reserve obligation 18 January 2003
Analysis and Discussion of PC Expulsion from Russia
Anti-Western Sentiment Grows in Russia 18 January 2003
Putin's cover-up 17 January 2003
In response to "Foreigners Wonder Who Will Be Next" 17 January 2003
Russians have every right to feel insulted about being treated like a Third World country 16 January 2003
New Wariness in Russia Toward Help From West 16 January 2003
Russian-US ties strained over Peace Corps 15 January 2003
End of Peace Corps an Opportunity Lost 15 January 2003
Russian Actions against Peace Corps make Foreigners Wonder Who Will Be Next 13 January 2003
A Russian looks at the Peace Corps and the Federal Security Service 8 January 2003
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy
A King of peace 19 January 2003
Peace Corps Honors Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy 17 January 2003
RPCV speaks out on North Korea
Korea RPCV Edward Schultz says US didn't live up to 1994 agreement with North Korea 16 January 2003
PCVs leaving Russia with regret
Peace Corps Volunteers leaving Russia with regret 14 January 2003
RPCV faces challenges as California insurance commissioner
Ethiopia RPCV John Garamendi faces challenges as California insurance commissioner 14 January 2003
Positive image of America seems foreign to many
Malaysia RPCV Frank Swetz says Positive image of America seems foreign to many 12 January 2003
Afghanistan RPCV jailed for Iraq War Protest
Afghanistan RPCV Courtney Siceloff protests war over Iraq 10 January 2003
PC out of Russia in 90 days
Peace Corps to depart Russia within 90 days 10 January 2003
Should PC promote Governance Programs?
Should the Peace Corps promote Governance Programs? 9 January 2003
Senator Ted Kennedy on East Timor independence and the Role of the Peace Corps in East Timor 23 May 2002
Russia Turns Away Labor Activist
Now Russia Turns Away U.S. Labor Activist 9 January 2003
Ambassador says PC to return to Fiji
Ambassador to Fiji says Peace Corps moving forward to re-establish programme in Fiji later this year 7 January 2003
Dane Smith resigns as NPCA President
Statement of Resignation by NPCA President Dane Smith 9 January 2003
Reliable Source: Dane Smith Resigns as President of National Peace Corps Association 8 January 2003
Rep. Sam Farr says Peace Corps legislation is a top priority
Rep. Sam Farr considers Peace Corps legislation a top priority for this session of Congress 9 January 2003
H.R.250 Peace Corps Charter for the 21st Century Act (Introduced in House) 8 January 2003
Sam Farr introduces bill to reauthorize the United States Peace Corps 8 January 2003
Musical Tales from the Peace Corps
Musical Tales from the Peace Corps 7 January 2003
Peace Corps Service counts toward teachers' pensions in Mass
Peace Corps service will count toward teachers' pensions in Massachusetts 6 January 2003
PC Rep won't waste words on spying charges
Peace Corps' Man in Moscow won't waste words on the spying charges 5 January 2003
Peace Corps responds to Russian Allegations
Peace Corps responds to Russian suggestions of intelligence gathering 3 January 2003
Special Report: From Russia with Love 1 January 2003
No Response yet to allegations of "suspicious activities"
Peace Corps leaving Russia amid allegations of "suspicious activities" 1 January 2003
By Admin1 (admin) ( on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 - 5:33 pm: Edit Post |
Chile RPCV John Kennedy founded the musical group Kennedy's Kitchen...
Chile RPCV John Kennedy founded the musical group Kennedy's Kitchen 1 January 2003
Czech Republic RPCV Michael Luick-Thrams wins 2003 Outstanding Project...
Czech Republic RPCV Michael Luick-Thrams wins 2003 Outstanding Project in the Public Humanities Award from Humanities Iowa 1 January 2003
The story had germinated in 1995 while visiting her sister...
The story had germinated in 1995 while visiting her sister who had been living in Guinea Bissau while working for the Peace Corps 1 January 2003
The Short Sweet Life of the Peace Corps in Indonesia...
