June 18, 2005: Headlines: COS - Tonga: Crime: Murder: Justice: Law: Psychiatry: Safety and Security of Volunteers: The News Tribune: Seattle U.S. Attorney's office says Dennis Priven cannot be retried for the murder of Peace Corps Volunteer Deborah Gardner -“We do not believe this case can be prosecuted by anyone, not only us, but in any other jurisdiction in the United States.”
Peace Corps Online:
Special Report: 'American Taboo: A Murder in the Peace Corps':
February 9, 2005: Index: PCOL Exclusive: Murder of PCV Deborah Gardner (Tonga) :
June 18, 2005: Headlines: COS - Tonga: Crime: Murder: Justice: Law: Psychiatry: Safety and Security of Volunteers: The News Tribune: Seattle U.S. Attorney's office says Dennis Priven cannot be retried for the murder of Peace Corps Volunteer Deborah Gardner -“We do not believe this case can be prosecuted by anyone, not only us, but in any other jurisdiction in the United States.”
| American Taboo: A Peace Corps Tragedy Returned Volunteers met with author Philip Weiss in Baltimore on June 18 to discuss the murder of Peace Corps Volunteer Deborah Gardner. Weiss was a member of a panel that included three psychiatrists and a criminal attorney. Meanwhile, the Seattle U.S. Attorney's office announced that Dennis Priven cannot be retried for the murder. "We do not believe this case can be prosecuted by anyone, not only us, but in any other jurisdiction in the United States." Read background on the case here. |
Seattle U.S. Attorney's office says Dennis Priven cannot be retried for the murder of Peace Corps Volunteer Deborah Gardner -“We do not believe this case can be prosecuted by anyone, not only us, but in any other jurisdiction in the United States.”
Seattle U.S. Attorney's office says Dennis Priven cannot be retried for the murder of Peace Corps Volunteer Deborah Gardner -“We do not believe this case can be prosecuted by anyone, not only us, but in any other jurisdiction in the United States.”
Prosecutors reject second trial in slaying of Peace Corps volunteer
LES BLUMENTHAL; The News Tribune
Published: June 18th, 2005 12:01 AM
WASHINGTON – Federal prosecutors have concluded there is no way to reopen the case against a man accused of killing a young Peace Corps volunteer from Lakewood nearly 30 years ago in the Pacific island kingdom of Tonga.
Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Belfair) had asked the U.S. attorney’s office in Seattle to review whether a Brooklyn, N.Y., man could still be charged with murder in the stabbing of Deborah Gardner.
“We have researched this every possible way,” said Jeff Sullivan, who heads the criminal division of the U.S. attorney’s Seattle office. “We do not believe this case can be prosecuted by anyone, not only us, but in any other jurisdiction in the United States.”
Gardner was a 23-year-old Peace Corps volunteer teaching biology and home economics in a Tongan high school when she was slain in October 1976. Dennis Priven, a fellow Peace Corps volunteer, was charged with murder but a Tongan jury found him not guilty by reason of insanity.
Under an agreement with U.S. State Department officials, Priven was to be committed to a mental hospital in the United States. But after two days in a Washington, D.C., hospital, Priven checked out, received a routine discharge from the Peace Corps and returned to Brooklyn, where he worked for the federal government, retiring in 2003.
“Under current law, there is nothing that can be done,” Sullivan said in a telephone interview. “From our standpoint, this matter is concluded.”
A spokesman for Dicks said the congressman was frustrated. “We are very disappointed,” spokesman George Behan said. “But this remains a serious miscarriage of justice. We’re not sure there is much that can be done, but it isn’t over.”
Sullivan said a 1994 law allows federal prosecutors to file charges against a U.S. citizen who has killed another U.S. citizen overseas, but the law was not in effect when Gardner was murdered. Congress could amend the 1994 law to make it retroactive.
“Congress could pass a statute and then see what the courts do,” Sullivan said.
But the law also said such federal prosecutions were prohibited if the accused had already been tried elsewhere – a legal standard known as double jeopardy.
“It doesn’t appear there is any way to amend the law to retroactively impose a penalty in a case already adjudicated,” Behan said.
Gardner’s mother, Alice, who lives in Tacoma, said she can’t understand why Priven remains free.
