By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Saturday, September 04, 2004 - 11:10 am: Edit Post |
This Week's Top Stories
The week's top Peace Corps news stories posted here every Sunday.
August 28, 2004: This Week's Top Stories David Magnani rallies RPCVs behind Kerry 26 Aug Schwarzenegger launches California Service Corps 26 Aug RPCV calls for action in Sudan, Congo, and Afghanistan 26 Aug Bellamy warns about Water Crisis 26 Aug Schneider says Afghanistan not getting enough help 26 Aug Ken Hill to lead National Peace Corps Association 24 Aug Defeated RPCV considers return to Africa 23 Aug Taft's low standing limits ability to help Bush 23 Aug GOP complains of Doyle's anti-Bush statements 23 Aug RPCV accused of sex abuse in Colombia 21 Aug Mark Shriver rumored for Kerry's PC Director 20 Aug Correction: PC Applicant on TV's "Survivor" 18 Aug more top stories... |
August 21, 2004: This Week's Top Stories PC Jamaica swears in 75th group 21 Aug Peace Corps reopens Haiti Program 20 Aug Gaddi Vasquez in Africa for CD Conference 18 Aug RPCV on Television's "Survivor" 18 Aug RPCV writes about eastern Congo Situation 17 Aug New PC Masters in Geological Natural Hazards 17 Aug RPCV visits where Che Guevara was captured 16 Aug PCV finds her Hmong roots 15 Aug Sargent Shriver visits Opportunity Council 14 Aug Wisconsin-Madison wins first PC group award 14 Aug Abroad Magazine looking for PCV stories 13 Aug Paul Tsongas' Widow May Run For Senate Seat 10 Aug more top stories... |
August 14, 2004: This Week's Top Stories RPCV arrives in Korea as Ambassador 14 Aug Eunice Shriver hospitalized 13 Aug RPCV helps absentee voters 13 Aug Director Chao to address Republican Convention 12 Aug Psychologist studies motives of PCVs 11 Aug RPCV says Georgia going through turbulent period 11 Aug RPCV says Choke off Sudan's weapons 11 Aug Tamulonis, Madison Group win PC Awards 11 Aug Colin Powell will skip GOP convention 10 Aug RPCV John Kefalas draws fans back to politics 8 Aug RPCV suing the Massachusetts Lottery 8 Aug RPCV directs Greensboro Natural Science Center 8 Aug more top stories... |
August 7, 2004: This Week's Top Stories JFK encounter was inspiration to RPCV 7 Aug Iran RPCV sees world faiths up close 7 Aug PC names Nine New Country Directors 6 Aug PCV helps Open Source in Philippines 5 Aug Ted Kennedy's Peace Corps 4 Aug Tom Petri introduces bill to benefit newborns 3 Aug Vasquez to speak at National Press Club 3 Aug Phil Lilienthal's passion for children's camps 2 Aug RPCV takes children up for their first flight 2 Aug RPCV helps Haiti Orphanage 2 Aug Maureen Orth helps IWDC 2 Aug Chris Shays leading trip to Middle East 2 Aug more top stories... |
By Admin1 (admin) ( on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - 3:23 pm: Edit Post |
Tim Gripka is currently serving with the Peace Corps in...
Tim Gripka is currently serving with the Peace Corps in Bangladesh 1 August 2004
Matthew Onega was part of the first group of Peace...
Matthew Onega was part of the first group of Peace Corps volunteers to return to Botswana in 2003 to work in AIDS Education 1 August 2004
Maureen Orth wrings her hands over what papers like the...
Maureen Orth wrings her hands over what papers like the Enquirer have wrought and issues the typical string of indictments against the state of contemporary journalism 1 August 2004
The Bread-and-Butter Issues by El Salvador RPCV John...
The Bread-and-Butter Issues by El Salvador RPCV John Kefalas 1 August 2004
RPCV Jason Mosley writes about Gender and Daily Life in...
RPCV Jason Mosley writes about Gender and Daily Life in Ethiopia 1 August 2004
Signs of a revitalization began to crystallize during the mid...
Signs of a revitalization began to crystallize during the mid-1970s, when US Senator Paul Tsongas, a Lowell native, organized a group of Lowell bankers to create the Lowell Development and Finance Corporation, which provided low-interest loans to finance preservation of historic buildings in Lowell. 1 August 2004
Adansi M. Norkware, Formerly Known as Albert Greenleaf Jr says...
Adansi M. Norkware, Formerly Known as Albert Greenleaf Jr says "In May of 1978 I embarked on one of the most exciting, adventurous and memorable journeys in my life at that time" 1 August 2004
July was a difficult month for University of Miami President...
July was a difficult month for University of Miami President Donna Shalala, who had to decide the fate of linebacker Willie Williams, the Hurricanes' prize recruit who showed up on campus with a nationally ranked rap sheet: 11 arrests in only 19 years of trying 1 August 2004
Why I Love Crime Fiction by Jamaica RPCV Leonard Chang...
Why I Love Crime Fiction by Jamaica RPCV Leonard Chang 1 August 2004
Interview With Jamaica RPCV Leonard Chang...
Interview With Jamaica RPCV Leonard Chang 1 August 2004
With his third Allen Choice novel, Jamaica RPCV Leonard Chang...
With his third Allen Choice novel, Jamaica RPCV Leonard Chang has established himself as one of a cadre of Asian American writers who march to a different drummer in a publishing world that, for the most part, still hankers for "the next Amy Tan." 1 August 2004
Leonard Chang took time off after his sophomore year to...
Leonard Chang took time off after his sophomore year to intern briefly with the Peace Corps in Kingston, Jamaica 1 August 2004
20 Questions With...Jamaica RPCV Leonard Chang...
20 Questions With...Jamaica RPCV Leonard Chang 1 August 2004
In Kyrgyzstan, Lira Ajikova learned English from her teacher, an...
In Kyrgyzstan, Lira Ajikova learned English from her teacher, an American in the Peace Corps. 'He inspired me to come to the U.S., ' Lira said. 1 August 2004
Marty Smith in Lesotho...
Marty Smith in Lesotho 1 August 2004
Shaun McNally, who got just enough votes at the party...
Shaun McNally, who got just enough votes at the party nominating convention to force a primary, is taking a page from the Howard Dean campaign manual, portraying himself as a mad-as-hell, grassroots candidate with the guts to buck his own party. 1 August 2004
It's a little less than a month before primary day...
It's a little less than a month before primary day, when he hopes to earn the Democratic nomination for Congress, and here is Shaun McNally talking about the West African nation of Liberia and a portrait of John F. Kennedy 1 August 2004
Bob Cress was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Marshall...
Bob Cress was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Marshall Islands and has been helping a Marshallese man who was recently released on home-monitoring following seven months of detention at a Minnesota lock-up 1 August 2004
Nepal RPCV Jeff Kaley runs Asian World Imports...
Nepal RPCV Jeff Kaley runs Asian World Imports 1 August 2004
Nepal RPCV Danusha Veronica Goska says It's not that we...
Nepal RPCV Danusha Veronica Goska says It's not that we have so little power, it's that we don't use the power we have. 1 August 2004
Mary Panikian dies. Nurses and volunteers adored Mary and listened...
Mary Panikian dies. Nurses and volunteers adored Mary and listened to her stories about joining the U.S. Peace Corps in 1962, spending two years in Nigeria teaching English 1 August 2004
Panama RPCV Christina Dollhausen is co-founder of Earth Care...
Panama RPCV Christina Dollhausen is co-founder of Earth Care and previously worked with kids in ecology education 1 August 2004
K. Courtney Cunningham says "When I was first invited to...
K. Courtney Cunningham says "When I was first invited to serve as a beekeeper in Paraguay, South America, I was somewhat apprehensive yet excited." 1 August 2004
RPCV Alexander Noce finds foster daughter in Paraguay...
RPCV Alexander Noce finds foster daughter in Paraguay 1 August 2004
Mark Kittrell says "At the May 2001 Peace Corps-Philippines...
Mark Kittrell says "At the May 2001 Peace Corps-Philippines Supervisor's Conference, all of us volunteers sat anxiously looking over the crowded room of faces, trying to pick out which one would be our co-worker or supervisor for the next two years." 1 August 2004
Sam and Noelle LeBlanc explain shopping in Romania in a...
Sam and Noelle LeBlanc explain shopping in Romania in a pre-capitalist economy 1 August 2004
The continuing adventures of Mark & Erin in Peace Corps in...
The continuing adventures of Mark & Erin in Peace Corps in Tonga and through life 1 August 2004
The Adventures of Dean and Patti in Tonga...
The Adventures of Dean and Patti in Tonga 1 August 2004
Peace Corps Volunteer Jim Jawn in Tonga...
Peace Corps Volunteer Jim Jawn in Tonga 1 August 2004
Peace Corps Volunteer David Shin in Tonga...
Peace Corps Volunteer David Shin in Tonga 1 August 2004
Peace Corps Volunteer David Shin in Tonga...
Peace Corps Volunteer David Shin in Tonga 1 August 2004
Peace Corps Volunteer Sandeep Koorse in Tonga...
Peace Corps Volunteer Sandeep Koorse in Tonga 1 August 2004
Peace Corps Volunteer Brian Romanowski in Tonga...
Peace Corps Volunteer Brian Romanowski in Tonga 1 August 2004
The last time Betsy Jones voted in a presidential election...
The last time Betsy Jones voted in a presidential election, the year was 1968. She was only 23, soon to travel to Uganda as a Peace Corps volunteer, and wanted to make sure she voted before she left the United States 1 August 2004
Elizabeth Thomas says "My task as a health educator in...