The Short Sweet Life of the Peace Corps in Indonesia in the 1960's 1 January 2003
Ivory Coast RPCV Austin Merrill wins IPS Excellence in Independent...
Ivory Coast RPCV Austin Merrill wins IPS Excellence in Independent Journalism Award for "War threatens the World's Largest Cocoa Export" 1 January 2003
Homesteading in Malawi, the Warm Heart of Africa by Peace...
Homesteading in Malawi, the Warm Heart of Africa by Peace Corps Volunteer Laina Poon 1 January 2003
Malaysian wife of RPCV now top engineer at Boeing...
Malaysian wife of RPCV now top engineer at Boeing 1 January 2003
Morocco RPCV Douglas J. Young writes about Migration Patterns Vary...
Morocco RPCV Douglas J. Young writes about Migration Patterns Vary by Age and Region 1 January 2003
RPCV Kimberly Jones-Rudolph served in the Peace Corps, working...
RPCV Kimberly Jones-Rudolph served in the Peace Corps, working to save the lives of starving and malnourished children in Niger 1 January 2003
Joan Brabec worked in Peace Corps in Papua New Guinea...
Joan Brabec worked in Peace Corps in Papua New Guinea 1 January 2003
RPCV Judy Hunger taught English in Poland...
RPCV Judy Hunger taught English in Poland 1 January 2003
Yemen RPCV Lois Richard remembers murdered doctor in Yemen...
Yemen RPCV Lois Richard remembers murdered doctor in Yemen 1 January 2003
Kate Dunne to be volunteer in South America...
Kate Dunne to be volunteer in South America 1 January 2003
By my right of free speech and freedom of the...
By my right of free speech and freedom of the press, do I record my experience applying with the Peace Corps, for the benefit of those who blindly submit to their application process 1 January 2003
Rear Admiral says to revitalize Peace Corps
Rear Admiral Rempt says we must revitalize the Peace Corps as part of War on Terror 1 January 2003
Special Report: Peace Corps leaving Russia amid allegations of spying...
Special Report: Peace Corps leaving Russia amid allegations of spying 1 January 2003
Year 03 Issue 01: January 1, 2003: From Russia with...
Year 03 Issue 01: January 1, 2003: From Russia with Love 1 January 2003
PCV Tate Munro works in Agro-forestry in Cameroon...
PCV Tate Munro works in Agro-forestry in Cameroon 2 January 2003
El Salvador RPCV Judith Haden's photographs fill her new book...
El Salvador RPCV Judith Haden's photographs fill her new book, "Oaxaca: The Spirit of Mexico. 2 January 2003
Kenya RPCV Jim Owens leads treks across Africa...
Kenya RPCV Jim Owens leads treks across Africa 2 January 2003
Nigeria RPCV Gene Harrington was Gay Rights Activist...
Nigeria RPCV Gene Harrington was Gay Rights Activist 2 January 2003
US State Department comments on Peace Corps withdrawal from Russia...
US State Department comments on Peace Corps withdrawal from Russia 2 January 2003
Larry Kies began his missionary work in Zimbabwe after a...
Larry Kies began his missionary work in Zimbabwe after a two-year stint with the Peace Corps 2 January 2003
PCV Michael O'Sullivan is health extension volunteer in Burkina Faso...
PCV Michael O'Sullivan is health extension volunteer in Burkina Faso 3 January 2003
Ecuador RPCV Randolph 'Ry' Ryan was a crusader for Peace...
Ecuador RPCV Randolph 'Ry' Ryan was a crusader for Peace 3 January 2003
Kazakhstan PCV Kevin Marousek describes local television habits...
Kazakhstan PCV Kevin Marousek describes local television habits 3 January 2003
RPCV Rich Carlson served the 400 inhabitants of the tiny...
RPCV Rich Carlson served the 400 inhabitants of the tiny island of Puluwa 3 January 2003
Peace Corps responds to Russian Allegations
Peace Corps responds to Russian suggestions of intelligence gathering 3 January 2003
Yemen RPCV Bill "Grandpa" Stowe knew murdered doctor...