“It’s like my daughter never existed,” said Alice, who remarried after a divorce with Gardner’s father and doesn’t want her last name used. “I’m still angry. Why aren’t other people angry? It’s definitely not fair.”
Gardner’s parents had assumed over the years that Priven was in a mental hospital. They didn’t know he was free until contacted several years ago by Philip Weiss, the author of a book on their daughter’s death.
The CBS news magazine “48 Hours” will rebroadcast its story on Gardner’s murder tonight.
Priven could not be located for comment.
If convicted in Tonga, Priven could have been hanged. The Peace Corps hired a lawyer to defend Priven and flew in a psychiatrist from Hawaii to evaluate him. The psychiatrist testified that Priven suffered from latent paranoid schizophrenia. Tongan prosecutors did not have the money to hire their own psychiatrist.
The jury found Priven not guilty by reason of insanity after deliberating for 26 minutes.
During his stay in the Washington hospital, Priven was examined by another psychiatrist who found there was no reason to believe he suffered from schizophrenia.
The whole case is frustrating,” said Sullivan, the federal prosecutor. “Hopefully the Peace Corps would handle this differently now than it did.”
Les Blumenthal: 202-383-0008
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Story Source: The News Tribune
This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; COS - Tonga; Crime; Murder; Justice; Law; Psychiatry; Safety and Security of Volunteers
By rpcv (ca1462-ch01-bl07.ma-cambridg0.sa.earthlink.net - on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 7:35 am: Edit Post |
No, But the Congress and or attorney's can open a case against Zigmond Lebensoln, Peace Corp's Psychiatrist who aided in getting him off and the diagnosis to get away with murder. Peace Corps has been using this guy for years to hurt Volunteers and the Peace Corps program. They have used Lebensoln, an extremely controversial Doctor in his field, to give Peace Corps educated guesses of what happened at their Peace Corps site. In Dennis's case, Peace Corps should have used better educated Psychiatrist. Lebensoln has also fired many volunteers by guessing and using his hallucinated state to label volunteers with major diagnosis that have hurt themselves and the families involved with these families. He is a dangerous man.
We need transparency in cases he has worked on for Peace Corps. We should measure, how many volunteers he has fired through his diagnosis. He is one man who meets with these volunteers in a very limited time and space and makes life judgements that are many times obtuse and bias.
The GAO should investigate this guy.
On the case itself: Have you looked at it from this point; The family could file a wrongful death suit in his home area against him. This is not a prosection, but it does look into financial responsibility. Number two: If there is new evidence such as someone investigating the so called Doctor for wrong doing and demonstrating that Peace Corps used this individual who was not credible, then you might be able to open a new case, even 30 years later. He can't be tried for the same crime, but he could be tried in other ways for taking her life.
By none (66-44-0-3.s3.apx1.lnh.md.dialup.rcn.com - on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 - 8:02 pm: Edit Post |
Zigmond M. Lebensohn died on September 21, 2003 at the age of 93.
Daniel, there is no more revenge you can have on him for the things in your life for which you blame him.
By downwPC ( on Wednesday, August 03, 2011 - 8:47 pm: Edit Post |
If any one who is young and KNOWS about this case regarding DEB GARDNER SHOULD NEVER volunteer for the PEACE CORPS (or else you'll end up as a CORSPE!!!) EVERYONE INVOLVED were IDIOTS and the so called men should have beat the S***T out of this guy even upon returning to the States. DENNIS PRIVEN is lucky to not know us because HIS ASS would have be as good as JIMMY HOFFA or much worse. To the Peace CORPS all of you were complete asses and should have taken matters upon yourselves. Tonga should have HUNG the SOB and PRIVEN had better remain hid. STupid narcissistic F**K!!!! PC men are complete PUSSIES!!! And all that you guys can come out of this is with a damned book!!! Any one who joins the PC is a effing idiot any more. PARENTS DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO THE PC unless you want them DEAD. SCREW YOU PEACE CORPS. LONG LIVE DEB GARDNER. SHE IS A HUMAN BEING YOU ASSHOLES!!!
By downwPC ( on Wednesday, August 03, 2011 - 8:51 pm: Edit Post |
To "none" you are obviously another Peace Corp Prick. So shut the eff Up you moronic muther effer!! LOSER!!!! ALL OF YOU ARE MURDERS!!!!