Elizabeth Thomas says "My task as a health educator in the Peace Corps was to reduce the infant mortality rate by 50 percent " 1 August 2004
After devoting their skills and energy to help struggling communities...
After devoting their skills and energy to help struggling communities overseas, some former Peace Corps volunteers will be returning to the United States to work in another challenging environment: New Orleans public schools 1 August 2004
The fascination for Theodore H. White's notion of Camelot and...
The fascination for Theodore H. White's notion of Camelot and the Kennedy mystique has never waned 1 August 2004
Bill Moyers writes new book on the news media, politics...
Bill Moyers writes new book on the news media, politics, America 1 August 2004
Afghanistan RPCV Paul Dugan takes over as the Washoe County...
Afghanistan RPCV Paul Dugan takes over as the Washoe County school's interim superintendent. 2 August 2004
Kevin Tice in Cameroon...
Kevin Tice in Cameroon 2 August 2004
Maureen Orth helps IWDC
Cohosted by Nantucket residents Suzanne Wright, wife of NBC/Universal honcho Bob Wright, and Vanity Fair writer Maureen Orth, the night benefited the International Women's Democracy Center 2 August 2004
Dodd says, "She watched her husband be killed, her parent's...
Dodd says, "She watched her husband be killed, her parent's be killed, her sisters killed, her brothers be killed, watched a child be killed by Khmer Rouge and managed to escape." 2 August 2004
Phil Lilienthal's passion for children's camps
Phil Lilienthal said he has wanted to take his passion for children's camps to Africa ever since he and his wife volunteered with the Peace Corps in Ethiopia during the 1960s 2 August 2004
Chris Shays leading trip to Middle East
Shays leading trip to Middle East 2 August 2004
RPCV helps Haiti Orphanage
RPCV Wendy Goodman helps children for a future that may never come in Haiti Orphanage 2 August 2004
Review of Nine Hills to Nambonkaha: Two Years in the...
Review of Nine Hills to Nambonkaha: Two Years in the Heart of an African Village by Ivory Coast RPCV Sarah Erdman 2 August 2004
Oman RPCV Delinda Hanley says to tell Prime Minister Sharon...
Oman RPCV Delinda Hanley says to tell Prime Minister Sharon to end this occupation, and tear down this wall 2 August 2004
Reed Hastings' Script for Netflix...
Reed Hastings' Script for Netflix 2 August 2004
Republican Convention...
Republican Convention 2 August 2004
We need the Peace Corps as well as the Marine...
We need the Peace Corps as well as the Marine Corps 2 August 2004
RPCV takes children up for their first flight
RPCV Hank Eng takes children up for their first flight as a participating pilot in the EAA's Young Eagles program 2 August 2004
Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of USA Freedom...
Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of USA Freedom Corps Desiree T. Sayle today welcomed The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) as a participating organization with Volunteers for Prosperity, an initiative launched by President George W. Bush to encourage skilled American professionals to support U.S. efforts for global health and economic growth 2 August 2004
McNally squawks about rival's refusal to debate...
McNally squawks about rival's refusal to debate 3 August 2004
Shaun McNally uses his half-minute ad to attack his...
Shaun McNally uses his half-minute ad to attack his Democratic rival, claiming Sullivan doesn't have the experience to go to Congress while talking up his two terms in the state legislature, and Peace Corps service 3 August 2004
It came out that Thorste had been a member of...
It came out that Thorste had been a member of the Peace Corps, in Nepal. He had thoroughly enjoyed that experience. While in Nepal he had come to embrace the Buddhist religion. 3 August 2004
Tom Petri introduces bill to benefit newborns
U.S. Rep. Tom Petri, R-Fond du Lac, recently introduced an ambitious bill that would give a $500 grant to all newborn children born in America after Dec. 31, 2005 3 August 2004
Howard Fineman is in very hot water with his bosses...
Howard Fineman is in very hot water with his bosses at MSNBC for comments he made on the air about "Hardball" host Chris Matthews 3 August 2004
Matthews really dug being at the convention
You could tell Matthews really dug being at the convention-gassing on about JFK and LBJ, comparing Teresa Heinz Kerry to Anouk Aimée and Jeanne Moreau, and (sheer ecstasy, this) being able to cut off his more vaunted NBC archrival, Tim Russert, marooned up in a FleetCenter skybox. Take that, Little Russ. 3 August 2004
RPCV learned vipassana meditation in Thailand
Joseph Goldstein went to Thailand with the Peace Corps in 1965, met teachers of vipassana meditation in the Theravada tradition, and spent most of the next eight years in Asia 3 August 2004
Tom and Eileen Lonergan: Dead in the Water...
Tom and Eileen Lonergan: Dead in the Water 3 August 2004
The following is from the US Government Peace Corps Manual...
The following is from the US Government Peace Corps Manual for its volunteers who work in the Amazon Jungle. It tells what to do in case you are attacked by an anaconda. 3 August 2004
Who's coming to the Chicago Conference (by Country of Service...
Who's coming to the Chicago Conference (by Country of Service) 3 August 2004
Who's coming to the Chicago Conference (by Country of Service...
Who's coming to the Chicago Conference (by Country of Service) 2 3 August 2004
Who's coming to the Chicago Conference (by Country of Service...
Who's coming to the Chicago Conference (by Country of Service) 1 3 August 2004
Vasquez to speak at National Press Club
Peace Corps Director Gaddi Vasquez to speak at National Press Club on October 14 3 August 2004
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Terry Dougherty helps bring students from...
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Terry Dougherty helps bring students from Afghanistan to Indiana 4 August 2004
Peace Corps Volunteer Ruth Senchyna told Mmegi that judging by...
Peace Corps Volunteer Ruth Senchyna told Mmegi that judging by the turnout, women should be praised and commended. "It takes a lot of courage for one to talk about their own experiences regarding HIV/AIDS," she said. 4 August 2004
Always the teacher, Brazil RPCV Bob Heaton did things his...
Always the teacher, Brazil RPCV Bob Heaton did things his way 4 August 2004
Becky See returns after serving in Peace Corps in Kazakhstan...
Becky See returns after serving in Peace Corps in Kazakhstan 4 August 2004
Korea RPCV Thomas Bacon has had a long career of...
Korea RPCV Thomas Bacon has had a long career of public service and involvement in public health issues 4 August 2004
Matthew Bigham writes: Greetings from Mongolia, a country that you...
Matthew Bigham writes: Greetings from Mongolia, a country that you probably know as much about as I did before I came here last year to begin a two-year stint with the Peace Corps 4 August 2004
Swaziland RPCV Reed Hastings stresses quality service...
Swaziland RPCV Reed Hastings stresses quality service 4 August 2004
Dave and Jankaew Loring met when Dave served in Thailand...
Dave and Jankaew Loring met when Dave served in Thailand as a Peace Corps soil and water conservation agent from 1984 to 1987 4 August 2004
RPCV Governor Jim Doyle noted that since launching his "Grow...
RPCV Governor Jim Doyle noted that since launching his "Grow Wisconsin" initiative last September, the state has contributed nearly $20 million to 18 major economic development projects, creating almost 1,500 jobs, retaining 6,500 jobs, and training nearly 700 worker 4 August 2004
Ted Kennedy's Peace Corps
If Ted Kennedy has his way, the Peace Corps will be pushed to center stage as representing what America stands for 4 August 2004
Honda Criticizes War in Iraq...
Honda Criticizes War in Iraq 4 August 2004
Brian McConnaughey says: We named the café Soleil Café because...
Brian McConnaughey says: We named the café Soleil Café because "Soleil" is French for sun. My brother-in-law is French, and my sister was in the Peace Corps in France. 4 August 2004
Dayton Daily News Reporter Mei-Ling Hopgood for Peace Corps...
Dayton Daily News Reporter Mei-Ling Hopgood for Peace Corps Safety Series says Washington Print Press Corps has Dismal Record on Diversity 4 August 2004
On May 13, 1966, Marylander Sargent Shriver made the cover...
On May 13, 1966, Marylander Sargent Shriver made the cover as the point man caught in the "Crossfire in the War on Poverty." 4 August 2004
Peace Corps, one of the greatest trotting mares in harness...
Peace Corps, one of the greatest trotting mares in harness racing history, is in foal to From Above, winner of the 2003 Elitlopp in Sweden 4 August 2004
El Salvador RPCV John Kefalas skips taxes in protest...
El Salvador RPCV John Kefalas skips taxes in protest 5 August 2004
As one knowledgeable local politician put it to us recently...
As one knowledgeable local politician put it to us recently, "If anyone can beat Shays, it will be Diane. But if Shays wins, he can stay in Congress until he decides to retire." 5 August 2004
PCV helps Open Source in Philippines
The Open Source Computer Security Laboratory is now getting help from Peace Corps information technology (IT) consultant Justin Wiley 5 August 2004
Direct Relief International Receives Largest Vitamin Donation in Organization's 56...
Direct Relief International Receives Largest Vitamin Donation in Organization's 56-Year History 5 August 2004
Teresa Heinz Kerry said, "The best loved, most appreciated, and...
Teresa Heinz Kerry said, "The best loved, most appreciated, and most welcome face of America belongs to a Peace Corps Volunteer." These people are standing on foreign soil asking, "I'm here to help. When can we start?" 5 August 2004
Schwarzenegger has said he supports the technology. His father-in...