Yemen RPCV Bill "Grandpa" Stowe knew murdered doctor 3 January 2003
New Zambia Country Director David Morris worked with National Park...
New Zambia Country Director David Morris worked with National Park Service 3 January 2003
Enjoy Sounds of Morocco's Mystique in NPCA's Embassy Program on...
Enjoy Sounds of Morocco's Mystique in NPCA's Embassy Program on January 28th 3 January 2003
the Russkies have gone and kicked out 30 Peace Corps...
"the Russkies have gone and kicked out 30 Peace Corps volunteers on suspicion of espionage" 4 January 2003
A U.S. Loss, a Russian Loss...
A U.S. Loss, a Russian Loss 4 January 2003
PC Rep won't waste words on spying charges
Peace Corps' Man in Moscow won't waste words on the spying charges 5 January 2003
Peace Corps Completes Work in Russia, Says Accusations "Groundless...
Peace Corps Completes Work in Russia, Says Accusations "Groundless" 6 January 2003
Benin PCV Ellen Smead focuses on nutrition for babies...
Benin PCV Ellen Smead focuses on nutrition for babies 6 January 2003
Ghana RPCV Trevor Harmon writes about how volunteers with computer...
Ghana RPCV Trevor Harmon writes about how volunteers with computer and engineering skills can make a difference 6 January 2003
Senegal PCV Tabb Sullivan raising money to dig water well...
Senegal PCV Tabb Sullivan raising money to dig water well 6 January 2003
Peace Corps Staffer Eric Tanenblatt is Chief of Staff for...
Peace Corps Staffer Eric Tanenblatt is Chief of Staff for Georgia's new Governor 6 January 2003
Peace Corps Service counts toward teachers' pensions in Mass
Peace Corps service will count toward teachers' pensions in Massachusetts 6 January 2003
Jungle 7 January 2003
Ambassador says PC to return to Fiji
Ambassador to Fiji says Peace Corps moving forward to re-establish programme in Fiji later this year 7 January 2003
Palau RPCV Robert M. McNamara Jr. to participate On Roundtable...
Palau RPCV Robert M. McNamara Jr. to participate On Roundtable At "The Media and the War for the ‘Fourth Freedom': Covering the War on Terror" Conference 7 January 2003
RPCV Governor Jim Doyle calls for a new Day in...
RPCV Governor Jim Doyle calls for a new Day in Wisconsin in Inaugural Address 7 January 2003
Musical Tales from the Peace Corps
Musical Tales from the Peace Corps 7 January 2003
Confronted with an antagonistic speaker, a male frog will generally...
Confronted with an antagonistic speaker, a male frog will generally approach it, and occasionally hop on top but the animals never attack the speaker, says Chile RPCV Peter Narins 8 January 2003
A Russian Journalist looks at the Peace Corps
A Russian looks at the Peace Corps and the Federal Security Service 8 January 2003
Thailand RPCV Lee Stetson impersonates John Muir, wins election to...
Thailand RPCV Lee Stetson impersonates John Muir, wins election to County Board of Supervisors 8 January 2003
D.D. Sears, 65, and Whit Sears, 70 head for Peace...
D.D. Sears, 65, and Whit Sears, 70 head for Peace Corps Thailand 8 January 2003
Dane Smith resign as NPCA President
Dane Smith Resigns as President of NPCA 8 January 2003
Sam Farr introduces bill to reauthorize the United States Peace...
Sam Farr introduces bill to reauthorize the United States Peace Corps 8 January 2003
H.R.250 Peace Corps Charter for the 21st Century Act...
H.R.250 Peace Corps Charter for the 21st Century Act (Introduced in House) 8 January 2003
Should PC promote Governance Programs?
Should the Peace Corps promote Governance Programs? 9 January 2003
Korea RPCV Michael E. Robinson Offers Perspectives on Korean Crisis...
Korea RPCV Michael E. Robinson Offers Perspectives on Korean Crisis 9 January 2003
Morocco RPCV Jim Heaton is Peace Corps Fellow works in...
