September 30, 2005: Headlines: COS - Afghanistan: Obituaries: The Daily Standard: Afghanistan RPCV Mary Pat Robinson dies
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September 30, 2005: Headlines: COS - Afghanistan: Obituaries: The Daily Standard: Afghanistan RPCV Mary Pat Robinson dies
Afghanistan RPCV Mary Pat Robinson dies
She was a retired English teacher, having taught in Columbia, South America, and for the Peace Corps in Kabul, Afganistan.
Afghanistan RPCV Mary Pat Robinson dies
Mary Pat Robinson
Mary Pat Robinson, 85, formerly of Huntington, W.Va., died at 12:15 p.m. Sept. 29, 2005, at Celina Manor Nursing Home.
She was born Oct. 5, 1919, in Cincinnati to William and Anna Flannery McOwen. On June 28, 1941, she married Donald Robinson who died June 26, 1979.
Surviving are two sons, Larry (Abby) of Worthington and Capt. Gerard of Fort Launderdale, Fla.; two daughters, Joy (George) Szmaj, Bloomington, Ill., and Mary Pat (Tom) Zitter, Fort Recovery; a sister-in-law, Sheila McOwen, Huntington; and 12 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
Deceased are a daughter, Karen Owens; and two brothers, Bill and Jack McOwen.
She was a retired English teacher, having taught in Columbia, South America, and for the Peace Corps in Kabul, Afganistan. She was a graduate of St. Joseph's Central Catholic High School, Huntington, and Marshall University, Huntington, and attended the Schuster School of Dramatic Arts, Cincinnati. She was a member of the Friends of the Basilica, Covington, Ky., Legion of Mary, Right to Life, Green Peace, the Mercer County Republican Women's Club and Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Celina.
Funeral Mass is 10 a.m. Saturday at the church, the Rev. Thomas Brenberger officiating. Burial will follow at St. James Cemetery, Brooksville, Ky.
Calling is 6-8 p.m. Friday at Brockman & Boeckman Funeral Home, Fort Recovery.
Contributions can be made to Mercer County Right to Life.
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 | Why blurring the lines puts PCVs in danger When the National Call to Service legislation was amended to include Peace Corps in December of 2002, this country had not yet invaded Iraq and was not in prolonged military engagement in the Middle East, as it is now. Read the story of how one volunteer spent three years in captivity from 1976 to 1980 as the hostage of a insurrection group in Colombia in Joanne Marie Roll's op-ed on why this legislation may put soldier/PCVs in the same kind of danger. |
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 | Friends of the Peace Corps 170,000 strong 170,000 is a very special number for the RPCV community - it's the number of Volunteers who have served in the Peace Corps since 1961. It's also a number that is very special to us because March is the first month since our founding in January, 2001 that our readership has exceeded 170,000. And while we know that not everyone who comes to this site is an RPCV, they are all "Friends of the Peace Corps." Thanks everybody for making PCOL your source of news for the Returned Volunteer community. |
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Story Source: The Daily Standard
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