Schwarzenegger has said he supports the technology. His father-in-law, Sargent Shriver, is in the early grips of Alzheimer's disease, which Proposition 71 supporters say could someday be treated by stem cells. 5 August 2004
Benin RPCV Spencer Moser is new Coordinator of Service Programs...
Benin RPCV Spencer Moser is new Coordinator of Service Programs and Activities at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts 6 August 2004
Donna Steiger announces retirement, When she was 79 she traveled...
Donna Steiger announces retirement, When she was 79 she traveled to Bulgaria with the Peace Corps 6 August 2004
Guinea-Bissau RPCV Mathew Breman named New Country Director for...
Guinea-Bissau RPCV Mathew Breman named New Country Director for Cape Verde 6 August 2004
Guatemala RPCV Terry Grumley named New Country Director for Costa...
Guatemala RPCV Terry Grumley named New Country Director for Costa Rica 6 August 2004
Cameroon RPCV Madeline Mader named New Country Director for Ghana...
Cameroon RPCV Madeline Mader named New Country Director for Ghana 6 August 2004
Silas Kenala named New Country Director for Guyana...
Silas Kenala named New Country Director for Guyana 6 August 2004
Ukraine RPCV Diane Schmidt named New Country Director for Macedonia...
Ukraine RPCV Diane Schmidt named New Country Director for Macedonia 6 August 2004
Cameroon RPCV Pamela Martin named New Country Director for Malawi...
Cameroon RPCV Pamela Martin named New Country Director for Malawi 6 August 2004
Central African Republic RPCV Obie Shaw named New Country Director...
Central African Republic RPCV Obie Shaw named New Country Director for Mauritania 6 August 2004
David Reside named New Country Director for Moldova...
David Reside named New Country Director for Moldova 6 August 2004
For Peru, we are just a strange people," said indigenous...
"For Peru, we are just a strange people," said indigenous leader Zaida Saavedra. "But mister President (Alejandro) Toledo, we don't want to disappear." 6 August 2004
U.S. Treasury honors McPherson with Distinguished Service Award...
U.S. Treasury honors McPherson with Distinguished Service Award 6 August 2004
Philippines RPCV Victor Jimenez of the Asian-American Market, are...
Philippines RPCV Victor Jimenez of the Asian-American Market, are presenting a film festival to promote multi-culturalism 6 August 2004
Benin RPCV George Monagan named New Country Director for Togo...
Benin RPCV George Monagan named New Country Director for Togo 6 August 2004
Tunisia RPCV Tucker is a long-time proponent of the...
Tunisia RPCV Tucker is a long-time proponent of the architectural restoration and creation of a living Downtown in Memphis 6 August 2004
Shawn Baxter leaves for the Middle Eastern country of Turkmenistan...
Shawn Baxter leaves for the Middle Eastern country of Turkmenistan, where he'll spend the next two years working with the Peace Corps 6 August 2004
Diver's parents have no interest in 'Open Water' film...
Diver's parents have no interest in 'Open Water' film 6 August 2004
PC names Nine New Country Directors
Peace Corps names Nine New Country Directors 6 August 2004
RPCV Bruce Erickson appointed Associate Vice President, University Communications and...
RPCV Bruce Erickson appointed Associate Vice President, University Communications and Marketing Appointed at Cal State Fullerton 6 August 2004
Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., said the overabundance of committees...
Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., said the overabundance of committees and subcommittees focused on 9/11 issues is confusing because each panel focuses on "a part, not the whole." 7 August 2004
Iran RPCV sees world faiths up close
Iran RPCV Gordon Morrison sees world faiths up close 7 August 2004
JFK encounter was inspiration to RPCV
JFK encounter proved inspiration to Liberia RPCV Shaun McNally 7 August 2004
MSU President Peter McPherson received a top honor from the...
MSU President Peter McPherson received a top honor from the U.S. Department of Treasury this week for his work in helping to rebuild Iraq's economy 7 August 2004
Philippines RPCV runs for re-election as judge
Philippines RPCV Paul Czajka is running for re-election as as Judge of the County, Family and Surrogate Court 7 August 2004
Rep. Tom Petri, R-Fond du Lac, said partisanship is...
Rep. Tom Petri, R-Fond du Lac, said partisanship is not new and was at its worst prior to the Civil War. "We are not at that point," he said. "The fact is, in Washington it is a difference of opinion and very little personal." 7 August 2004
RPCV Governor Jim Doyle says Bush administration should stop obstructing...
RPCV Governor Jim Doyle says Bush administration should stop obstructing free trade of prescription drugs 7 August 2004
A mystery resurfaces in deaths of Tuvalu RPCVs Tom and...
A mystery resurfaces in deaths of Tuvalu RPCVs Tom and Eileen Lonergan 7 August 2004
Former Peace Corps Volunteers Rally in Chicago at NPCA Convention...
Former Peace Corps Volunteers Rally in Chicago at NPCA Convention 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Your Accomplishments as Director...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Your Accomplishments as Director 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - A Message for Returned...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - A Message for Returned Volunteers 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - The Community College Program...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - The Community College Program 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Is there a Budget...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Is there a Budget Crunch this year at Peace Corps? 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - The Peace Corps Safety...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - The Peace Corps Safety and Security Bill before Congress 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Continuity at Peace Corps...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Continuity at Peace Corps during Changes in Administration 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Peace Corps' Departure from...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Peace Corps' Departure from Russia in 2002 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Long Term Peace Corps...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Long Term Peace Corps Expansion 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Long Term Peace Corps...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Long Term Peace Corps Expansion 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Recent Changes to the...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Recent Changes to the Five-Year Rule 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - The Cooperative Agreement with...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - The Cooperative Agreement with NPCA 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Safety and Security Issues...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Safety and Security Issues 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Infrastructure Upgrades and the...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - Infrastructure Upgrades and the Peace Corps Situation Room 7 August 2004
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - RPCVs in Policy Making...
Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview - RPCVs in Policy Making Positions at Peace Corps Headquarters 7 August 2004
Special Report: Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview...
Special Report: Director Gaddi Vasquez: The PCOL Interview 7 August 2004
Emily J. Alvarez spends her two-year journey in the...
Emily J. Alvarez spends her two-year journey in the small Pacific Island country of East Timor 8 August 2004
RPCV directs Greensboro Natural Science Center
Eastern Caribbean RPCV Glenn Dobrogosz is Director of the Greensboro Natural Science Center 8 August 2004
RPCV John Kefalas draws fans back to politics
El Salvador RPCV John Kefalas draws fans back to politics 8 August 2004
Kenya RPCV Lauren Stanley says Inventor of simple hand pump...
Kenya RPCV Lauren Stanley says Inventor of simple hand pump changed her life 8 August 2004
Zachary McNish's interest in community service law seems to have...
Zachary McNish's interest in community service law seems to have been driven by the same instincts that led him to spend three years in the Peace Corps in Panama after he graduated from college 8 August 2004
Teacher of the Year Marilyn Horn accepted into the Peace...
Teacher of the Year Marilyn Horn accepted into the Peace Corps and spent two years in Urubamba, Peru 8 August 2004
Swaziland RPCV Chris Matthews - The mouth that scored...
Swaziland RPCV Chris Matthews - The mouth that scored 8 August 2004
Dr. Michael J. Montesano 's exposure to rural Southeast Asia...
Dr. Michael J. Montesano 's exposure to rural Southeast Asia, its farms, and its markets dates from 1983,when he began two years of service as United States Peace Corps volunteer and secondary-school teacher at the Thap Put Witthaya School in Phang Nga Province, southern Thailand. 8 August 2004
Brian Moore is candidate for U.S. House
Brian Moore is candidate for U.S. House, Florida Dist. 5 8 August 2004
RPCV suing the Massachusetts Lottery
RPCV William J. Horan is suing the Massachusetts Lottery 8 August 2004
Mei-Ling Hopgood, Washington reporter, Dayton Daily News wins Asian...
Mei-Ling Hopgood, Washington reporter, Dayton Daily News wins Asian American Journalists Award for "Casualties of Peace" 9 August 2004
Peace Corps Volunteers sworn in for Cameroon Service
Peace Corps Volunteers sworn in for Cameroon Service 9 August 2004
Abroad and at home, Malaysia RPCV Darlene Fellows offers help...
Abroad and at home, Malaysia RPCV Darlene Fellows offers help 9 August 2004
Nigeria RPCV criticizes foolishness of leaders
Nigeria RPCV Charlotte Murphy criticizes foolishness of religious leaders 9 August 2004
Russia RPCV writes own obituary
Russia RPCV Dave Musante writes own obituary 9 August 2004
Swaziland RPCV Chris Matthews interviews General Tommy Franks: [on Draft...
Swaziland RPCV Chris Matthews interviews General Tommy Franks: [on Draft] The reason I say draft is, we may face a situation, as you know, in Saudi Arabia. 9 August 2004
Bush nominates Congressman Porter Goss for CIA director...
Bush nominates Congressman Porter Goss for CIA director 10 August 2004
With his popularity near rock bottom, President Alejandro Toledo of...
With his popularity near rock bottom, President Alejandro Toledo of Peru is embroiled in a corruption scandal so debilitating that a recent opinion poll indicated that half of Peruvians thought he would not finish out the remaining two years of his five-year term 10 August 2004
Paul Tsongas' Widow May Run For Senate Seat
Paul Tsongas' Widow May Run For Senate Seat 10 August 2004
Kerry win could clear way for another Tsongas in Senate...
Kerry win could clear way for another Tsongas in Senate 10 August 2004
Ghana RPCV Arthur Stewart is an ecologist, senior scientist, essayist...