Morocco RPCV Jim Heaton is Peace Corps Fellow works in Community Development in Rock Falls, Illinois 9 January 2003
Russia Turns Away Labor Activist
Now Russia Turns Away U.S. Labor Activist 9 January 2003
Rep. Sam Farr says Peace Corps legislation is a top priority
Rep. Sam Farr's Peace Corps legislation will establish a needed "firewall" between the Peace Corps and U.S. intelligence agencies 9 January 2003
Statement of Resignation by NPCA President Dane Smith...
Statement of Resignation by NPCA President Dane Smith 9 January 2003
Rep. Sam Farr says Peace Corps legislation is a top priority
Rep. Sam Farr considers Peace Corps legislation a top priority for this session of Congress 9 January 2003
Peace Corps to Host AIDS Awareness Forums...
Peace Corps to Host AIDS Awareness Forums 10 January 2003
Afghanistan RPCV jailed for Iraq War Protests
Afghanistan RPCV Courtney Siceloff protests war over Iraq 10 January 2003
Brazil RPCV Russell Kay writes about the Tablet PC...
Brazil RPCV Russell Kay writes about the Tablet PC 10 January 2003
RPCV Tom Belsky returns to Brazil...
RPCV Tom Belsky returns to Brazil 10 January 2003
PC out of Russia in 90 days
Peace Corps to depart Russia within 90 days 10 January 2003
More Exchange needed with Russia...
More Exchange needed with Russia 10 January 2003
Backsliding in Russia...
Backsliding in Russia 11 January 2003
Peace Corps Journal Sierra Leone, Jan.1976 to Aug.1978...
Peace Corps Journal Sierra Leone, Jan.1976 to Aug.1978 by Don Axtell 11 January 2003
PCV Tyler Cornell swapped New York comfort for a dirt...
PCV Tyler Cornell swapped New York comfort for a dirt floor in Zambia 11 January 2003
PCV Caroline Kondrat organizes Harambee for Hope, Home & Heifers to...
PCV Caroline Kondrat organizes Harambee for Hope, Home & Heifers to benefit Kenya 12 January 2003
Ecuador RPCV Howard Dodson writes new book on African-American...
Ecuador RPCV Howard Dodson writes new book on African-American Culture 12 January 2003
Ecuador RPCV Howard Dodson is Library Director at Schomburg Center...
Ecuador RPCV Howard Dodson is Library Director at Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 12 January 2003
Positive image of America seems foreign to many
Malaysia RPCV Frank Swetz says Positive image of America seems foreign to many 12 January 2003
Yemen RPCV Joyce Seitz appointed Development Director for Madison Heights...
Yemen RPCV Joyce Seitz appointed Development Director for Madison Heights 13 January 2003
Colombia RPCV Thomas Zitrides founds Biotechnology company...
Colombia RPCV Thomas Zitrides founds Biotechnology company 13 January 2003
PCV Patrick Francis left Uzbekistan to finish service in Mongolia...
PCV Patrick Francis left Uzbekistan to finish service in Mongolia 13 January 2003
Russian Actions against Peace Corps make Foreigners Wonder Who Will...
Russian Actions against Peace Corps make Foreigners Wonder Who Will Be Next 13 January 2003
Tunisia RPCV Lynn Erickson creates art project to illustrate history...
Tunisia RPCV Lynn Erickson creates art project to illustrate history of Olympia Washington 13 January 2003
Jessica's Peace Corps Mongolia Page...
Jessica's Peace Corps Mongolia Page 14 January 2003
Andrea Gonce in Mongolia with Peace Corps...
Andrea Gonce in Mongolia with Peace Corps 14 January 2003
Jason Fox, Mongolia, 1997-1999...
Jason Fox, Mongolia, 1997-1999 14 January 2003
Cristina Dewey, Mongolia, 1992-1994...
Cristina Dewey, Mongolia, 1992-1994 14 January 2003
Mongolia RPCV Layton Croft...
Mongolia RPCV Layton Croft 14 January 2003
Sarah's Peace Corps Mongolia Page...
Sarah's Peace Corps Mongolia Page 14 January 2003
Jessica Deanna Dold: Pre-Mongolia Me...