Ghana RPCV Arthur Stewart is an ecologist, senior scientist, essayist and poet 10 August 2004
India RPCV Carl Pope says The Bush administration is still...
India RPCV Carl Pope says The Bush administration is still pushing the same misguided mercury plan it has been trying to sell to Americans, unsuccessfully, for nearly a year now. 10 August 2004
Kevin Marousek, the red-headed former NBC page and Peace...
Kevin Marousek, the red-headed former NBC page and Peace Corps volunteer to Kazhakstan, has taken up the gauntlet of defending Jay Leno, his work ethic and his style of late-night TV 10 August 2004
RPCV travels to Mexico with Baby on board
RPCV Virginia de Leon travels to Mexico with Baby on board 10 August 2004
President Bush, McPherson agree that legacy needs to be removed...
President Bush, McPherson agree that legacy needs to be removed from college admissions 10 August 2004
Chris Matthews' Speech at the closing ceremony of the NPCA...
Chris Matthews' Speech at the closing ceremony of the NPCA National Conference in Chicago 10 August 2004
RPCV Governor Doyle says it would be a "good thing...
RPCV Governor Doyle says it would be a "good thing" to put black on state court 10 August 2004
The contingent of the U.S. Peace Corp in Turkmenistan has...
The contingent of the U.S. Peace Corp in Turkmenistan has been complemented by a new group of volunteers 10 August 2004
Two years in the Peace Corps in Bulgaria intervened, but...
Two years in the Peace Corps in Bulgaria intervened, but when she got back to Boise, Vangie Osborn still had old signs on her mind. She realized they were so cool they needed to be in a public space 10 August 2004
IRS to scrutinize pay of charities' exec...
IRS to scrutinize pay of charities' exec 10 August 2004
Colin Powell will skip GOP convention
Colin Powell will skip GOP convention, will not take part in "parochial debate" 10 August 2004
Students says PC can restore US image
Many American University students believe that restoring the image of the United States abroad is a top priority -- and it will be a key issue in the election 10 August 2004
John Fry asks if we should send PCVs to Iraq
John Fry asks if we should send PCVs to Iraq 10 August 2004
Special Report: Peace Corps changes "cash in lieu"" travel policy...
Special Report: Peace Corps changes "cash in lieu"" travel policy" 10 August 2004
Chile RPCV CU grad Kermit Warner leaving Boulder, selling laundry...
Chile RPCV CU grad Kermit Warner leaving Boulder, selling laundry after 12 years 11 August 2004
RPCV John Kefalas holds lead in primary
El Salvador RPCV John Kefalas held a two-vote lead Tuesday night in the Democratic primary election for state House District 52 11 August 2004
RPCV says Georgia going through turbulent period
RPCV John Mackedon says Georgia's Rose Revolution is going through a turbulent period 11 August 2004
He's got a great deal of job interviews to attend...
He's got a great deal of job interviews to attend, but come November challenger Ghana RPCV Paul Johnson hopes to be "hired" into U.S. Congress 11 August 2004
McNally loses in 2nd District Primary
Sullivan Beats McNally In 2nd District Primary 11 August 2004
Jason Kane served three years in the Peace Corps, teaching...
Jason Kane served three years in the Peace Corps, teaching English in the town of Silale, in western Lithuania 11 August 2004
Peace Corps takes Leigha Fassett to Nicaragua to help others...
Peace Corps takes Leigha Fassett to Nicaragua to help others 11 August 2004
RPCV Karen Larson travels travel to Alaska on the back...
RPCV Karen Larson travels travel to Alaska on the back of her Harley Sportster 11 August 2004
RPCV Karen Larson writes "Breaking the Limit...
RPCV Karen Larson writes "Breaking the Limit" 11 August 2004
Thailand RPCV Chalres Murray discusses his latest book "Human Accomplishment...
Thailand RPCV Chalres Murray discusses his latest book "Human Accomplishment" 11 August 2004
Ukraine RPCV files for Tahoe City Council
Ukraine RPCV Ted Long files for Tahoe City Council 11 August 2004
25th Anniversary Conference in Chicago--Thursday Highlights...
25th Anniversary Conference in Chicago--Thursday Highlights 11 August 2004
25th Anniversary Conference in Chicago -- Friday Highlights...
25th Anniversary Conference in Chicago -- Friday Highlights 11 August 2004
25th Anniversary Conference in Chicago -- Saturday Highlights...
25th Anniversary Conference in Chicago -- Saturday Highlights 11 August 2004
Bobby Shriver runs for Santa Monica City Council
Bobby Shriver joins race for Santa Monica City Council 11 August 2004
Tamulonis, Madison Group win PC Awards
Tamulonis, Madison Group Honored with First Returned Volunteer Recognition Awards 11 August 2004
Psychologist studies motives of PCVs
Psychology Professor Joseph Ferrari studies motives of Peace Corps Volunteers 11 August 2004
RPCV says Choke off Sudan's weapons
Azerbaijan RPCV Mark Lenzi says Choke off Sudan's weapons supply from Belarus 11 August 2004
RPCV Sandra Miller says she saw sights in Third-world...
RPCV Sandra Miller says she saw sights in Third-world countries as a Peace Corps worker she never thought to see in the United States 11 August 2004
Stuffed with jewelry, drums and doodads, RPCV Dena Gruman's former...
Stuffed with jewelry, drums and doodads, RPCV Dena Gruman's former shop was an expression of the quirky spirit that breathed life into Baywinds 12 August 2004
Election's outcome may be month away between Bill Bertschy and...
Election's outcome may be month away between Bill Bertschy and El Salvador RPCV John Kefalas 12 August 2004
Ethiopia RPCV Sally Ann Brady McPherson dies...
Ethiopia RPCV Sally Ann Brady McPherson dies 12 August 2004
Peace Corps volunteer Roger Samuels chooses Guatemala...
Peace Corps volunteer Roger Samuels chooses Guatemala 12 August 2004
Christy Mauer is going to be an agricultural development volunteer...
Christy Mauer is going to be an agricultural development volunteer for the Peace Corps for the next 27 months in Honduras 12 August 2004
Erin Wehage sets off for three months of training in...
Erin Wehage sets off for three months of training in Honduras and then a two-year assignment in the Peace Corps 12 August 2004
Kenya RPCV heads University Press
Kenya RPCV Ivar Nelson's extensive experience will help shape the future of Eastern Washington University Press 12 August 2004
Karen Quinto will board a plane bound for Eastern Europe...
Karen Quinto will board a plane bound for Eastern Europe, where she will help municipalities in Macedonia modernize their city and regional planning policies 12 August 2004
ali in mali...
ali in mali 12 August 2004
As a Peace Corps volunteer in Paraguay in 1991 and...
As a Peace Corps volunteer in Paraguay in 1991 and 1992, I saw the profound needs of that impoverished country at the best of times. Now Paraguay suffers the worst of times 12 August 2004
From Peace Corps Poland to Parks Person...
From Peace Corps Poland to Parks Person 12 August 2004
For the past two years, Eugene Skura, served his country...
For the past two years, Eugene Skura, served his country in the Peace Corps and lived in Comanesti, Romania 12 August 2004
Peace Corps on the rise...
Peace Corps on the rise 12 August 2004
Peace Corps fellow could jump start county development efforts...
Peace Corps fellow could jump start county development efforts 12 August 2004
Director Chao to address Republican Convention
Director Chao to address Republican Convention 12 August 2004
Scott Swearingen taught for two years in the Peace Corps...
Scott Swearingen taught for two years in the Peace Corps in Belize and came back and moved to Santa Fe, where he works as a physical therapist, but photography remains his creative outlet and his passion 13 August 2004
RPCV helps absentee voters
Four years ago, Peace Corps Volunteer Steve Elmore opened an envelope of documents in the crowded, smoke-filled teachers' lounge of a school in Balchik, a Bulgarian town on the Black Sea 13 August 2004
RPCV builds bridges of understanding in DR
Through the work of Peace Corps volunteer Justin Overdevest and regional and non-profit groups, new bridges of understanding and collaboration are being built over old rivers of distrust in the Dominican Republic 13 August 2004
Zaire RPCV Ron "Cisco" Ruybal is new Country Director for...
Zaire RPCV Ron "Cisco" Ruybal is new Country Director for Ecuador 13 August 2004
Fiji RPCV Cindy Younkin in debate for Montana Supreme Court...
Fiji RPCV Cindy Younkin in debate for Montana Supreme Court 13 August 2004
RPV Cindy Younkin debates with gloves on...
RPV Cindy Younkin debates with gloves on 13 August 2004
A win by Fiji RPCV Cindy Younkin could create a...
A win by Fiji RPCV Cindy Younkin could create a new majority on the seven-member high court, which has the potential to rule on everything from abortion to criminals' rights to business contract 13 August 2004
Thailand RPCV Van Nelson is new Country Director for Georgia...
Thailand RPCV Van Nelson is new Country Director for Georgia 13 August 2004
Ecuador Country Director Rubén O. Hernandez is new Country director...
Ecuador Country Director Rubén O. Hernandez is new Country director for Honduras 13 August 2004
Kateri Clement is new Country Director for Mali...
Kateri Clement is new Country Director for Mali 13 August 2004
Philippines RPCV Howard Williams is new Country director for Namibia...
Philippines RPCV Howard Williams is new Country director for Namibia 13 August 2004
Peru RPCV Nancy C. Francis is a judge with the...
Peru RPCV Nancy C. Francis is a judge with the Washtenaw County Probate Court, Ann Arbor, Michigan 13 August 2004
Colleen and Christian Hiner's Peace Corps service in Tanzania...
Colleen and Christian Hiner's Peace Corps service in Tanzania 13 August 2004
American Taboo: A Murder in the Peace Corps by Philip...
American Taboo: A Murder in the Peace Corps by Philip Weiss 13 August 2004
RPCV Governor Jim Doyle has urged auto insurers to treat...
RPCV Governor Jim Doyle has urged auto insurers to treat soldiers fairly when they return home to Wisconsin after being stationed overseas 13 August 2004
Abroad Magazine looking for PCV stories
Abroad Magazine looking for stories about the Peace Corps 13 August 2004
Peace Corps Museum needs your help with our Peace Corps...
Peace Corps Museum needs your help with our Peace Corps Cookbook 13 August 2004
RPCV Laura Wendy Comption de Paola dies in New Jersey...
RPCV Laura Wendy Comption de Paola dies in New Jersey 13 August 2004
Eunice Shriver hospitalized
Eunice Shriver, 83, hospitalized after chilly sailing trip 13 August 2004
Five Country Directors Take New Post...
Five Country Directors Take New Post 13 August 2004
Peace Corps Staff Member Joseph A. Czajkowski dies in Deleware...
Peace Corps Staff Member Joseph A. Czajkowski dies in Deleware 13 August 2004
Rep. Sam Farr praises housing plan...
Rep. Sam Farr praises housing plan 14 August 2004
It was a 2002 visit to her Peace Corps daughter...
It was a 2002 visit to her Peace Corps daughter in Africa's Ivory Coast that inspired Sarah Turner to volunteer with the International Rescue Committee 14 August 2004
Megan Eldridge returns from two years of service in Samburu...
Megan Eldridge returns from two years of service in Samburu, Kenya, as a Peace Corps volunteer, where she volunteered in public health at a semi-arid, rural coastal site 14 August 2004
RPCV arrives in Korea as Ambassador
Korea was a whole different world in the early 1980s when Ambassador and Cameroon RPCV Christopher Hill was last posted here 14 August 2004
Reflections on my Peace Corps experience in 1960's by...
Reflections on my Peace Corps experience in 1960's by Chris Matthews 14 August 2004
Ed Ward time out to serve in the Peace Corps...
Ed Ward time out to serve in the Peace Corps in Thailand, and served in the U.S. Army before entering law school 14 August 2004
Wisconsin-Madison wins first PC group award
Wisconsin-Madison RPCVs win first national recognition award 14 August 2004
Closing Ceremony of the NPCA Convention in Chicago...
Closing Ceremony of the NPCA Convention in Chicago 14 August 2004
Opening Ceremony for the NPCA Convention in Chicago...
Opening Ceremony for the NPCA Convention in Chicago 14 August 2004
The Flag Procession and Remembrance of Fallen Volunteers...
The Flag Procession and Remembrance of Fallen Volunteers 14 August 2004
What RPCV Chris Matthews had to say at the Conference...
What RPCV Chris Matthews had to say at the Conference 14 August 2004
Nobel laureate and Landmine Activist Bobby Mueller speaks out against...
Nobel laureate and Landmine Activist Bobby Mueller speaks out against US Policy at the Conference 14 August 2004
Schneider says ICG involved in ending wars
Over the past two decades, peace negotiations around the world have succeeded only when rebel forces are allowed to come in from the cold, says Mark Schneider, vice president of the International Crisis Group in Washington, which has been closely involved in ending wars from Latin America to Africa to the Balkans 14 August 2004
Sargent Shriver visits Opportunity Council
Sargent Shriver visited the headquarters of the South Middlesex Opportunity Council, telling the employees and supporters who gathered for a luncheon that he "admire(s)" them for all they do to advance the cause of others. 14 August 2004
Special Report: The Chicago Returned Volunteer Conference...
Special Report: The Chicago Returned Volunteer Conference 14 August 2004
RPCV directs NC Regional Arts & Culture Council
RPCV Eloise Damrosch is new director of the Regional Arts & Culture Council 15 August 2004
Darien fashion tycoon Jack Orchulli, a newcomer to politics, is...
Darien fashion tycoon Jack Orchulli, a newcomer to politics, is fighting what he describes as an uphill battle to unseat RPCV U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn 15 August 2004
Judy Henry moved from New York City to Rowe, New...
Judy Henry moved from New York City to Rowe, New Mexico in 1970 on the advice of her friend, Helen Thompson, with whom she had been in the Peace Corps in Ecuador 15 August 2004
Karla Radziewicz is headed to Honduras with the Peace Corps...
Karla Radziewicz is headed to Honduras with the Peace Corps, a trip she mulled over for eight years 15 August 2004
Nicole Sheets finished her 26 months of Peace Corps service...
Nicole Sheets finished her 26 months of Peace Corps service and have been traveling in a van with five other Peace Corps friends, a Moldovan driver and a sprightly blue remorca (trailer) stuffed with suitcases, groceries and blankets 15 August 2004
Swaziland RPCV Fred O'Regan heads the International Fund for Animal...
Swaziland RPCV Fred O'Regan heads the International Fund for Animal Welfare 15 August 2004
Colleen Babcock, a health educator with the Central District Health...
Colleen Babcock, a health educator with the Central District Health Department who went to Swaziland through the Peace Corps from 1977 to 1980, said she first heard about the organization through a speaker in junior high school 15 August 2004
PCV finds her Hmong roots
Peace Corps Volunteer May yer Ly finds her Hmong roots while assisting resettlement in Thailand 15 August 2004
RPCV Jim Doyle still making his own name
Tunisia RPCV Jim Doyle still making his own name 15 August 2004
Sarah Francis to serve in Turkmenistan...
Sarah Francis to serve in Turkmenistan 15 August 2004
The Peace Corps is an organization that has left footprints...
The Peace Corps is an organization that has left footprints all over the world 15 August 2004
Bush's hidden trap in CIA nomination...
Bush's hidden trap in CIA nomination 15 August 2004
Peace Corps still working after 43 years...
Peace Corps still working after 43 years 15 August 2004
Peter Maas says it used to be that a young...
Peter Maas says it used to be that a young American, seeking adventure or enlightenment, would join the Peace Corps and, after two years in a distant locale, return home with an abundance of exotic memories and intestinal parasites 15 August 2004
Bill Dean, a former Peace Corps volunteer and banker teaches...
Bill Dean, a former Peace Corps volunteer and banker teaches a 'Start Your Business'' class 16 August 2004
RPCV visits where Che Guevara was captured
Emily George visited Vallegrande where Che Guevara was captured in 1967 after finishing a Peace Corps stint in Bolivia. "Che embodied a lot of what my generation is lacking," George said, citing his idealism and concern for social justice in Latin America. 16 August 2004
Cuál es nuestra postura respecto al culto al Ché? Los...
"¿Cuál es nuestra postura respecto al culto al Ché? Los medios corporativos gustan de ridiculizar el proceso en el cual ellos mismos participan, reduciendo al revolucionario a 'estrella pop de izquierda'". 16 August 2004
Chile RPCV David Fisk a key player in downtown Wabasha...
Chile RPCV David Fisk a key player in downtown Wabasha, Minn., rejuvenation 16 August 2004
Craig King taught at the International School of Brazzaville in...
Craig King taught at the International School of Brazzaville in Zaire, which is now the Republic of Congo, in 1992-93, following about a two-and-a-half-year stint in the Peace Corps in Zaire 16 August 2004
Ecuador RPCV Robert P. Trussell is a new instructor of...
Ecuador RPCV Robert P. Trussell is a new instructor of special education at William Woods University 16 August 2004
Bill Batt's earliest introduction to strategies of political and economic...
Bill Batt's earliest introduction to strategies of political and economic development for the "third world" followed his Peace Corps experience in Thailand from 1962 to 1964 16 August 2004
PCV in Ukraine talks about local food
Matt Hagengruber says "since coming to Ukraine in March as a Peace Corps volunteer, my culinary palate has been wiped clean and replaced with something entirely different" 16 August 2004
Quirky, verbal romantic comedy Little Black Book has character, Jane...
Quirky, verbal romantic comedy Little Black Book has character, Jane Craig, who worked in the Peace Corps 16 August 2004
Chicago Conference Founders Day Dinner and Silent Auction...
Chicago Conference Founders Day Dinner and Silent Auction 16 August 2004
RPCV Dr. Peter Williams, 63, of Pittsfield was killed in...
RPCV Dr. Peter Williams, 63, of Pittsfield was killed in a motorcycle crash in New Hampshire during an annual trip with his brother 16 August 2004
Paul Coverdell was a Republican...
Paul Coverdell was a Republican 16 August 2004
Eunice Shriver released from hospital
Eunice Shriver released from hospital after treatment for hypothermia 16 August 2004
RPCV writes about eastern Congo Situation
Congo Kinshasa RPCV Learned Dees talks about eastern Congo Situation 17 August 2004
RPCV worked in Costa Rica National Parks
Steve Cornelius got his initial experience in Latin America as a Peace Corps Volunteer where he helped in the establishment of the Costa Rica National Parks System in 1970 17 August 2004
Peace Corps Giant Harris Wofford and two of his grandsons...
Peace Corps Giant Harris Wofford and two of his grandsons, age twelve, have set forth on a six-week trip around the world and are now in China and Mongolia 17 August 2004
Hungary RPCV expands Adult School Program
Hungary RPCV Pam Garramone works to expand Adult School Program 17 August 2004
And now for something I think you'll really like (written...