Jessica Deanna Dold: Pre-Mongolia Me 14 January 2003
Paul Dewey's Mongolian Tuesdays...
Paul Dewey's Mongolian Tuesdays 14 January 2003
From Mount Michael to Mongolia: Alumni Focus: Robert Stubblefield, '93...
From Mount Michael to Mongolia: Alumni Focus: Robert Stubblefield, '93 14 January 2003
Carleen's Mongolia Homepage...
Carleen's Mongolia Homepage 14 January 2003
Patrick's Peace Corps Mongolia Page...
Patrick's Peace Corps Mongolia Page 14 January 2003
Juliet Port in Mongolia...
Juliet Port in Mongolia 14 January 2003
RPCV Jessica Bernstein teaches fly fishing in Mongolia...
RPCV Jessica Bernstein teaches fly fishing in Mongolia 14 January 2003
Andrea Myhre, currently working with the Peace Corps in Mongolia...
Andrea Myhre, currently working with the Peace Corps in Mongolia 14 January 2003
Morocco RPCV Mark Apel appointed Senior Planner for Cochise County...
Morocco RPCV Mark Apel appointed Senior Planner for Cochise County 14 January 2003
PCVs leaving Russia with regret
Peace Corps Volunteers leaving Russia with regret 14 January 2003
John Simmons was in first group of Volunteers in Tunisia...
John Simmons was in first group of Volunteers in Tunisia 14 January 2003
Lance Holter was Volunteer in Tunisia...
Lance Holter was Volunteer in Tunisia 14 January 2003
Macabi Skirt: the original Adventure Travel Skirt designed by Tunisia...
Macabi Skirt: the original Adventure Travel Skirt designed by Tunisia RPCV Carol Louder 14 January 2003
The Reluctant Agent by Tunisia RPCV Phillip Kurata...
The Reluctant Agent by Tunisia RPCV Phillip Kurata 14 January 2003
RPCV faces challenges as California insurance commissioner
Ethiopia RPCV John Garamendi faces challenges as California insurance commissioner 14 January 2003
Brazil RPCV Sharon Price founds Children in Villages and Faith...
Brazil RPCV Sharon Price founds Children in Villages and Faith Association 15 January 2003
Gabon RPCV Kevin Cavenaugh succeeds as Real Estate Developer in...
Gabon RPCV Kevin Cavenaugh succeeds as Real Estate Developer in Portland Oregon 15 January 2003
Analysis of the Peace Corps Expulstion from Russia
Russian-US ties strained over Peace Corps 15 January 2003
End of Peace Corps an Opportunity Lost...
End of Peace Corps an Opportunity Lost 15 January 2003
RPCV Jon Vermilye's Photos from Cameroon...
RPCV Jon Vermilye's Photos from Cameroon 16 January 2003
RPCV speaks out on North Korea
Korea RPCV Edward Schultz says US didn't live up to 1994 agreement with North Korea 16 January 2003
New Wariness in Russia Toward Help From West...
New Wariness in Russia Toward Help From West 16 January 2003
Russians have every right to feel insulted about being treated...
Russians have every right to feel insulted about being treated like a Third World country 16 January 2003
Peace Corps Programs in Tanzania...
Peace Corps Programs in Tanzania 16 January 2003
Ben and Sara, PCVs in Tanzania...
Ben and Sara, PCVs in Tanzania 16 January 2003
History of the Peace Corps in Tanzania...
History of the Peace Corps in Tanzania 16 January 2003
My Peace Corps Work in Tanzania...
My Peace Corps Work in Tanzania 16 January 2003
Access0] The Gustafson Girls in Tanzania...
[Access0] The Gustafson Girls in Tanzania 16 January 2003
PCV Accused of Murdering His Wife in Tanzania...
PCV Accused of Murdering His Wife in Tanzania 16 January 2003
Josh Amend, Peace Corps Tanzania...
Josh Amend, Peace Corps Tanzania 16 January 2003
Abby Gustafson in Tanzania...
Abby Gustafson in Tanzania 16 January 2003
Peace Corps - The Longest Vacation You'll Ever Have - Photos of...
Peace Corps - The Longest Vacation You'll Ever Have - Photos of the 27 months I spent in Peace Corps Tanzania (1987-1989 16 January 2003
Bermi Village, Tanzania...
Bermi Village, Tanzania 16 January 2003
Team leader Tom Byrne has been in charge of Korea...
Team leader Tom Byrne has been in charge of Korea analysis since the financial crisis, and served for three years in Korea as a Peace Corps member. 17 January 2003
In response to "Foreigners Wonder Who Will Be Next...
In response to "Foreigners Wonder Who Will Be Next" 17 January 2003
Putin's cover-up...
Putin's cover-up 17 January 2003
Tanzania PCV Karen Isaacs was assigned to teach chemistry in...
Tanzania PCV Karen Isaacs was assigned to teach chemistry in Masasi 17 January 2003
Ukraine RPCV Michelle Norris leads economic development in Clark County...
Ukraine RPCV Michelle Norris leads economic development in Clark County through Peace Corps Fellows Program 17 January 2003
PC Honors Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Legacy
Peace Corps Honors Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Legacy 17 January 2003
Honduras RPCV Kathryn Tschiegg founded Central American Medical Outreach...
Honduras RPCV Kathryn Tschiegg founded Central American Medical Outreach 17 January 2003
Anti-Western Sentiment Grows in Russia...
Anti-Western Sentiment Grows in Russia 18 January 2003
PC Director Vasquez endorses "the machine"
Peace Corps Director Vasquez endorses "the machine" in Orange County political race 18 January 2003
Peace Corps Service will count towards Ready Reserve
Time in Peace Corps will count towards Ready Reserve obligation 18 January 2003
A King of Peace
A King of peace 19 January 2003
RPCVs remember Russia
RPCVs Talbot and Laura Hardman remember years teaching in Russia 19 January 2003
Tunisia RPCV Diana Ackerman teaches Arabic to increase understanding...
Tunisia RPCV Diana Ackerman teaches Arabic to increase understanding 19 January 2003
RPCV works for web access in poor villages
Chile and Honduras RPCV Dwight Wilson wants to see web access in poor villages 20 January 2003
El Salvador RPCVs Jim and Julie McLaughlin find romance in...
El Salvador RPCVs Jim and Julie McLaughlin find romance in Peace Corps 21 January 2003
William Smith on the Peace Corps departure from Russia...
William Smith on the Peace Corps departure from Russia 21 January 2003
RPCV Kevin Kaye on the Peace Corps departure from Russia...
RPCV Kevin Kaye on the Peace Corps departure from Russia 21 January 2003
Due to the inability of the US congress to pass...
Due to the inability of the US congress to pass appropriation bills for fiscal year 2003, Peace Corps cannot authorize staff to travel to Albania to start up the program 22 January 2003
Husband of Bulgaria RPCV has difficulty becoming gun dealer in...
Husband of Bulgaria RPCV has difficulty becoming gun dealer in US 22 January 2003
Community College Graduates' Current Opportunities in Peace Corps...
Community College Graduates' Current Opportunities in Peace Corps 23 January 2003
Dayton Grad Kimberly Stachler going to Panama in Peace Corps...
Dayton Grad Kimberly Stachler going to Panama in Peace Corps 23 January 2003
Director Coverdell remembered
Ceremony in Georgia remembers late Senator and Peace Corps Director Coverdell 23 January 2003
Kerry praises Peace Corps
Presidential hopeful John Kerry praises Peace Corps 23 January 2003
Cameroon RPCV Margaret Krome says Peace Activists Need Ammo...
Cameroon RPCV Margaret Krome says Peace Activists Need Ammo 24 January 2003
PCV Phoenix Thompson brings Junior Achievement program to Guatemala...
PCV Phoenix Thompson brings Junior Achievement program to Guatemala 24 January 2003
Peace Corps volunteer Allison Monroe tells story of life in...