And now for something I think you'll really like (written for Peace Corps Ukraine's volunteer newsletter "Nu Shcho," February 2004 17 August 2004
New PC Masters in Geological Natural Hazards
The National Science Foundation has provided funding of $96,000 to support the first students entering the new Masters International Peace Corps program in Geological Natural Hazards 17 August 2004
We are at a stage where we cannot make major...
"We are at a stage where we cannot make major reductions in child and maternal mortality through initiatives in the health sector alone," UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) Executive Director Carol Bellamy told more than 7,000 paediatricians 17 August 2004
Staffer Ellen Field named to Advisory Committee
Peace Corps Director of Communications Ellen Field named to Parent's Advisory Committee 17 August 2004
Robert White was Latin America Director of the Peace Corps...
Robert White was Latin America Director of the Peace Corps 17 August 2004
Cameroon RPCV Margaret Krome says Test Results Show Charter Schools...
Cameroon RPCV Margaret Krome says Test Results Show Charter Schools Not Measuring Up 18 August 2004
Astonaut Joe Acaba recently back from the dunks and dips...
Astonaut Joe Acaba recently back from the dunks and dips of water survival and basic flight training in Florida, now will head for the wilds of Maine for land survival training 18 August 2004
Kenya and Paraguay RPCV Richard Otto Wiegand, Area Agricultural Agent...
Kenya and Paraguay RPCV Richard Otto Wiegand, Area Agricultural Agent 18 August 2004
Kenya and Paraguay RPCV Richard "Otto" Wiegand is the new...
Kenya and Paraguay RPCV Richard "Otto" Wiegand is the new area agriculture dairy and livestock agent for the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension 18 August 2004
Peace Corps volunteers in the region of Kounkane, organized and...
Peace Corps volunteers in the region of Kounkane, organized and held village boys and girls soccer games 18 August 2004
Gaddi Vasquez in Africa for CD Conference
Peace Corps Director Gaddi H. Vasquez traveled to Africa this past week, visiting South Africa and Botswana. Director Vasquez attended the annual Africa Region Country Directors' Conference in Johannesburg, followed by meetings with volunteers, foreign officials, and Peace Corps staff 18 August 2004
Interview with Mike Lyons, a Peace Corps Dad returned from...
Interview with Mike Lyons, a Peace Corps Dad returned from an eye-opening visit with his daughter Aimee in her small village in Togo, West Africa 18 August 2004
History not in Kerry's favour...
History not in Kerry's favour 18 August 2004
Correction: RPCV Applicant on TV's "Survivor"
Julie Berry on Television's "Survivor" - In December, 2003, Berry was accepted into the Peace Corps but did not serve 18 August 2004
RPCV on Television's "Survivor"
Julie Berry on Television's "Survivor" - In December, 2003, Berry was accepted into the Peace Corps and worked with youths at risk. Anybody know where she served? 18 August 2004
More than 15 years ago, Mary Karen and Markus Lynn...
More than 15 years ago, Mary Karen and Markus Lynn-Klimenko worked in the Peace Corps in Ecuador. Now they return each year for Camp Ecuador for 100 5- to 13-year-olds who get adequate food, hygiene education and school supplies, as well as plenty of games and arts and crafts activities. The camp lasts for four days and leaves all the children with a school scholarship for a year. 19 August 2004
Democrats Bill Bertschy and El Salvador RPCV John Kefalas will...
Democrats Bill Bertschy and El Salvador RPCV John Kefalas will be campaigning together in the coming weeks as they hope to maintain momentum until the last ballot is counted -- and, possibly in this case, recounted 19 August 2004
Tom Petri wins 13 consecutive House races
U.S. Rep. Tom Petri, R-Fond du Lac, has won 13 consecutive House races and has now held the job for a quarter century. Now a pair of challengers vie for his seat in Congress 19 August 2004
Gov. Bob Taft's unpopularity (48 percent of 843 Ohio Poll...
Gov. Bob Taft's unpopularity (48 percent of 843 Ohio Poll respondents disapproved of Taft's performance in March) also threatening to pull down a Bush/Cheney ticket 19 August 2004
Nicole Hampton has accepted a two-year assignment with the...
Nicole Hampton has accepted a two-year assignment with the Peace Corps to serve as a health education volunteer in Turkmenistan 19 August 2004
Like the diving equipment that washed ashore in Australia, the...
Like the diving equipment that washed ashore in Australia, the story of the mysterious disappearance of American divers RPCVs Thomas and Eileen Lonergan off the Great Barrier Reef in 1998 has a habit of resurfacing 19 August 2004
Teacher of the Year Venezuela RPCV John Mach: His first...
Teacher of the Year Venezuela RPCV John Mach: His first-hand observation of the hardships of immigrant children has helped him learn how to break the language barrier 19 August 2004
25th Anniversary Conference in Chicago -- Sunday Highlights...
25th Anniversary Conference in Chicago -- Sunday Highlights 19 August 2004
S. B. Woo says Bush and Elaine Chao Don't Care...
S. B. Woo says Bush and Elaine Chao Don't Care About Asian Americans 19 August 2004
RPCV has fond memories of Afghanistan
RPCV Larry Wonderling says Afghanistan was the worst to live in and the best for fond memories 20 August 2004
Belize RPCV Marc Koenings returns to Delmarva as president of...
Belize RPCV Marc Koenings returns to Delmarva as president of Delmarva Low-Impact Tourism Experiences 20 August 2004
Since taking office, Rep. Sam Farr has garnered more votes...
Since taking office, Rep. Sam Farr has garnered more votes than all of his opponents combined 20 August 2004
Parents use Satellite phones to talk to PCVs
Cathy Lewis speaks with her son, who serves in the Peace Corps in a remote locale in the tropical rainforest in Ecuador, every week with satellite phone 20 August 2004
Swearing-In of Peace Corps Fiji's Re-entry Group 2...
Swearing-In of Peace Corps Fiji's Re-entry Group 2 Volunteers 20 August 2004
Guatemala RPCV David Benham to marry Bonnie Kelly...
Guatemala RPCV David Benham to marry Bonnie Kelly 20 August 2004
RPCV translate Pular in Court case
Judge Joan V. Churchill questioned RPCV Herbert Caudill, a Peace Corps volunteer who spent three years in Guinea and wrote a training manual for learning the Pular language spoken there 20 August 2004
Peace Corps reopens Haiti Program
Peace Corps reopens previously suspended Haiti Program 20 August 2004
Cliff Kincaid says "What accounts for Matthew defending Kerry against...
Cliff Kincaid says "What accounts for Matthew defending Kerry against charges in a book he hasn't read? He's guilty over the fact that he avoided the Vietnam War through a draft deferment that got him into the Peace Corps." 20 August 2004
The Lonergans were adventurous world travelers who had spent their...
The Lonergans were adventurous world travelers who had spent their last few years working for the Peace Corps in the South Pacific. They didn't fit the theme that Kentis said he wanted to stress: the idea that humans are arrogant and tend to take their lives for granted. 20 August 2004
Mark Shriver rumored for Kerry's PC Director
If Kerry Wins, Mark Shriver, who lost a congressional primary in Maryland to Chris Van Hollen, might succeed his ailing father, Sargent Shriver, who headed the Peace Corps years ago 20 August 2004
Mark Shriver rumored for Kerry's PC Director
Washingtonian Magazine says if Kerry Wins, Mark Shriver, who lost a congressional primary in Maryland to Chris Van Hollen, might succeed his ailing father, Sargent Shriver, who headed the Peace Corps years ago 20 August 2004
Chris Theisen will be the new fire management officer...
Chris Theisen will be the new fire management officer 20 August 2004
Candidate Brian Moore says Richard Penberthy's military service is certainly...
Candidate Brian Moore says Richard Penberthy's military service is certainly exemplary and my enlistment in the U.S. Peace Corps is no less so 21 August 2004
Obie Shaw named new country Peace Corps director for Mauritania...
Obie Shaw named new country Peace Corps director for Mauritania 21 August 2004
UN Staff say Afghanistan too dangerous to work
The United Nations should withdraw all its personnel from Afghanistan as the country has become too dangerous to work in, the UN staff union has said 21 August 2004
RPCV accused of sex abuse
RPCV James Mitchell who has sponsored Colombian students accused of sex abuse 21 August 2004
Kelly Keim and Bill Graves met in the summer of...
Kelly Keim and Bill Graves met in the summer of 1967 in Costa Rica, where he was a Peace Corps volunteer and she was with an international health team administering inoculations against polio and measles 21 August 2004
PC Jamaica swears in 75th group
Peace Corps swears in 75th group of its volunteers to serve in Jamaica 21 August 2004
RPCV writes "Earthquest Hawaii 2054"
Richard Ziegler writes "Earthquest Hawaii 2054" about global warming and sea level rise and said while serving in the Peace Corps, he lived on an atoll in Micronesia where the highest point on the island is 5 feet, "a mound built up." 21 August 2004
PCV is back from 27 months in Nepal
Retired nurse Dolores Johnson Bou-Eid is back from 27 months in the Peace Corps teaching and helping in Nepal 21 August 2004
RPCV is first woman consul general in Saudi Arabia
Oman RPCV Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley is the first woman to serve as U.S. consul general in Saudi Arabia 21 August 2004
Sierra Leone RPCV Elizabeth "Betsy" Eberhardt dies at 88...
Sierra Leone RPCV Elizabeth "Betsy" Eberhardt dies at 88 21 August 2004
Mr Vasquez told the Vice-President that Zambia would receive...