Peace Corps volunteer Allison Monroe tells story of life in Jordan 24 January 2003
Peace Corps seeking Ad Agency
Peace Corps looking for new Ad Agency 24 January 2003
National Geographic teams with Peace Corps
Peace Corps and National Geographic Society Celebrate Partnership 24 January 2003
Massachusetts Peace Corps vets get pension credit for teaching
Kenya RPCV, Sierra Leone Country Director and Massachusetts State Senator David Magnani promoted bill that gives Massachusetts Peace Corps vets pension credit for teaching 24 January 2003
Harris Wofford: A leader in community service...
Harris Wofford: A leader in community service 25 January 2003
Returned Peace Corps workers share stories of Kazakhstan...
Returned Peace Corps workers share stories of Kazakhstan 25 January 2003
Mr. Dutton Goes to Mozambique...
Mr. Dutton Goes to Mozambique 25 January 2003
Tunisia RPCV Roger Lewis discusses masonry of Tunisia and St...
Tunisia RPCV Roger Lewis discusses masonry of Tunisia and St. Petersburg 25 January 2003
RPCV writes about turning 60
Turkey RPCV Joanne Omang writes about turning 60 25 January 2003
Elaine Chao gets good marks
Former Peace Corps Drector Elaine Chao gets good marks for running Department of Labor 25 January 2003
RPCV Tom Belsky returns to Brazil (Part II...
RPCV Tom Belsky returns to Brazil (Part II) 26 January 2003
Zaire RPCV Peter Kittany leads the N.C. Rural Communities Assistance...
Zaire RPCV Peter Kittany leads the N.C. Rural Communities Assistance Project 26 January 2003
Citizen Corps takes a hit
Bush's Plan for Citizen Corps takes a hit 26 January 2003
Peace Corps may go to Djibouti
Peace Corps volunteers are likely to be assigned to Djibouti for the first time 27 January 2003
Transcript of Tim Russert's interview with Senator Chris Dodd...
Transcript of Tim Russert's interview with Senator Chris Dodd 27 January 2003
Dodd says Bush has not made the case for war
RPCV Chris Dodd says Bush has not made the case for war 27 January 2003
Moderate Republicans angry that RPCV Chris Shays denied chairmanship of...
Moderate Republicans angry that RPCV Chris Shays denied chairmanship of the House Government Reform Committee 27 January 2003
Kiribati RPCV Matthew Chico is Director of the Americas Region...
Kiribati RPCV Matthew Chico is Director of the Americas Region at the American Red Cross 27 January 2003
Don't squander Volunteer Spirit
How not to squander the volunteer spirit 27 January 2003
Peace Corps and National Geographic Society Announce Partnership...
Peace Corps and National Geographic Society Announce Partnership 27 January 2003
Anna Lisa Ohm speaks Spanish and French, languages she learned...
Anna Lisa Ohm speaks Spanish and French, languages she learned while serving two terms in the U.S. Peace Corps in Bolivia, South America, and Tunisia, North Africa 28 January 2003
Film Maker St. Clair Bourne served in Peace Corps in...
Film Maker St. Clair Bourne served in Peace Corps in Peru and later traveled to Tunisia 28 January 2003
Documentaries: St. Clair Bourne...
Documentaries: St. Clair Bourne 28 January 2003
Film Maker served in Peace Corps in Peru and later...
Film Maker served in Peace Corps in Peru and later traveled to Tunisia 28 January 2003
Deptuy Director talks about making a difference
Peace Corps Deputy Director Jody Olsen talks about volunteers making a difference 28 January 2003
Michael A. Sells taught in Southern Tunisia with the Peace...
Michael A. Sells taught in Southern Tunisia with the Peace Corps at: (1) Medenine (2) Foum Tatahouine and (3) Jerba 28 January 2003
Living Overseas: by Tunisia RPCV Samuel Atlee...
Living Overseas: by Tunisia RPCV Samuel Atlee 28 January 2003
Men at Riskby Tunisia RPCV Samuel Atlee...
Men at Riskby Tunisia RPCV Samuel Atlee 28 January 2003
US Ambassador to Yemen Edmund J. Hull was RPCV in...