Mr Vasquez told the Vice-President that Zambia would receive the largest amount of money for the fight against HIV/AIDS. "Zambia will be the recipient of multi-billion dollar funds on for HIV/AIDS," he said. 21 August 2004
As a recent college graduate, Rutenber joined the Peace Corps...
As a recent college graduate, Rutenber joined the Peace Corps and served in Upper Volta (Burkina Faso). 22 August 2004
David Carrasco coached American University in Washington, D.C., to the...
David Carrasco coached American University in Washington, D.C., to the NCAA basketball tournament in the early 1960s and served more than two years in Ecuador as leader of the Peace Corps-directed sports programs 22 August 2004
David W. Lloyd says he was surprised how much Guatemala...
David W. Lloyd says he was surprised how much Guatemala is like the Ethiopia of my Peace Corps days 35 years ago 22 August 2004
When Tom Feelings flew into Dakar, Senegal, and needed a...
When Tom Feelings flew into Dakar, Senegal, and needed a place to stay while waiting for the next flight, someone suggested he contact Roosevelt (Bo) Weaver, one of the earliest Peace Corps volunteers 22 August 2004
PCV Carrie Dolive ('03) writes from Turkmenistan...
PCV Carrie Dolive ('03) writes from Turkmenistan 22 August 2004
Bush and U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine Chao claim that new...
Bush and U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine Chao claim that new overtime rules will solidify rights for some 5.4 million American workers whose time-and-a-half privileges may have been in doubt but time and again, the language in the document belies the surface claims. 22 August 2004
Brian Moore suggested that his "social background" as a former...
Brian Moore suggested that his "social background" as a former Peace Corps volunteer who spent five years studying with the Franciscan religious order - make him best qualified to serve in Congress 22 August 2004
RPCV to speak on female genital cutting
RPCV Molly Melching to speak on female genital cutting in Senegal 22 August 2004
RPCV says One Billion Dollars needed to Fight Fat
Bolivia RPCV Sky Davies says : One Billion Dollars needed to Fight Fat 23 August 2004
China RPCV James Beck is new faculty member at Hartnell...
China RPCV James Beck is new faculty member at Hartnell College 23 August 2004
Ecuador RPCV is Artist-In-Residence
An Atascadero State Hospital Artist-In-Residence, Janine Kirkpatrick discovered fiber nearly 40 years ago while working for the Peace Corps in Ecuador. She helped a women's cooperative in the Andes Mountains make shopping bags out of straw 23 August 2004
Shays says too much Intelligence classification
"We have too much overclassificaiton; it's an outrage," Subcommittee Chairman. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., told Government Executive. "I will get classified briefings that are silly. They tell me nothing I don't already know, but then they prevent me from discussing what I already know." 23 August 2004
Shays wants 911 commission to continue
Chris Shays, R-Conn., would allocate $15 million over the next five years to allow the panel to continue to monitor the progress of its recommendations 23 August 2004
Defeated RPCV considers return to Africa
Shaun McNally has told some people he is considering a return to Africa, where he worked as a Peace Corps volunteer for two years 23 August 2004
RPCV invents cheap design for potable water
Fred Stottlemyer's experience with creating regional water and sewer systems like those in Putnam County, and the time he spent in Pakistan and Bangladesh in the Peace Corps helped him come up with a simple, cheap design for potable water 23 August 2004
President Peter McPherson could opt to stick with the university...
President Peter McPherson could opt to stick with the university after he leaves office at the end of this year 23 August 2004
Taft's low standing limits ability to help Bush
The low standing of Tanzania RPCV Bob Taft as Ohio Governor limits his ability to serve as a political surrogate for President Bush. Taft has seen his approval rating dip because of the state's lagging economy and a sales tax increase he approved 23 August 2004
Taft's low standing limits ability to help Bush
The low standing of Ohio Gov. Bob Taft limits his ability to serve as a political surrogate for President Bush. Taft has seen his approval rating dip because of the state's lagging economy and a sales tax increase he approved 23 August 2004
Brian Courts and his wife, Mickey Chapman, will spend 24...
Brian Courts and his wife, Mickey Chapman, will spend 24 months in the African country of Togo in what will be his third stint in the service 23 August 2004
GOP complains of Doyle's anti-Bush statements
GOP complains about Doyle administration's anti-Bush statements 23 August 2004
A former Los Angeles social studies teacher and Peace Corps...
A former Los Angeles social studies teacher and Peace Corps volunteer who most recently was a director of a Sylvan Learning Center in Clinton, N.J., Liza Robinson takes the helm after a tumultuous first year 23 August 2004
Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., the senior Democrat on the...
Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., the senior Democrat on the intelligence committee, accused his GOP counterpart, Chairman Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., of "squander(ing) the momentum we achieved last month" when the panel released a unanimous, bipartisan report on Iraq pre-war intelligence. 23 August 2004
RPCV holds 7-vote lead in Colorado Primary
El Salvador RPCV John Kefalas holds seven-vote lead in Colorado Democratic Primary 24 August 2004
Carl Pope on Levels of Mercury Pollution
Statement of Carl Pope, Sierra Club's Executive Director on Increasing Levels of Mercury Pollution 24 August 2004
PC/Jamaica to swear in 57 new volunteers...
PC/Jamaica to swear in 57 new volunteers 24 August 2004
RPCV discusses Al Jazeera and public media
Kazakhstan RPCV Kevin Marousek says he was watching C Span and the Washington Bureau Chief of Al Jazeera, Hafez Al-Mirazi, was speaking to a committee on public diplomacy and the media 24 August 2004
Tom Petri charges Edwards wrong on overtime
US Representative Tom Petri said " As John Edwards travels through Wisconsin today, people may hear the false charge that their overtime is at risk," Petri said. "The truth is that President Bush is absolutely committed to putting more money in the pockets of working people - both through good pay and less taxation." 24 August 2004
Malkin accuses Chris Matthews of Ambush Journalism
Michelle Malkin accuses Chris Matthews of Ambush Journalism 24 August 2004
Ken Hill to lead National Peace Corps Association
Ken Hill to lead National Peace Corps Association 24 August 2004
I used to say the difference between a candidate who...
"I used to say the difference between a candidate who uses the Internet very well and one who doesn't use it at all would be 3 to 5 percentage points. It's probably twice that now." 24 August 2004
A decade ago, the Curtisses returned to Kent after nearly...
A decade ago, the Curtisses returned to Kent after nearly two decades during which they served in the Peace Corps and taught abroad. Denis removed 35 gallons of bat guano from the barn upon his return. Now he cleans the guano out yearly 24 August 2004
PC hosts Kids for Peace Camp
Peace Corps Hosts Kids for Peace Camp 24 August 2004
James Mayers travels to Bulgaria on a Peace Corps mission...
James Mayers travels to Bulgaria on a Peace Corps mission 25 August 2004
RPCV Jason Mosley successfully designed and taught daily, weekly, and...
RPCV Jason Mosley successfully designed and taught daily, weekly, and yearly ESL lesson plans for 135 Ethiopian grade 10 students 25 August 2004
Guyana RPCV Mervyn L. Alphonso named financial officer at Central...
Guyana RPCV Mervyn L. Alphonso named financial officer at Central State University 25 August 2004
Palua RPCV Robert McNamara Joins Career Education as Senior Vice...
Palua RPCV Robert McNamara Joins Career Education as Senior Vice President of Compliance 25 August 2004
Ron Ecker spent two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer...
Ron Ecker spent two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer (1964-1966), living and working in the Arequipa area 25 August 2004
Peace Corps Volunteers help in Kids Art Program in Saint...
Peace Corps Volunteers help in Kids Art Program in Saint Lucia 25 August 2004
Chris Matthews, over at MSNBC, must have been off his...
Chris Matthews, over at MSNBC, must have been off his medication when he took on conservative author Michelle Malkin a few days back on Hardball. If there's a point where this campaign made a turn, favoring George W. Bush, we saw it happen when Matthews verbally slashed Malkin. Made you think of that shower scene in ''Psycho,'' except that Matthews uses his tongue for a blade. 25 August 2004
Ethan Zuckerman founded Geekcorps, a sort of Peace Corps for...
Ethan Zuckerman founded Geekcorps, a sort of Peace Corps for geeks 25 August 2004
There are almost a million experts from the more developed...
There are almost a million experts from the more developed Third World nations - including India, Brazil and South Africa - currently seconded to poorer countries through bilateral arrangements. The number of such experts far exceeds that of the US Peace Corps, which the late John F. Kennedy created over 40 years ago to dispatch young Americans to poor countries and help in their economic development 25 August 2004
Alisa Woofter to join the Peace Corps and move to...
Alisa Woofter to join the Peace Corps and move to Bolivia 26 August 2004
PCVs introduced softball in Botswana
In 1963, American Peace Corps volunteers introduced softball in Botswana 26 August 2004
In her fourth week as Northwestern Connecticut Comm-unity College's...
In her fourth week as Northwestern Connecticut Comm-unity College's new president, Barbara Douglass (Zaire 1973-74) has already met with many local officials, and she is ready to continue the college's growth in the community 26 August 2004
RPCV calls for action in Sudan, Congo, and Afghanistan
Congo Kinshasa RPCV Michael O'Hanlon says in Sudan, Congo and Afghanistan, the imperative for urgent action is clear 26 August 2004
Peace Corps Volunteer Colleen Birner's idea was to collect used...
Peace Corps Volunteer Colleen Birner's idea was to collect used baseball equipment and distribute it to the impoverished kids in the Dominican Republic, where baseball is such a passion and serves as a healthy diversion from the seedier side of life 26 August 2004
Jim Glendinning is living in Kazakhstan and teaching English and...