US Ambassador to Yemen Edmund J. Hull was RPCV in Tunisia 28 January 2003
NPCA urges support of Appropriation
NPCA urges support of Peace Corps FY 2003 Appropriation 28 January 2003
Former Peace Corps Staff Member Harold Pachios writes: Public Diplomacy...
Former Peace Corps Staff Member Harold Pachios writes: Public Diplomacy and the war on Terror 28 January 2003
AmeriCorps Freeze Puts Projects on Hold...
AmeriCorps Freeze Puts Projects on Hold 29 January 2003
Down the Sreet: Path to Here Wound Through Peace Corps...
Down the Sreet: Path to Here Wound Through Peace Corps 29 January 2003
RPCV leads a lifetime of volunteering
Sierra Leone RPCV Gerri Preston leads a lifetime of volunteering 29 January 2003
Gaddi Vasquez's candidate for Supervisor's Seat wins election in Orange...
Gaddi Vasquez's candidate for Supervisor's Seat wins election in Orange County 29 January 2003
Peace Corps, National Geographic Society Collaborate on Education Project...
Peace Corps, National Geographic Society Collaborate on Education Project 29 January 2003
A colleague tells me it's unwise to publicly criticize Brazil...
A colleague tells me it's unwise to publicly criticize Brazil Peace Corps Physician Warren Hern in Boulder 30 January 2003
Guatemala RPCV Naren Sonpal helps farmers market their coffee...
Guatemala RPCV Naren Sonpal helps farmers market their coffee 30 January 2003
Malawi RPCV Paul Theroux's journey through Africa...
Malawi RPCV Paul Theroux's journey through Africa 30 January 2003
Virginia RPCVs shares skills
Returned Volunteers in Virginia continue to share their skills 30 January 2003
Senior Beau Jackson trades comfort for Corps...
Senior Beau Jackson trades comfort for Corps 30 January 2003
The Dark Side Of Lariam...
The Dark Side Of Lariam 30 January 2003
Peace Corps Congratulates Freedom Corps on First Anniversary...
Peace Corps Congratulates Freedom Corps on First Anniversary 30 January 2003
President's State of the Union Address marks the maturation of...
President's State of the Union Address marks the maturation of compassionate conservatism 30 January 2003
1st Anniversary of Freedom Corps
President Commemorates 1st Anniversary of Freedom Corps 30 January 2003
Bush Celebrates Freedom Corps Anniversary
President Bush Celebrates USA Freedom Corps One-Year Anniversary 30 January 2003
A Peace Corps for Afghanistan?
A Peace Corps for Afghanistan 31 January 2003
Colombia RPCV John F. Keane appointed Ambassador to Paraguay...
Colombia RPCV John F. Keane appointed Ambassador to Paraguay 31 January 2003
El Salvador RPCV Eduardo Abreu teaches Leadership Studies...
El Salvador RPCV Eduardo Abreu teaches Leadership Studies 31 January 2003
RPCV Ken McMurray leads training program in Honduras...
RPCV Ken McMurray leads training program in Honduras 31 January 2003
RPCV chairs Fulbright Selection Committee
Malaysia RPCV Ford Burkhart will chair Fulbright Selection Committee for West and Central/Southern Africa 31 January 2003
Yemen RPCV Howard L. Stovall is expert in international law...
Yemen RPCV Howard L. Stovall is expert in international law 31 January 2003
Yemen RPCV Ghadiali - Doing Ramadan, Yemeni Style...
Yemen RPCV Ghadiali - Doing Ramadan, Yemeni Style 31 January 2003
Yemen RPCV Thomas Richard writes about Yemeni Dreams...
Yemen RPCV Thomas Richard writes about Yemeni Dreams 31 January 2003
Dodd won't run for president
RPCV Senator Dodd won't run for president 31 January 2003
Peace Corps Signs New Universities for Fellows/USA Program...
Peace Corps Signs New Universities for Fellows/USA Program 31 January 2003
Peace Corps" stops teasing, taunting and bullying in school...
"Peace Corps" stops teasing, taunting and bullying in school 31 January 2003