Jim Glendinning is living in Kazakhstan and teaching English and business skills as a Peace Corps volunteer 26 August 2004
Malaysia and Ecuador RPCV Julia Haskins Wheeler dies at 90...
Malaysia and Ecuador RPCV Julia Haskins Wheeler dies at 90 26 August 2004
The Ives Quartet will open its 2004-2005 concert season with...
The Ives Quartet will open its 2004-2005 concert season with its Fall Series of programs featuring, "An Andean Walkabout", written in 2001 by one of the Bay Area's rising composers, Gabriela Lena Frank, daughter of a Peace Corps volunteer 26 August 2004
Bonjou! This website is a record of my 2 year...
Bonjou! This website is a record of my 2 year terms as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in Saint Lucia, West Indies. 26 August 2004
David Magnani rallies RPCVs behind Kerry
Sierra Leone RPCV David Magnani rallies former volunteers behind Kerry Campaign 26 August 2004
Bellamy warns about Water Crisis
"Around the world, millions of children are being born into a silent emergency of simple needs," said UNICEF Executive Director Carol Bellamy. "We have to act now to close this (health) gap or the death toll will certainly rise," she added. 26 August 2004
Schneider says Afghanistan not getting enough help
Former Peace Corps Director Mark Schneider -now a top official of the International Crisis Group says Afghanistan is not getting enough assistance 26 August 2004
Schwarzenegger launches California Service Corps
Schwarzenegger, Shriver to launch Service Corps in California 26 August 2004
California Service Corps features "Sarge the Bear"
Maria Shriver launches California Service Corps Web Site featuring a logo of a cartoon bear, dumbbell in hand, nicknamed "Sarge the Bear" - a tribute to Shriver's father 26 August 2004
Marie Wheat appointed deputy chief of staff for Peace Corps...
Marie Wheat appointed deputy chief of staff for Peace Corps 26 August 2004
Peace Corps Director applauds volunteerism while in Botswana...
Peace Corps Director applauds volunteerism while in Botswana 27 August 2004
Rachel Elizabeth Howard joins Peace Corps, goes to Ecuador...
Rachel Elizabeth Howard joins Peace Corps, goes to Ecuador 27 August 2004
PCV in Fiji Re-Entry Group 1
Janessa Stream is one of only a handful (twenty-five or so) Peace Corps Volunteers in Fiji Re-Entry Group 1 27 August 2004
Volunteers begin service in Ghana...
Volunteers begin service in Ghana 27 August 2004
RPCV creates sustainable vineyard
Guatemala RPCV Ames Morison creates sustainable vineyard 27 August 2004
Jenna Covucci in Kyrgyzstan...
Jenna Covucci in Kyrgyzstan 27 August 2004
Erika Hunsicker in Kyrgyzstan...
Erika Hunsicker in Kyrgyzstan 27 August 2004
Sharks not flocking to 'Open Water...
Sharks not flocking to 'Open Water' 27 August 2004
Peace Corps Director Visits Volunteers in Zambia...
Peace Corps Director Visits Volunteers in Zambia 27 August 2004
Kerry encourages Peace Corps service
Kerry would like to get young people involved in service to their country, in various ways, including the Peace Corps when the stability and security of foreign soil again presents the opportunity 27 August 2004
IRA Ruskin got a graduate degree from Stanford University in...
IRA Ruskin got a graduate degree from Stanford University in the field and began making marketing videos for companies and documentaries about the work of Peace Corps volunteers around the world 27 August 2004
Carol Bellamy, Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund...
Carol Bellamy, Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), will tour projects which the Government of China and her agency have put in place to address the most severe problems facing Chinese children and women 27 August 2004
There are thousands of people around the world who, when...
There are thousands of people around the world who, when the United States is being reviled, will say: "They're not all like that. If not for the Peace Corps, our village wouldn't have water." 27 August 2004
Moyers to speak at LBJ memorial
Journalist and broadcaster Bill Moyers will speak at the 31st annual wreath laying and birthday commemoration honoring President Lyndon B. Johnson 27 August 2004
Peace Corps volunteer Elena Foshay showed Director Gaddi Vasquez the...
Peace Corps volunteer Elena Foshay showed Director Gaddi Vasquez the urban youth development project she started in Paraguay 28 August 2004
Regina Ingle was born and raised in Honduras and moved...
Regina Ingle was born and raised in Honduras and moved to the United States after marrying Paul Ingle, a Peace Corps volunteer 28 August 2004
Philippines RPCV J. Evan Hendrix of Fayetteville was recently appointed...
Philippines RPCV J. Evan Hendrix of Fayetteville was recently appointed development officer of the Arkansas Sheriffs' Youth Ranch for Northwest Arkansas 28 August 2004
What to do if you are Medically Deferred: A Step...
What to do if you are Medically Deferred: A Step-by-Step Guide 29 August 2004
Ray Charles himself insisted that director Taylor Hackford tell the...
Ray Charles himself insisted that director Taylor Hackford tell the truth, no matter how downbeat - the heroin addiction, cold-hearted business dealings and rampant womanizing that compromised his marriage - as well as celebrate the more up-tempo memories. 29 August 2004
News from Caleb Varner from Ecuador...
News from Caleb Varner from Ecuador 29 August 2004
Katie Jens was Peace Corps Volunteer in Haiti...
Katie Jens was Peace Corps Volunteer in Haiti 29 August 2004
Kazakhstan RPCV Emily Dewhirst opens Nomad Gallery...
Kazakhstan RPCV Emily Dewhirst opens Nomad Gallery 29 August 2004
Oman RPCV is consul general in Jeddah
With no end in sight to the war in Iraq, Oman RPCV Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, who serves as the U.S. consul general in Jeddah, knows this will be a long, challenging year. Her mandate, to promote the U.S. government's diplomatic interests within the region, will be made even more difficult by the absence of her family 29 August 2004
Swaziland RPCV Stephanie J. Stauffer weds...
Swaziland RPCV Stephanie J. Stauffer weds 29 August 2004
Turkey RPCV Gail Boreman Bird is Emeritus Professor of Law...
Turkey RPCV Gail Boreman Bird is Emeritus Professor of Law at Hastings College of Law 29 August 2004
40th Anniversary of "War on Poverty"
This month we mark the 40th anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson's signing the Economic Opportunity Act, or the "War on Poverty": Head Start, VISTA, the Job Corps, Foster Grandparents, Upward Bound, community health centers, legal services for the poor, and the often (and unfairly) maligned community action program -- all still exist today, and all are still doing important work that helps to prevent and reduce poverty 29 August 2004
Elaine Chao: Livin' the American Dream...
Elaine Chao: Livin' the American Dream 29 August 2004
Bridgeland says Bush wants highly relevant info
Former USA Freedom Corps Head John Bridgeland says President Bush "wants only the highly relevant information he needs to make an informed judgment." 29 August 2004
RPCV Congressman Chris Shays in Tough Fight
Campaign Finance Reformer Chris Shays in Tough Fight 30 August 2004
Bellamy in Tibet to see children
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Executive Director Carol Bellamy is in Tibet to get a first hand look at the situation of youngsters in western China 30 August 2004
Edward Reed acknowledged that there were much more voices here...
Edward Reed acknowledged that there were much more voices here criticizing U.S. policies than when he was first here 30 years ago as a Peace Corps volunteer, working with farmers in Pyeongtaek and teaching English at Konkuk University 30 August 2004
Remarks by The Honorable Bob Taft (OH) as Prepared for...
Remarks by The Honorable Bob Taft (OH) as Prepared for Delivery at the 2004 Republican National Convention 30 August 2004
Everybody should travel abroad and see how the other half...
Everybody should travel abroad and see how the other half lives 30 August 2004
Timothy Shriver writes about US Olympics
Everyone's Olympics By Timothy Shriver 30 August 2004
Vasquez at "Gran Fiesta Hispana Salsa Party"
Gaddi Vasquez to attend "Gran Fiesta Hispana Salsa Party" to be held Tuesday, Aug. 31 in New York City during the Republican National Convention 30 August 2004
McCain says to expand Peace Corps
Senator McCain says "I think we should expand the Peace Corps" 30 August 2004
Ex-Counterterrorism Chief Richard Clarke Cites Rise in Attacks since...
Ex-Counterterrorism Chief Richard Clarke Cites Rise in Attacks since 9/11 30 August 2004
The Chief of Yorogo, has commended Judith Lees, an American...
The Chief of Yorogo, has commended Judith Lees, an American Peace Corps Volunteer, for raising funds in the US, to re-roof the local primary school 31 August 2004
THE United States Agency for International Development will next year...
THE United States Agency for International Development will next year provide approximately $1.5 million to a community self-help programme, which it offers in collaboration with United States Peace Corps/Jamaica 31 August 2004
Peace Corps Join HIV Fight in Namibia...
Peace Corps Join HIV Fight in Namibia 31 August 2004
Taft addresses Republic Convention
Taft doesn't quite make it to prime time - Governor addresses a mostly empty Madison Square Garden at 1:50 p.m. 31 August 2004
Schwarzenegger praises Peace Corps at Convention
Governor Schwarzenegger praises Peace Corps before Republican Convention 31 August 2004
Complete Transcript of Governor Schwarzenegger's Speech...
Complete Transcript of Governor Schwarzenegger's Speech 31 August 2004
Erik Hotmire is communications director for the USA Freedom Corps...
Erik Hotmire is communications director for the USA Freedom Corps 31 August 2004